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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Can't remember what this is for, but it gives a general idea of how FV allocations were structured.
  2. Yes, I have a partial list. I'll post it up if I can find it.
  3. If you do a search of FV numbers on NSN discs. It will usually throw up a lot of part numbers apart from the NSN, that include the Army, RAF & RN parts together with the manufacturer's numbers and some surprising commonality with part numbers from manufacturers such as Land Rover, Bedford, JCB, Scammel etc Talking VAOS (or later the DMC for NSNs) commonality means a shared Section in LV6/MT without being followed by a vehicle specific code. But as vehicles go out of service the last vehicle standing assumes a vehicle specific code. eg the fuel filter element for Ferret, Humber, CVRT was in (LV)6/MT12 but after Ferret & Humber went out of service the filter moved out of 6MT/12 as it was now unique to one vehicle type & acquired the DMC of 9CVT (with the NSN unchanged).
  4. No, you only have to look in the FV index in the back of parts books to see a high degree of commonality, particularly with B Series engines. In fact the FV No. is a useful constant when you look in parts books of the 1950s that are VAOS codified & compare the identical item with part books of the 1960s that are predominantly NATO codified.
  5. Iain thank you that is most useful to know. I spent many hours at WPR with a borrowed antenna analyser trying to get my Bowman base to load up on 1/4 wave whips I had calculated for 4m & 6m. I had used a SS disc in the base to house a BNC socket then a wire to the antenna socket base. But it seem the inductance of the spring, although short-circuited by the lead from BNC to antenna socket was giving weird effects. As the base was on a stalk at the side of the rear body of the Wolf, much of this weirdness seemed to be due to the proximity of the rad-haz shielding. So I decided to abandon that location, then bought a couple Clansman bases + matching units. (At £5 each this was a good price at the close of WPR). Now going to utilise a wing to accommodate this base. So I had been wondering whether there was an benefit in the matching unit, so obviously not thanks to your investigation. Incidentally just ordered my own antenna analyser. A bit miffed as it was a "make an offer" so I did, this was considered & accepted overnight. Unfortunately the value of the pound versus the euro dropped overnight & wiped out the saving. But I noticed the offer price no longer included free postage & there was no option to see what this charge would be. So I declined the offer & bought it for the new going rate that included postage. Licking my wounds that I had not bought it last night, I then got hit by an additional £25 because the Paypal exchange rate seems poorer than the rate used by e bay to give an approximate conversion figure in pounds.
  6. I stayed on for the full day on Saturday, not just because I gave an undertaking to do so, but irrespective of the weather I prefer to travel several hundred miles in a MV at the start of Sunday than towards the end of Saturday. But a bonus for this is that many traders drop their prices as the show draws to a close. Bulky & heavy items that traders are none too keen to take home produce the best reductions.
  7. Why all the fuss? It is so easy to take our own. This one lasted for the whole week for one person using it, without needing emptying. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/THETFORD-PORTA-POTTI-365-QUBE-WHITE-PORTABLE-CHEMICAL-CAMPING-TOILET-FAST-DEL-5/131322659362?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Always available day or night without traipsing around to only be inhibited by what you find. Do buy a decent make like Thetford, cheaper ones soon split or fail to flush effectively. Choose a pump flush as that is much more effective than a bellows flush.
  8. Up until recently was owned by Terry Paskins, here it is http://ccmv.aecsouthall.co.uk/p938759029/h148FE596#h148fe596 I remember I found some correspondence in an early edition of Soldier I think it was suggested such a thing was a one-off, but the correspondent stated I think there may been as many as six of these done by various REME units around the place. It included a picture of one smashed in an RTA in Austria. I posted the picture, I'll see if I can retrieve it from Photobucket.
  9. A Humber "Tourer" there was a thread here some years ago.
  10. Prize giving in the arena before the rains came down. Roger Graystone winner of the Dale Prior Memorial Award, Best Humber 1 Ton for originality & servicing. This is not judged just on a shiny exterior, but equally important is the under-chassis state & attention to servicing. So many times I have seen a façade of pretty painting hiding automotive neglect underneath.
  11. 1. There are more showers, that are clean & hot, than there used to be here. But adequate toilets seem to be in short supply for the volume of people wanting to use them, don't seem to match the levels at Folkestone. 2. Don't know the answer to that one. 3. I much prefer it here. Have not had to put up with those helicopter rides, generators or those excessively noisy late night disturbances (so far) My experiences with all staff has been very good. Everyone seems to be polite & helpful. Marshalls are very much in evidence & I have seen them cope with issues with common sense & courtesy. Hope to come again next year.
  12. If you search the results of FOIs you should find a redacted version owf all the mods. PM me if you want a copy.
  13. If you search the results of FOIs you should find a redacted version of all the mods. PM me if you want a copy.
  14. "Input/output Porthole for communications/power cables installation." Is covered in AESP 2320-D-128-811 Mod Instr No.8, if on-line searches show nothing I can post odd extracts but a bit difficult at moment at WPR.
  15. There are two questions. 1.The difference between radio & wireless is discussed here: http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/195872-wireless-and-radio-whats-the-difference/#comment-1918110 2. The difference between FFW & FFR might appear that the FFW had more archaic equipment than FFR installations. Although there might seem to be some truth in that, FFW means equipment was fitted or shoe-horned into a vehicle on a bespoke basis, whereas FFR equipment was installed as a more modular arrangement that could be fairly easily removed & transferred to another vehicle. A vehicle that has been changed from FFW to FFR may include other embellishments, for instance a Pig that has been changed from FFW to FFR also received an additional (4th) antenna mount to cope with the more comprehensive radio set up.
  16. Looking at Regulations for the Equipment of the Army. Part 1. 1942, the painting of steel helmets makes no mention of a SCC. Just: Section H1. HA.5681 Paint, prepared for use, brown, dark, textured, matt finish (C.S.1736) Incidentally Dark Brown appeared as No.12 in BS 381 Colours for ready mixed paints in 1931. This morphed into No.412 in BS 381C of 1948. How similar was that to SCC 1A? I have often wondered.
  17. I'm sorry you have had no response but I'm not greatly into tanks & have no idea about the validity of the photo captions. Is this the same John Newton who was the driver for Col Ian Baker in the Clycops Malkara era? If so I have have some pictures of him in his Rover 8. These came from slides I copied that Col Baker (RIP) lent me some years ago.
  18. Push-up Clark PU8 Mast, just the basic mast needed as I have Clark guy sets from another mast. Although I am in SW Wales will be going to WPR so could collect there. If you have one or know of one please PM me.
  19. I think it would be ok but I've packed the EMER away now, but I'll try & find the pages tomorrow.
  20. Are you after a Mk 1 or a Mk 2 ?
  21. I suppose you will just have to target likely people you know for private transactions & they can pick it up from your vehicle. I always looked forward to the odd items that people have for sale. But the massive sale of stock by a group of our European friends near the vehicle entrance at Folkestone must have been rather irksome for traders who have paid significant amounts for even smaller stall space.
  22. I used to own the first one 28BK08, it has had a few owners since. Wondered what had happened to it. The second advert is dated 2005. The third one was one of several Humbers we sold from the Dale Prior collection.
  23. Unfortunately this dynamo is not listed in 1955 edition AP1086 Section 16E (RAF MT Electrical items) as it does list applications. In general Army catalogues & EMERs rarely list applications. Looking in EMER POWER O 122/2 it lists G7A24/7X & G7A24/22X. They are similar except that four dowel holes are provided in the yoke for alternative mounting positions & the dowel pin is not fitted. This change is indicated by the advancement of the number 7 to 22 in the type code. It has an output of 27v 55A at 1,450 rpm cutting in at 1,150 rpm. Two 0.5mfd capacitors are fitted for RF suppression indicated by the letter X.
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