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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Mark You're not in this photo are you?
  2. No, Monty was only born in Sept last year, so 2008 was his first W&P trip. He enjoyed it very much.
  3. If you drive onto Junction 12 of the M4, there is a pillbox for a 2 pounder gun just to the east side of the road in a field. Also there are 2 command bunkers about a mile to the north of this, but they cannot be seen from the M4. These are only a short distance from Rex Ward's establishment.
  4. Page 42 is the best page - even has a photo of 'Monty' my dog in my Ford WOA2, oh and you can also see my Wife in the picture.
  5. I had a similar incident once at work. One of my staff collected up the collecting tins ready to send them off to the RBL. A day later, some were discovered opened and the money missing. The tins were in a locked tape library, with only a few people having access. We had an idea who it was but couldn't prove it. A few years later, the suspect died of a drugs overdose.
  6. I did contact my Conservative MP, Rob Wilson, earlier this year and he assured me that this type of thing wouldn't happen, and the Police would use common sense. Seems he was wrong. Sorry for verging into Politics, but I think this type of thing will have an affect on our hobby and the re-enactment fraternity if ignored.
  7. I can remember climbing over a rusty WW1 tank that was left at the back of the Tank Museum - no sponsons fitted, so total access to it. Must have been early 1960s.
  8. This picture is in Colour in the Britain at War magazine no 18, page 64.
  9. I wish the UK would go to European time - more lighter evenings. I know it's darker in the mornings, but I think the lighter evenings are worth it - more chance to play with my MV. I remember one year the UK stayed at BST for a Winter. Could we do this again or am I veering into Politics?
  10. Last week I was on a boat going to Spain. We had to put the clocks forward 1 hour as Spain was on European time and UK was on BST. 2 days later, we went to Guernsey and they had just gone from BST to GMT so we had to go back 2 hours. Think I am getting used to it now......
  11. YES, I do. I went to a display of the plans for J11 of the M4 (I live less than a mile from there) and I asked about the Pillboxes in the area. There is a large Pillbox visable from the A33 about a 1/2 mile south of J11 and this has barriers around it to protect it - it is also very overgrown. The other Pillbox, a small structure a few hundred yards from the M4, will be left alone, but after the work is complete, it will be used as a Bat sanctuary. There are No plans to demolish either of the Pillboxes, I was told.
  12. Regret I cannot get there due to going on a holiday the Wife planned. Anyone know when the next one is?
  13. Just a suggestion, but how about a town where the Military is well known? I am thinking of Aldershot or Weymouth. Weymouth does allow the Sherman in the Veterans Parade.
  14. Did anyone else see 'Antiques Roadshow' on BBC TV tonight (19 Oct 2008)? There were 4 wartime model trucks, salvaged from Longbridge shown. 2 of them were Austin K6, a GS truck and what looked like a Radio body, an Austin NFS Fire tender but what looked the best was an Austin K5 Portee - all models built to profressional high standards. Try BBCi player and the programme should be on there for a week.
  15. woa2

    Lucky find

    YA8196 is a part number for a wartime/early postwar Radio piece. Could be the part number for the plate. Try the WS 19 group on http://www.royalsignals.org.uk/index.html
  16. My Ford WOA2 has plywood for the tool box cover and some small bits of flooring, but the main rear floor is beech.
  17. Jack I go to a Classic Car show every year at Easter (Good Friday) in Woodley Shopping centre near Reading, so they should be approachable if it doesn't conflict with trading (money matters). It actually comes under Wokingham district jurisdiction, not Reading. Could be an opertunity here? Robert Davey
  18. woa2

    Reference your 20cwt trailer enquiry, the other trailer in the photo of 2 trailers is MUCH more interesting. It is a late wartime Trailer 1 ton 2 wheel GS No 5 Mk 1. It should have 9.00 x 13 tyres. Is the other trailer in England?

    Robert Davey

  19. If it's any help, on my Wartime Ford vehicles, they used Beech for the wooden bits.
  20. The trailer behind it looks more interesting. I think I may know what type. Can you tell me the tyre size it has, please?
  21. Just a reminder about this talk, given by the Aldershot Militaria Society. Andy Robertshaw will be talking about his latest TV programme "Digging the Trenches". It will be on Thursday evening October 30th at the Galpin Hall, Windsor Way, Aldershot (next to the Church). Doors open at 7:00 and the meeting starts at 7:30. No charge, but a donation of £1 in the tin on the table would be appreciated. Hope to see you there.
  22. Question - Who won the first retroactive Victoria Cross in 1857 during the Battle of Bomarsund when he threw a live Russian artillery shell overboard by hand before it exploded?
  23. And a Lewis gun (without magazine).
  24. My guess is that it is Fire Service. If you look at AFS uniforms, they are wearing Grey helmets. I did have a helmet once that was Grey with a London Fire brigade badge on it. Black were usually Fire Wardens or Police.
  25. When I was Editor of 'Windscreen', I read a story in the Daily Telegraph about a lake that was being drained for building work near Windsor, and they found an Armoured Jeep and stacks of ammunition. The article gave the Police Officer concerned. I contacted him, wanting a story for 'Windscreen', but the truth was that all they found was a handful of bullets some GI had thrown away during an exercise in WW2. The Jeep story had come from a local who only thought it was there.
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