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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. whoever won that recovery manual could make good money copying and binding it, was going to bid but broke the piggy bank before it had been running too long. R
  2. Tony, how does reverse work? Not over used I hope? R
  3. One day late but Santa brought me HMVF We have not seen it for nearly a week, I was climbing the walls. R
  4. Dear All, as we have not seen HMVF for nearly a week sorry about the lack of responses. The only thing that troubles me is the front light unit which looks more like the Stallion style than the Stormer we have. Thanks for the pre disqualification Timbo, but really you should have included Sirhc in that as well! R
  5. Dear All, thanks for the advice, I have the same post on MLU forum. Weather is mild ish here right now with forecast of only minus 3 degrees c for the day planned. Will post results as they are achieved. R
  6. On Wednesday past I managed to squeek in another night with Gerry in the shop. We were going after the " mystical" fluid flywheel. It was only after splitting the components I know understand why it is called what it is and not a torque converter as they are different. The process was quite simple if not a bit messy. Really when all is considered I think for the work Ferret that we have to do the same job on it will be pack out as it looks so much easier doing outside the vehicle. Parts are off for inspection and show and tell on Monday. R
  7. Did some work a week ago digging out the debris from the hull. Nothing very exciting found inside as you can judge from this picture. R
  8. Radiator that was sent out has been declared in need of a rebuild at an exorbitant fee, so I sent the second rad in from the other vehicle. That has some issues with the the machine screws holding in the over flow cap unit so it is as yet not pressure tested. R
  9. Ladies & Gents, I have been "voluntold" by management to give up a day of my Christmas vacation to go recover this carrier. Trouble is that now it is winter, it is getting colder and we are getting frost into the ground. It is a "move it now" project that would have been simple a month or so ago. My plan is to take truck and float trailer to effect road transport. That is not an issue.My concern lies with the track. I'm thinking that it is going to be frozen into the ground. My plan relies on splitting the track, anywhere I can, and having the hull raised at the ends to "pop" it out of the ground one road wheel at a time using a tiger torch (giant bunsen burner) and a few bbq tanks as fuel. Once that is done place blocking under the road wheels and let it back to the ground. Then draw it onto a tilt n load and then cross deck to our trailer.Then using the tiger torch and the winch on the tilt n load put pressure on the far end of the track and release it using the tiger torch one link at a time. Thoughts??? R
  10. We too have a Canadian version of the same albeit a bit older. The trick with the hitch height is to scotch the wheels both sides front and rear and use a hi lift style jack to raise the tongue so you can stow the landing wheel and then lower the tongue onto your hitch. Thats what we do. Technically because they are fitted with air brakes in this province I could get pinched by the ministry of transport if I was caught towing without the air brakes connected. I would yank the hoses to avoid that being seen. Take some extra chain and fasteners as the military safety chains are not long enough in my experience. You could use cribbing and a bottle jack. R
  11. Welcome to the forum, from a former inhabitant of St Davids, Pembs. R
  12. Apparently there are only a few CVRT links for me to view on thursday, rest is all 432 track. R
  13. You have me in stitches, I thought only those of us involved in farming knew the joke about "how do you make a small fortune?" A:- "start with a large fortune". R
  14. Loved all the vehicles, especially the high speed formation demonstration team in Land Rovers and double trailers! R
  15. From memory I think in one of the CVRT books by Ian Allan or the like there is a set by Tim Neate. One will find them used on ebay R
  16. Ladies and Gents, I have had my curiosity piqued by seeing some unconnected photos over the last few days and a couple of conversations. The basic question is how many CVRW Fox vehicles are there kicking around that have not been restored as yet. I know of the following:- B + E Boys had about 3 a couple of years ago One was at Withams I think within the last few months, gawd only knows how many more there are there . . . One is in Canterbury behind a CVRT gun tank Who can add info and or pictures, come on I know some of you have info Robin
  17. Mike, those VDO speedo units are cursed pieces of junk. I hate them, nothing but utter tripe if they are the same as in the BV206. I have replaced several, not an easy job and they keep failing. Same as in our Supacat as well, again keeps failing. R
  18. Would those be Cadillac Gage spark plugs for a V150 or derivative of the same? The red light mounts are interesting. R
  19. Sean, Would you please update your profile so that we can see where in God's world you are located at? Ferrets are a good reliable small piece of armour to own and drive. You have to start with a good base vehicle and improve from there. One of the greatest joys is that unlike tracked armour you can go to local events on your own wheels and not need moving by transport. They are road legal just about anywhere. There is lots of help around for them. Robin
  20. Dear John, Thanks for that input, that was my spidey sense as far as it having a natural curl to it but as I don know everything I thought I would throw it out there to see what you wise men would say. Im guessing I will spend a day humping through the track as best I can. The signs of wear at the sprocket contact point will be a big clue as to why the track was "CAST" in the first place. As surplus track it must have been disposed of for a reason and thats why i'm on high alert as to what I will be looking at before buying it. I have experience of some CVRT track and that is what was guiding me. Many thanks R
  21. Howard, Here is a picture of one of my fuel tanks for you to have a gander at and comment as to how it relates Nice kits mate Regards Robin
  22. Andy, your not understanding what i'm writing! I'm going to see MANY tons of the stuff R
  23. Andy, good info there, as to how those dimensions are measured would be interesting to put against a diagram of a track link. I know what you are saying about links left on a vehicle, but what I'm going to see is links in stillages! R
  24. Can anyone tell me what length an individual link of either of these two types of track should be new vs worn? Is a worn track link physically stretched or is it the bushings that get worn? I have the opportunity to buy some track that is part used and need to gauge what life they have before I commit to a deal. Any help appreciated R
  25. The collection I manage has one of only 10 ever made MK 2A Supacats built for Canada. 24 volt throughout. R
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