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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Well they don't look very happy about it Richard, but I suppose if you were trying to sell ice creams at Christmas time it's understandable. That dates you a bit, men in white coats selling ice creams :-D
  2. Chris well spotted with the mix of equipment as this is circa 1965. Not compatibility testing between the two sets & curiously the sets are not themselves under test, although they are participating in tests of a different nature.
  3. It's not big enough for a hanger, it location 36 on the diagram. There is a large building, part of is on the upper right may be a hanger. Between that & location 36 there is a road. No I don't think they are installing the equipment.
  4. That's an ingenious answer Diana but its not that.
  5. Good suggestion Diana but not testing a dynamotor. But yes looks very much like an Avo 7.
  6. Richard 19 Sets yes. Plausible suggestion, but they are not at the factory & the sets themselves are not under test.
  7. Who are these men? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? Where are they doing it? The photo does seem to be an opportunity for appropriate captions, which are welcomed. I will start this off with: "Broadsword calling Danny Boy, Broadsword calling Danny Boy"
  8. Yes with a mast that high I'm sure I'll be able to find you!
  9. Yes Richard some of the roads round me are quite testing! The satnav has the cheek to refer to my road at home as "the alley" then tells me to go "off road" to my house, blooming cheek of her!
  10. That's very impressive Andy at least it can see over the fortifications. I am currently at a MVT event at Caldicot Castle (Monmouthshire) where I am within the castle & can't see over the walls. Although I am by no means fully extended it can't match up to your length I'm afraid but managing to get out on 70cm, Okehampton & Essex best DX so far I think those are my first 70cm SSB contacts for 32 years GW4MBS/P
  11. Just got another in the series of WO Lists, the trouble is most book dealers & book selling search engines are obsessed with pointing me to Army Lists which are entirely different publications. Wartime publications of any type usually command a high price, but publications outside a wartime period are poorly regarded, which is fine for me because it means they are cheaper. Although, not so with this edition as I paid more than I wanted, but maybe my rival bidders knew that there were 8 pages devoted in detail to the changes in WO structure 1914-18. The complex organisation of all branches & their sub-sections with their respective responsibilities are concisely defined for the given time period. e.g. The War Office was largely staffed by civilians although some had had extensive service careers like this one. With such experience it makes me wonder whatever happened to him?
  12. That is the Rover part number & you won't get much joy, if you search for the Prestolite number 5886-32 you still won't get much joy, but remember that is just the assumed CAV number & this will give some success. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/lucas-cav-5886-32-spring-174-/172641698546?hash=item28323f42f2:g:zB4AAOSwOgdYxraA and he's got 5 of them :-D
  13. Not quite the same lettering but a modern equivalent. I think H1 may be a movement serial.
  14. Jimmy just before you get too involved a few thoughts. Using a Gen No.10 Mk 3 rather than a Mk 2 should be no problem you just have higher rated auxiliary diodes. Remember in this installation the negative line is floating above earth & it becomes earthed only when it leaves the shunt box. It is essential that the shunt box & negative terminal are earthed properly. Be wary of continuity tests in the panel to generator cable as tugging on the inner wires can cause failure although the failure is not picked up because a loose dry joint exists responds to a continuity test but cannot carry a significant current. Undo & inspect the connector on the generator end of the cable as in my example there were three dry joints revealed with a gentle tug on the individual wires. Can you check on those first then I'll give your problem more thought. I have things I need to do, I'm not complaining, but I lost the whole of yesterday responding to various problems in emails & PMs, looking things up & scanning, most of today has gone the same. Pleased to help as when time permits, don't let that but you off though.
  15. When you do Jimmy the essential things to know that often people forget to mention are: 1. Did it once work in your ownership or did you buy it not working? 2. Is the fault there all the time? 3. What is the basis for saying it is not working? eg Charging, is it the charge light being on, the battery volts low - where did you read the voltage or just difficult to start? 3. Have you or a previous owner modified the original system? My heart sinks if the answer is 'yes'. The majority of mods are appalling in their execution and naive in their conception but occasionally done with some thought but no details of what has been done or why, are passed to the next owner & no new wires labelled.
  16. Welcome Jimmy glad to help with the FFR electricals, if you were nearer I would offer you to bring it over here for testing but I am in West Wales I'm afraid.
  17. Welcome, you are very lucky to have in-service pictures of your actual vehicle. We always hope to be able to see our vehicles as they were used, I'm sure you must be itching to get rid of that strange paint scheme. Was that for a film or to the previous owner's fancy?
  18. Richard this sounds all rather familiar, did this loom up a few years ago? If so I wish I had remembered, would have saved quite a bit of time searching through stuff that I couldn't find the answer to!
  19. Steve I have actually looked for you a few days ago, I have searched IPC/ISPLs for Rover 1, 8, 8/2, 9, 9/1, Series 3 LtWt, SWB Diesel, 3/4 Ton, Shorland Mk 3, TACR S3, 1 Tonne, Defender 90 & 110 but I can't find my Rover 10/11 book. The thing is that for each vehicle type there may be many many contracts that have differences & within these there may be dozens & dozens of vehicle variants identified by an "Item" number & the differences are identified by a "Parts Peculiar to Contract xxx or Items xxx List" I have quite a few of these but not hit on anything. Judging by the PRC number it suggests this may be early 1980s era.
  20. Glad you enjoyed it, I never quite know how it will go. It is surprising how over the months the hits can go into many thousands. I see the low voltage ignition plug has 7,452 hits although you will not find (I couldn't) any information about this technique anywhere on the internet (which makes it a good mystery object!) So I don't see how hits are drawn to it. This time's MO was born of the frustration of finding my Geiger-Muller tube was cracked when I was about to evaluate some luminous paint on some old meters. When as a schoolboy I built my first Geiger counter, I recollect the tube as being much bigger in clear glass & a wire helix. This small tube of black glass wasn't quite what I expected, so I thought some good might be salvaged from the disappointment. I have been unable to find a sensibly priced replacement so instead I bought one of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262446893705 The seller has a lot of NBC stuff if you are into that sort of thing. I did toy with the idea of getting a compact very modern Chinese one. Eventually I came to the conclusion that with these you couldn't hear the clicks of ionisation just a meter reading, the audio is just an alarm if you reach a dangerous level. It took many frustrating exchanges with various oriental sellers asking questions through an auto-translator to be only told extracts of what it ambiguously says in the adverts, which are just copy pasted from one seller to another. I expect the next MO will be on a Saturday evening when my TV region won't show my weekly dose of Dad's Army instead the whole schedule of BBC 2 is swept aside for a 3-4 hours of opera, sport, darts or snooker
  21. It was Mr Anthony Head 1951 - 1956. Richard yes certainly all the water ones I've had have been early 1950s, oh the things they say in Parliament!
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