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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. G"Day & welcome look forward to seeing some pictures
  2. What about HMVF flags??? OK slightly off topic :blush: but was thinking abut that lately
  3. that's a great looking vehicle, never seen one before
  4. fesm_ndt


    Being a Kiwi, could be one of 2 definitions http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/GBH
  5. Looking good [ATTACH=CONFIG]85069[/ATTACH] I really like the look of these trucks
  6. fesm_ndt


    Have a good one, everybody[ATTACH=CONFIG]85067[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85066[/ATTACH] Have to have some armour [ATTACH=CONFIG]85064[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85065[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]85068[/ATTACH] Finally some historical stuff. I quite like Adolph's Xmas card http://drx.typepad.com/psychotherapyblog/2007/12/photos-of-the-1.html
  7. fesm_ndt

    Big ray

    Very sad news. Ray's thread was always worth a read and his updates with witty banter will be missed by a lot of people. My deepest condolences to friends and family
  8. fesm_ndt

    Big ray

    Ditto, I hope Ray you are back on the HMVF soon
  9. you can actually get left handed spring washers...........I thought someone was taking the P at the time
  10. very nice....... I have a Ural in a few 1000 pieces
  11. When I saw this video I thought about all the jokes we would play on the new guys especially when sending them to the store to ask for: - A long weight or short weight (depending upon your mood) - A box of sparks - A left handed screwdriver - A pedder file - A tin of striped paint
  12. The other item I find interesting is that x-ray tubes, even todays metal ceramic types are extremely fragile. During the war years they would have been glass. So the storage system must be quite rugged in these trucks. Also over 90% of energy produced by an x-ray set is heat. Older medical types had rotating anodes to dissipate heat and increase the duty cycle but my guess is these trucks are prior to that idea. My guess with the fluorescent screens they may have placed the film between them as the earlier comment mentions a development process. It would be interesting to see the internal layout.
  13. I never noticed that ... thought I saw a Tiger in the background when the Cromwell was moving inside?
  14. Another interesting French website.... Mixture of new and old and some interesting items in the background on some videos https://plus.google.com/117224260261343437775/posts
  15. During the lull I have been picking up some more parts that I could not resist buying. Should be back in the UK on the 12th of Jan, but is an office trip :yawn: I got sent an old photo of mine, when it looked pretty, so thought I'd post up a few I'd found Interesting how the speedo has gone backwards on the km's travelled Back when the correct heater was fitted and firewall was not butchered
  16. [ATTACH=CONFIG]84721[/ATTACH] & welcome Where you based?
  17. Welcome and G'Day An interesting subject. Any idea what the kv and exposure times were back in the day? This is pre Hiroshima and Nagasaki so still in the days when radiation was barely understood and shoe shops had devices to xray your feet in the shoes as a gimic.
  18. I was on a US base over in Yokohama a few years back and they had Christmas decorations, like Santa flying an F16, Santa driving a tank, Santa with a machine gun........ Never saw any last time I was there, they were not cheap but I always kick myself for not buying a few
  19. Welcome, [ATTACH=CONFIG]84622[/ATTACH] and dobra
  20. Another oddity about the Perentie's is the 6x6 cab is wider than a normal Land Rover cab. When first introduced there was a lot of roll overs which I personally feel was because drivers drove them like a series, but the same amount of revs equated to quite a different velocity. Roll over protection system was rushed into service.
  21. I believe this one is an Aussie one with NSW plates
  22. Great engine in them, runs like a tractor but for a damn long time. I remember when we first crossed fro series to Perentie, but never saw a hi-top one, what's their story ex-Nor Force?
  23. weird, I was just about to ask, how it was going....... if not in a mad hurry, you can take your time and accumulate pieces as you find them
  24. Definitely a lot of cleaning for you to do.... but a nice truck
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