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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. I'm afraid I'm a bit lost on all the intricacies of unit names & titles. The nearest to what you ask is HQ 52 (Lowland ) Divisional Regiment became HQ 154 (Lowland) Regiment (Volunteers) on 1/4/67 Then under a list of TAVR - Category IIA Infantry is listed 52nd Lowland Volunteers Incidentally Joris has activated the link I posted earlier. They are not in the correct sequence yet but I think you should find 66 in there somewhere.
  2. Indeed the Army Emergency Reserve Abolition Order 1967. This was detailed in AO 2/1967 & has nearly 60 pages including details of old units & their successor units. Many of these seem quite obvious & logical others less so, for instance at the top of the list: HQ 53 (Welsh) Division/District TA Increment was replaced by 104 Light Air Defence Regiment RA (Volunteers) If anyone wants any translations of what became what or replaced by whom, I'll look it up.
  3. Joris thanks for doing that so promptly. But is it possible to arrange them as they were before, chronologically with Preface at the top please? Some file titles are a bit confusing now e.g. 19521 is really 1952(1) & 19771 is really 1977(1) etc this is because there was more than one publication in those years. Many thanks
  4. Joris before you go off for your well deserved festivities could you have a look at this please: All the individual links say they don't exist any more. Is it possible to resurrect them please? I've only just noticed this but there is a vehicles markings thread where these would be useful. Many thanks & have a good Christmas.
  5. Looking in SDITF looks like 66 red over blue was CS Regt BAOR
  6. I was going to suggest this: But none of the links work I'm afraid since the improvements were made to the site.
  7. Andy are you some sort of sailor then?
  8. Yes Pete over here we're really looking forward to the Dried Onions, Pea Soup Powder & Semolina on Christmas Day. I mean you have to spoil yourself at least once a year
  9. I'm sure you are right, these are simply Specifications for Supplies, I have no idea what soldiers did to them once issued Although dated 1915 they were actually issued in Jan. 1916, the same spec was also applied to Contracts O/1307. It would be interesting to peruse AOs & LoCs to see variations from this, but unfortunately I have none for this period. Incidentally I also have specifications for Dried Onions, Pea Soup Powder, Claret, Brandy, Burgundy, Champagne, Scotch Whiskey, Irish Whiskey, Port, Stout, Light Beer, Soda Water, Semolina, Roast Fowls, Lime Juice (fortified with Rum) & a host of other necessities of warfare. If anyone wants the details let me know
  10. I was drawing on 53/Gen. No./5503 Handbook of Specifications for Supplies 1915, it cites the specification 40/War Office/1837 Cans for the Carriage of Petrol (2 Gallons)
  11. The wartime (WW1) requirement for MT petrol was enamel light grey, I don't how things changed after that if you are referring to pre-war (WW2).
  12. EMER WORKSHOPS N 111 Preservation, identification & packaging of assemblies (including engines) Chapter 2 Sections 13 & 14 cover painting of gasoline engines in some depth, oddly makes no reference to stencilling. Chapter 9 Preservation, identification & packaging of assemblies (including engines) gives great detail about the crates & their markings. Section 9 requires that the Workshop Code number is used when crated. Identification markings are to be stamped on a plate fixed to the assembly and the crate stencilled. Serial No. 16 is ECO 2 as Richard has identified. There are listed some 22 Workshop Codes as at 1985. At some stage I should upload it but no chance at the moment as upload is worse than 10kps so even a short email take 20-30 seconds to go. In the meantime let me know of any Codes needing translating.
  13. If you don't like your avatar being distorted by the fish-eye lens, this is what I did to correct it, after a lot of messing around. My Orange William avatar was distorted to an obesity that looked ridiculous & certainly no longer aerodynamic, which is clearly embarrassing. The first thing to do was add some height above & below the image to make it square. In PaintShop Pro 9 there is an image distortion menu, choose "Pinch" & squeeze the image to at least 50%. Go to your Profile settings, although there is no avatar button that is obvious, if you hover over the existing avatar a menu appears so you can upload the new image. Having done so the image has to go into a cropping. So obviously shrink you image to get it all in the frame. Then load it to go to the fish-eye distortion, this is where you will realise whether you had all the image dead centre! Well I now have a more aerodynamic Orange William perhaps a little too slender but it will have to do for now.
  14. Quite, there are some old articles on our own forum.
  15. I don't think that is the case, the National Codification Bureau goes to great lengths to avoid duplication of NSNs as it causes unnecessary expense & wastage. In some cases the NSC (NATO Supply Class) is realigned with a different NSC that is more appropriate whilst retaining the NIIN (NATO Item Identification Number). So with time it is not unusual for there to be changes of NSN by manipulation of the NSC, although it is the same item. The DMC (Domestic Management Code) that precedes the NSN can give an indication of the purpose particularly if it has a unique application. The DMC in Army use can be traced back to the Sections used in the old VAOS (Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores) As far as system codes go you may be thinking of the Ship System Code, where an item of supply is codified according to the System Code + Equipment Code + Assembly Code a typical code might look like this 211 G123 567 L551 876. Although this has attractions in vessel manufacture, I remember a submariner telling that some component broke & there was no replacement item carried on board. So they returned to base to demand said item from stores only to be ridiculed by the storeman who informed them that they did in fact carry the item on board but it had a different part number because although an identical item it was part of a different system. Adherence to an NSN, if indeed the Navy considered it worth codifying, would have avoided that sort of incident.
  16. Terry I think the answer is that in 1955 that item was perhaps only used in one vehicle type - Humber 1 Ton. Once it was adopted for use in other vehicles it would lose the unique vehicle applicability section & moved into LV6/MT4 = Common electrical stores. Or it may be that whilst it conformed to the FVRDE Drawing No FV13550, Alvis packaged it as a spare item for the Humber 1 Ton oblivious to the fact that already was an item of supply in VAOS Section LV6/MT4? It would not have an NSN at that stage. I think the NSN version of the Federal Supply Classification was ratified by the UK in 1956, but I think full implementation was not until 1965.
  17. Judging by the irregular outline, the need for discretion & the date. Could it be one of the two prototype Hornets taken over in July 1960 for 'Starlight'?
  18. This is quite an easy solution. I use Firefox & found this restored all the photobucket images on all the various threads & forums I use. There is a Chrome version as well but not used it. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefo ... x/?src=api
  19. Neil it should actually be 10v from the filter box, but as this is essentially just a fancy resistor it will only give that voltage when the points are closed. When the points are open there is no current flow so there will be no voltage drop so you will have 24v on the output side of the filter unit. Other queries you raised are addressed in this: http://hmvf.co.uk/topic/34113-bright-sparks-latest-update/
  20. Not that birthdays are that important but if the are to be displayed could they be DD/MM/YYYY rather than the US MM/DD/YYYY thanks.
  21. PS Apologies, some of what I had said has been fixed or maybe I hadn't grasped it properly before I took my sabbatical. I have found the way to read in full the last post in full in a particular thread. Out of interest is that a fix or had I not grasped it at first?
  22. I have avoided coming on the forum for just over a month, I've been waiting to see how things would settle down. Catching up on the posts I must comment on the patience exercised by Joris & the speed with which he has responded to suggestions & observations. I was afraid at first that the new set-up may have been set in stone & completely non-adjustable. In my month of absence, I have found that despite the new set-up, there is no other forum that encompasses such a wide range of interests for MV enthusiasts & I would hate to see it fail. I am very grateful for the space allowed for me in Clive's Corner as a reference place for previously published articles & articles that are no longer considered acceptable for publication. The latter is because even for club magazines they are considered to be too detailed & don't have enough colour photos to sustain the interest of the average reader. It is sad that technical articles like these can have no printed platform, so I am grateful for them being hosted here, I hope to the benefit of those who want to read them. Whilst acknowledging the hard work put in by Joris & his continuing vigilance, may I make just a few suggestions for improvements that are not intended as criticisms? Like many, I miss “Today's Posts” I know there is “Recently Updated Topics”. That tells you the thread title & when it started & by whom, but not what is new. To find that out you click on it & that takes you to the very first post which may have many pages, so you have to click on the last page. But that is not the last post, for that you may have to scroll down sometimes 30 posts to get to the most recent post. The alternative is to click on the right side to “All Activity” & I appreciate this tab is easier than before when you had to go to the left side “Activity” tab then choose “All Activity”. This is good because you then get who has responded with the latest post displayed at the top. But there are only two lines of the post displayed, to get the whole post you have to open the complete thread. Please remember that not all of us have broadband. I have to rely on a weak phone link that has limitations of availability, speed & data allowance. If the previous posts in the thread are picture-heavy it can take a while to find out whether the latest post has useful content or not. So, could the full content of the last post be displayed in “All Activity” please? I appreciate that this is “All Activity” but could it be changed to “All Posting Activity”? At present we have to see who has started watching a particular thread or changed their profile, which I think many of us would regard as superfluous information. On the subject of superfluous information, “Today's Birthdays” are of no interest to me, not even when it is my birthday! Also “Popular Contributors” doesn't necessarily mean they are popular but perhaps prolific & it perpetuates the belief that a high level of posts is something to aspire to & the more posts you make the more superior you are in some way. Yes, I know I am a high poster, so it means nothing & as yet not achieved “Popular” status. But I realise I can ignore these “features” but they just contribute to front page clutter. If they are really considered desirable bury then in a tab or could we turn them off in the user's control panel? The only other thing is the fish-eye distortion of our avatars. Can there be an option for a non-fish-eye distorted view? I know it works well for some, but my avatar looks rather un-aerodynamic. Thank you for quickly unlocking the threads in Clive's Corner & hosting the articles that can't be read elsewhere! PS Something I can't master is having previewed a post then spotting an error I can't correct it. If I go back I loose the whole text, luckily I put this on my clip-board & redid it.
  23. fv1609

    Welcome back!

    What I miss is the listing of posts of the last 24 hours, it seems to be replaced with Recently Updated Topics, which is fine if you are popping in several times a day. But if you are checking perhaps just once a day I imagine quite a few posts would fall from being flagged up. Is there perhaps a way to extend Recently Updated to cover a rolling 24 hour period?
  24. fv1609

    Welcome back!

    I'm sure I'll get used to the new open plan, you have certainly been very busy. Looking at my articles, although the threads are there, the links are dead & say the page does not exist. There are a couple that link direct to my Dropbox which are ok. But maybe these are things on the yet to do list that you know about.
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