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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. While it is sad to see and hear about events such as these the one thing that happens each time is the value of what others own that have escaped the fate of the gas axe goes up. It is after all his kit to do with what he will, and such a shame to hear about parts evaporating into razor blades, but it is all his and he does pay the tax bill. R
  2. I was unexpectedly sent away from home base to Quebec earlier this week. I had planned for pulling the pack last week when the same fate beset me. So you can understand how determined I was to get the work executed and get back for my Wednesday night appointment with my friend and mechanic Gerry Foster who I work with regularly. I arrived back this afternoon after spending an unexpected overnight stay in the boonies. I had about 4 hours to spare before our scheduled time so I scoffed some tea down and cleaned up and grabbed a few hours on the sofa to try and rejuvenate. Rejuvenation did not happen but I kept going regardless! So, we only had a few bits and pieces to undo before we were hooking the pack lifting frame on and raising the pack. We used a chain block and tackle under the loader on the tractor as the finesse possible is infinite and the loader has too much power if anything was to get caught. It was only after getting the pack well clear that we used the loader to raise the pack. As I have done this exercise before for one of the Mk2/3 Ferrets in the collection I manage we had made the lifting frame and the stand that the pack rests on once out. The stand will be modified as we go forward to suit our needs. All will become clear in due time. Talking of time, as Tony Robinson and Phil are busy digging up some part of the UK we will be conducting our own archaeological dig of the debris that is in the hull from under the engine. Sorry about the quality but I just cant seem to remember to use a real camera instead of my cell phone. Robin
  3. Dear Lynx, Thanks for that, you do know that a picture of our Ferret named "CHINA" with a CFR on it will be the best Christmas present you know. R
  4. I'm mistaken, none on either site I suggested, sorry R
  5. In the "latest" issue of CMV that has just landed in here, the one with the Panzer on the cover, there is a report from W & P 2011. It shows a Scorpion that allegedly belongs to John Hinton, i'm thinking that may infact be Jon Penton as I recall him posting pictures of a restoration. It says in the caption that it had gearbox problems. Does anyone know what the problem was? R
  6. The trailer was interesting and a specialised piece of kit that looked as if it was not surplus but going to Ashchurch by what I could tell. It is a water purification unit with some kind of NBC role. R
  7. Well, At the beginning of last week I was tasked to work out of Province and would be away for the whole week. I did manage to have the fuel tank stripped down and taken out for professional cleaning. I hate spending after tax dollars but some things are best done by others. I have also been spending a few dollars on a new socket set in various sizes that came in its own box. Not bad for $150 on sale. Some other items that have appeared are some oil for the fluid flywheel that came as a gift from former Ferret owner Dan Sicotte. Al Duffy has loaned me a carb kit that I have to replace pending arrival of one from the UK. All useful R
  8. look on Withams website, they had had plenty in past tenders. Also look at Caple ATV. R
  9. Having seen many ex BATUS pieces of kit I agree with Ferretkit about their condition. What he doesn't appreciate is that in civvy market place in the early 1970s Land Rover turned off the lights, shut the door and walked away from North America. It was only in the late 80s that they came back into the fold and set up shop again. There are many ex BATUS series trucks around in whole or part form that orginated a BATUS or from Wainright. I was one of a number of lucky winners in a tender sale of ex Wainright series leaf sprung vehicles when the last of them were sold off as the coil sprung fleet was introduced. Even today the utility "Land Rover" or Defender product is not sold into North America. There was a brief period when NAS spec 90 and 110 were sold in limited quantities.The availabilty of coil sprung vehicles is NIL unless imported from overseas. Now, on another note, no one has spotted something in one of the original pictures that would raise a question. R
  10. Very interesting. Can you post where you bought the raw material from with info please? R
  11. Timbo, you spotted one item (now changed0 that I put in to see if people were awake, still one to go. I'm investigating the govt policy changes at this end. R
  12. As reported elsewhere, usually BATUS vehicles returning to the UK travel by train and then ship.This year items are moving by road.Spotted this week on Monday, locally to me were these two Land Rover 90s. They are in the typical "CAST" yard condition that anyone who has ever been to BATUS knows only too well. What is even more interesting is typically these vehicles and other like Bedfords in similar condition have been sold off in Canada.It boggles my mind that a bean counter has determined that these are worth shipping all the way back to the UK to be sold at Withams. I'm sure that they wont fetch anywhere near the costs incurred to get them there.This adds fuel to the fire that the UK MOD has been asked or told not to sell vehicles off in Canada anymore. This news came to light recently on Maple Leaf Up forum in connection to the fate of Canada's MLVW fleet which are being cut up for scrap rather than being released.Robin
  13. welcome along Chris, Glad to see you made it here R
  14. Is your 432 one that was upgraded for Bowman and that is part of the issue you have been dealing with? R
  15. what bemuses me is that the vehicle has sat in the shop doing nothing since last used. Hence my thought on corrosion. I will take the piano cover off and investigate when I get back in a weeks time Thanks R
  16. Welcome Dave, we own an ex RAF Bedford MJ with Atlas crane also. Your attachments dont work, you may want to reload them R
  17. Gents, your replies confirm my suspicions. Sadly at the time we were moving the 436 between locations and had already lost half a day to other distractions so it was a question of move it as is and know that work has to be done to rectify problem. likely something stupid and simple, just the time fairy sucking the life out of my schedule once again. I am off out of province for the coming week so no chance this week. Another back burner issue Will report findings when I get at it. Thanks R
  18. Our 436 wont go down into the lowest gear range. There is resistance and the shifter springs back to the second setting. The problem feels mechanical, like a corroded cable that wont move inside a sheathing. Any thoughts anyone? R
  19. I think your quest is so very interesting and parralels the quest I am on with my Canadian Ferret. Its so intrigueing the hunt for markings and sorting the wheat from the chaff as it were. R
  20. Rob, I tend to agree with you that the install of a heater would be result neutral in the end so Im not going to bother, I was just curious. On the same subject, of heat, I notice that there is a curious bypass hose fitted on mine from just above the water pump to a position forward on the right side back into the head. What is that all about? I am buying the full CF manuals from Brian Asbury, so maybe it will be revealed in there. The CFTO options for the Ferrets seem to have been a pick and choose menu of what can be done rather than what was actually done. I say that based on looking at various CF Ferrets over the years and noting what modifications were or were not done. Thanks for the help Rob. R
  21. Tony, Tony, Tony . . . how terribly non PC of you . . . The Lord Stathconas Regiment is an "anglo" unit the "francophone armour was 8RCH I understand. Typical schoolboy jape there Tony. I will make sure you get voluntold for weekend callout duty for all of 2012, unpaid! Robin
  22. As we take apart C/S 31 we are using what I would call "best practice" in how we label and mark items for reference when they go back together. To that end, when taking the prop shafts off the output shafts we punched the flanges so indicate position. We were talking and saying that while this is all well and good it is only correct if the previous numpty actually installed them correctly in the first place. Is there a "correct" phasing of the shafts and if so how is it determined? As there is very little movement in the angle of the shafts when working we really pondered this question. Over to you folks for comments R
  23. Dear Mr Lynx 22B, The one shown in the stamping picture is the one that is being traded, cone over that for the minute except if you email me. CHINA, well, that is great news on you recognise it, dont suppose you just happen to have any notes pictures or memory as to what the CFR is? What era is your memory from? I love the brush paint look, and makes it easier for me. What are the heaters you talk about? Thank you for the support on what one reads in books! Regards and thank you Robin
  24. The markings shown in this picture are what are common to the square hatch Canadian Ferrets, it is the "regulation" style markings stamped into the flat surface just in front of the right antennae mount. The hull number for this one is a bit confusing in itself. I really must sand it and reveal it better. R
  25. Ok Gents, Let us get this straight, it is a very sore point, and no, I wont take any more flack about it. IT IS A CANADIAN FERRET. Is that clear now? I dont want to fall out with any of you, but please be careful, I do kick off quite easily on this topic. It is the reason why out of the two Ferrets we bought I wanted to keep this one as it is one of the "different" ones. I know another collector who has purposefully bought a Ferret that has overseas service over any other issue such as condition. No, at this time I do not have the CANADIAN forces registration, the name CHINA is one of many in the layers of point that have been revealed so far. How about this, ever seen this alternator mount? R
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