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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Shame the owner hasn't come forward, I'm guessing it has gone abroad or been scrapped.Some nice images of it and a Land Rover in Berlin with interesting markings and modifications, worth watchinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9aaqIt4Y_IR
  2. Finally had time to look at this issue last night. Piano boards off, linkage seized at the gearbox end. Took quite a bit of effort to get the pin out of the linkage, had to heat it and get onto the pin with locking pliers. Once removed, some gentle file work and some scotch bright got it all cleaned up. Reinstalled with some oil, moves freely now. Thanks R
  3. That is one the generic sign boards that mounted to a steel stake with lugs that match the board. Used everywhere in the 1980s and likely the decades before and after. Kind of a pressed cardboard material. All the tools of the trade for route signing a vehicle move. Laborious process whacking them in and retrieving afterwards and sorting them out. Got painted over for next usage. R
  4. This has popped up on ebay uk. I think it is actually a track install piece of kit. Can anyone comment as to what it is please? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ex-British-Army-Issue-30ft-40ft-Heavy-Duty-Tow-Rope-Recovery-Ropes-/150723745670?pt=UK_Recovery_Tools&hash=item2317d5d786#ht_1268wt_1177 R
  5. I am thinking that Jack and Joris and Lee should have a meeting and agree to take the HMVF tea fund profits and buy this for use by you heavy wheeled boys and when not in use it cold be on display in the club house bar. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120828659066?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_500wt_1198 R
  6. I have been waiting for a long time to comment on this thread. I hate to be thought of as some know it all ex pat living in the colonies spouting off on here. I was of the belief that the DPM cover was legit but could not back it up. Please watch this link, at a point after minute 4:52 when the poor unfortunate has an impromptu dismount and you will see DPM covers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_qmO8EONJw&feature=related R
  7. I bought one of these for my bardic lamp, maybe it will work? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BARDIC-BATTERY-CONVERSION-KIT-USES-3-X-D-CELL-BATTERIES-/220923632330?pt=UK_Collectables_Railwayana_RL&hash=item3370131aca#ht_2037wt_1036 R
  8. Sorry couldn't get all the pictures in in one go. Here is the final steps. R
  9. So, today, yes, New Years day, I met up with the transmission shop owner and he and I put th fluid flywheel together which he has glass beaded and cleaned to a forensic standard and painted and checked over all the bits I have given him so far. The flywheel proper is yet to come off. We have made a new gasket and punched it for holes and put it all back together with a Permatex product he likes and according to the makers is suitable. Hope you enjoy the photos. R
  10. Land Andy has posted a new video and forgotten to tell the rest of us. He as obviously set a new standard as it is over the 3 minute running time! R
  11. It really depends on who the vehicle is used by. For instance a vehicle marked up as being used by Royal Military Police would have for the most part had the SMG in the vehicle, but once the persons dismounted then the SMG would have been with the soldier as one carries one's weapon with you, basic rule. I don't think a lot of users changed the weapons mounts over just because they carried a different weapon. One just had to find somewhere to stow it. R
  12. Boy oh boy, how you kids in the playpen have just gone at it makes me feel so good for posting this! I could not have hoped for such a reaction! Keep it up R
  13. I have received some "stick" from others on MLU on sending the unit out. I dropped by the shop where it is being sorted yesterday and snapped this picture. In discussion with Tommy the owner of the business, he and I have agreed on the plan of what to do and may well have this and the flywheel sorted this sunday as Im going in to work with Tommy on the pair. So far he has obtained new crush washers for the fill plugs, some new snap rings as they are knackered, a new bearing and seal. The unit has been apart before and the bolts holding the cup in place are toast so they are being replaced at the same time. Tommy, whose business is transmissions was ever so keen to play with this and was interested to see that the vanes are not angled but straight up and down. We have deduced that this was likely because of how they were made from a sand casting process before machining. When I go in on sunday i'm taking the t case gearbox lump in for him to inspect. Also yesterday the rad shop called and they say the second one I sent in is ready to go, good flow, no leaks! Im a happy bunny! Over the holidays we were away and in a junk store I found this Canadian armour plaque for next to no money and thought it would be good for my office at work. R
  14. Doh! should have realised that now shouldnt I! great work R
  15. Could this be a dream job for some of you UK based members of the forum? http://www.mod-sales.com/information/10/Employment_Opportunities.htm R
  16. What is the purpose of the power connection at the fuel change over tap? R
  17. Im amazed at the lack of photos to this thread. If the last gent who posted concerning Hagglunds suspension settings would like to post a thread I will post to it. We have some manuals for the BV206, is that what your working on? R
  18. I have a burning question. Has anyone here actually "rebuilt or reconditioned" one of these gearboxes. The refurbishments that one sees on threads posted around in my humble opinion, consist of an external clean up and repaint and internal fluid change. Can anyone actually tell me that they have delved any further and what they found or any hints on what to look for? R
  19. Dear All 1 Where is the film viewable? 2 Fourfox is that your machine? How come you know so much about it? 3 Bazz were you on site as well? Come on lads, more answers required! R
  20. Reading Lee's post makes me think more and more that you folks in Blighty live in a Police state, being able to track your movements around the country like that. R
  21. Can I chime in here for a minute. It may help people in the future having the same issue if this post had been titled as "Ferret Fuel / Oil Problem" The issue is in searching it may get lost. This forum is after all a resource for advice for your current problem but also for those who in future years have the same issues as you do. R
  22. Any military is not a "goof" free zone, they abound in equal numbers as in civvy street. R
  23. I'm headed into work to get kitted up for tomorrow's recovery gig. After a good number of weeks of extra mild weather, there is now a "weather warning" for the day planned, typical! There is supposed to be snow and below zero temperatures headed in overnight. Never fails does it. Then there will be the return trip loaded on icy slippery roads after I get it dragged out and loaded. Why me oh lord? R
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