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john fox

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Everything posted by john fox

  1. thanks guys actually I've been adjusting the brakes for years using the jack up one side method, but as I had to do the job on someone else's vehicle the other day, I thought I would re acquaint myself with the manual only to discover I'd been doing it wrong all this time :coffee: I was just wondering if by not following the "approved" method I'd actually done something badly wrong or whether it was simply a matter of different approaches to the same issue. As opinion does not suggest a good, mechanically advantageous, explanation for the book method, I do not propose to strip hubs etc and will continue with the jack up method and doing it by feel thanks again all
  2. ooooooooooooooh exciting :drive: what's its number?????????
  3. So lots of Ferret owners on the board all busy claiming MOT exemption :shocked: but no one knows how to adjust the brakes - apart from Vince (and he's good but not an owner!)
  4. well he's now got it up on eBay using Clive's details, sadly the p+p cost from France makes it a bit pricey, but sdtill a lot cheaper than the bloke selling the switchboard only +p+p from Cyprus
  5. (not implying you personally of course) if she had any sense when on her own she should move well away from you and await uniformed emergency services. Attacks happen on the HS just as easily as anywhere else
  6. In the learned book :bow: it says to jack up wheel, drain hub, remove hub cap and annulus before adjusting brakes on Ferret - Instead I assume that, if both wheels on a side are lifted off the ground, then the effect is the same, ie the wheel being adjusted can be rotated, albeit that in this latter case the other wheel will turn as well. however, is there some other special reason why you have to do it per the book, eg. is there less transmission drag meaning it's more accurate to adjust the brakes the book way working only on a single wheel and without the extra drag of the second wheel turning as well?
  7. Your memory is fine! They both went to Duxford. One become the runner I referred to earlier (and have driven ) the other was "done up" by the Duxford friends and exchanged with Russia for an IS 2. IMHO there was rather an embarrasing difference in quality between the two, perhaps explaining why not much further action on the exchange programme. The IS2 even had all its guns live when it came over!
  8. having worked with the one at Duxford are you sure you really want it? Agreed it would be stunning on the show circuit and its my personal favourite tank but the practicalities of owning one are astronomical
  9. Whilst I fully support the sentiments about D Day and the film industry - get real! Have you ever known a worker to choose between a lower paid job and a higher paid job. Ooops the P word , shutting up now :-X
  10. Hi from another MV nut in Surrey
  11. :stop: I took the photo but its not me in the picture :idea: do the trigonometry to work out the position of the camera and the length of arms and legs need ed to be in that place if you don't belive me, only tootall could possibly get that angle with a foot in that position :coffee:
  12. thanks again guys one further thought, is there a way to manually turn the flywheel over to expose the filler plug without having to use trial and error by flicking the starter (rather not ruin my batteries and I don't have a starting handle - I assume Ferret does not fit) got my Beaulieu acknowledgement today so the pressure is on to master this beast
  13. purchased by a friend from the recent Beaulieu boat jumble and described as being from an MTB :nono: the pennant is typical flag quality material and is "old", could it be an air sea rescue launch item? Designed to clip to safety rail wires?? the bottom fitting is pivoted and rotates thru 90 degrees
  14. cheers Guys :iloveyou: I suspect driver error :cry: has come back to haunt me :sweat:as i do tend to stay in high gears too long (a petrol saving habit carried over from my car driving technique) The book does suggest fywheel slippage starts from 5th and works down but I thought I'd check with the experts first re coolant not too worried about this as fairly sure it's just normal expansion but I'm not sure (through gross ignorance) where it's venting to yet! as for engine sound on gear change the screams it gives out above 3.5k revs are scary (I am NOT a boy racer and don't go there in my car) but it's not a car and i suspect I do need to rev harder before changing. Assuming i don't totally trash it before grasshopper's next session of TLC I might just have mastered it by next season
  15. :thanx:was doing 25 -30 mph when going up. Revs possibly at bit low at around 3K will post back after the weekend when had look at fluid levels. I'm getting rather good at stripping out Fox innards now to get to that :argh: gearbox
  16. Mike are you only interested in project vehicles or are you happy to pay more for second hands ones? There are 2 on the club website at the moment: http://www.101club.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=10
  17. both of the 2 big ebay manual sellers do disc versions They have simply scanned hardcopy versions which already have their "watermark" printed on the page in an effort to identify if their version is then bootlegged. Of course the other interesting thing about bootlegging manuals is how can you take action against someone for bootlegging something which you do not have the copyright on in the first place. Not aware that MOD has ever given up copyright to the PW manuals, so the sellers themselves are presumably just as much at risk, also leaving aside the whole issue of the statute of limitations on the "restricted" classification status of the documents which categorically forbids copying them without permission
  18. Can anyone help with diagnosis of a Fox symptom which is possibly: a) driver error (poor gear change technique):cry:; or b) fluid flywheel ; or c) gearbox band adjustment (not again!!):argh: when changing up from 4th to 5th last weekend initial engagement was then followed by a subsequent noticeable late surge in power as though either the bands initially slipped before fully engaging or there was slippage from the flywheel in only one gear ? please note that: a) I have not checked the fluid level in the flywheel (will do so this weekend) b) I have been experiencing pooling of a clean fluid under the drivers seat for some months now which I initially thought was just rainwater finding its own level in the hull but it does seem homogenously oily/yellowish rather than assorted hull crud floating on water. It can't be gearbox or bevel box leakage/breathing as that would be black oil? c)The rad needs topping up after each run but the fluid is not blue (my AF is) and, although very thin, the leaked fluid does feel oily. d) the brake header tank needed total topping up (remember its OM13 on a Fox not brake fluid) but this was probably a weep from a flare joint which I fixed before the last drive and has not needed top up since
  19. :coffee: Trucks and Troops 'ere we come
  20. join the ferret heaven yahoo fourm group (it is primarly full of Americans and is rather biased towards their views on life) and contact Ian Wallace as he has done this but his narrative description is hard to follow and I did not keep his diagrams which were easier to follow http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ferret-heaven/
  21. :rofl: London may not be as big as some of your states, but it is rather densely occupied. There are scrapyards all over the place, do you want London inner (very few), outer (some) or within the M25 and to the N, S, E, or W of inner/outer London ? Sorry but I like being a pedant :cool2:
  22. we were given some of those jackets years ago at Duxford. They leaked from the word go, especially the overtrousers and if you have ever driven a Ferret in the rain you'll know exactly where the drip lands and why I paid good money for replacements that worked As they are fairly standard pre goretex "waterproofs" you can re-proof them easily using the fabric waterproofer stuff sold in camping shops eg: Nikwax TX.Direct Spray On but its is expensive (around £15 per bottle) and given the price of surplus Goretex stuff at shows these days hardly worth bothering ? I got an RAF (blue/grey version) goretex jacket (with detachable liner) at the Dunsfold show last year for £10. It's just as waterproof as my mountaineering jacket that cost me £450 (although the latter is rather better at other things)
  23. got to give good'ole Herman :trustme: the credit for linking it to a real story though, first time I've ever seen the scam backed up by a hint real money actually existed I just hope Darren D Braswell is not real as well, in that case RIP EDIT - just looked at google. This is sick, he was real and died as stated, I hope Herman :argh: goes the way of his WW2 namesake
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