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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Neither of those things Tony, but from what I've red it was quite dusty there, so time to reveal a bit more.
  2. He might only have one leg Rob, he's certainly looking a bit nervous about getting down :-)
  3. Good idea Tony but not that sort of thing.
  4. Yes very much so, once you get that it will give the whole game away Tony.
  5. Yes well done I'm also looking for the name of the thing, the name of the vehicle, the location & appx date. But a good first response. I have googled for the image, not found it so I hope it is not out there to give the game away :-)
  6. For starters, Book 131 doesn't refer to Army Book 131 as that is a Laboratory Record Book for Reports. What is that word underneath? "Painting"? If so might it indicate that it was painted in accordance with some system or scheme specified in Book 61 or Book 131, whatever they might be!
  7. Sorry I have no idea about 3 & 4, but if the cable colours in one match the other, it suggests they might have been connected together. Otherwise hope the attached may help with the rest. [ATTACH=CONFIG]125787[/ATTACH]
  8. A friend spotted this in a French scrapyard a few days ago. I have no idea what it is, but he is intrigued to know & whether it is rare or not? I assume it is for sale so anyone interested PM me & I'll get the location from him.
  9. Lost really in a series of dots, so Test House seems long gone.
  10. Have I got it right, is it just a car park now?
  11. Yes Andy RFI I assume judging by the equipment being used external to the Ferret. Does any of this site still exist? It was adjacent to the west of RAE.
  12. Shouldn't think it's anything to do with William Shakespeare. This facility was on display at a series of Open Days at IFVME Farnborough 17th - 21st May 1965 & according to the map there were ladies present, albeit in a minority judging by the limited toilet facilities.
  13. Oh no don't spoil it now you got this far !
  14. Yes Farnborough Richard, well done! I think many might be tempted to say FVRDE Chertsey, but this was the Inspectorate of Fighting Vehicles & Mechanical Engineering, Test House, Farnborough, controlled by the Assistant Master General of the Ordnance (Inspection) on behalf of the Master General of the Ordnance for the Ministry of Defence.
  15. Yes well done Richard spot on! What was it that did it for you? The man standing in it? The new image that just showed the edge of circular hand grab? Or the fact that one just appeared for sale? Just need to know the location & the organisation doing these tests in 1965.
  16. Afraid not Lizzie but the time scale is right.
  17. Not a trailer Derek, think about the man on the left & what he is leaning on.
  18. I don't understand about the problem of light, but anyway that is not the issue here Chris, no alternators in this vehicle. Not actually MoS at this time more MGO.
  19. If only, Degsy. But there are two photographic clues that indicate the vehicle type & Mk.
  20. Yes very much a posed picture Chris & this is indeed testing electrical suppression & I think you are right that this is probably being done in a Faraday cage. Well done! Not a Land Rover, so no beer :cheesy: So looking for answers still for location, who is doing the testing & the vehicle?
  21. Well they don't look very happy about it Richard, but I suppose if you were trying to sell ice creams at Christmas time it's understandable. That dates you a bit, men in white coats selling ice creams :-D
  22. Chris well spotted with the mix of equipment as this is circa 1965. Not compatibility testing between the two sets & curiously the sets are not themselves under test, although they are participating in tests of a different nature.
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