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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. I have avoided coming on the forum for just over a month, I've been waiting to see how things would settle down. Catching up on the posts I must comment on the patience exercised by Joris & the speed with which he has responded to suggestions & observations. I was afraid at first that the new set-up may have been set in stone & completely non-adjustable. In my month of absence, I have found that despite the new set-up, there is no other forum that encompasses such a wide range of interests for MV enthusiasts & I would hate to see it fail. I am very grateful for the space allowed for me in Clive's Corner as a reference place for previously published articles & articles that are no longer considered acceptable for publication. The latter is because even for club magazines they are considered to be too detailed & don't have enough colour photos to sustain the interest of the average reader. It is sad that technical articles like these can have no printed platform, so I am grateful for them being hosted here, I hope to the benefit of those who want to read them. Whilst acknowledging the hard work put in by Joris & his continuing vigilance, may I make just a few suggestions for improvements that are not intended as criticisms? Like many, I miss “Today's Posts” I know there is “Recently Updated Topics”. That tells you the thread title & when it started & by whom, but not what is new. To find that out you click on it & that takes you to the very first post which may have many pages, so you have to click on the last page. But that is not the last post, for that you may have to scroll down sometimes 30 posts to get to the most recent post. The alternative is to click on the right side to “All Activity” & I appreciate this tab is easier than before when you had to go to the left side “Activity” tab then choose “All Activity”. This is good because you then get who has responded with the latest post displayed at the top. But there are only two lines of the post displayed, to get the whole post you have to open the complete thread. Please remember that not all of us have broadband. I have to rely on a weak phone link that has limitations of availability, speed & data allowance. If the previous posts in the thread are picture-heavy it can take a while to find out whether the latest post has useful content or not. So, could the full content of the last post be displayed in “All Activity” please? I appreciate that this is “All Activity” but could it be changed to “All Posting Activity”? At present we have to see who has started watching a particular thread or changed their profile, which I think many of us would regard as superfluous information. On the subject of superfluous information, “Today's Birthdays” are of no interest to me, not even when it is my birthday! Also “Popular Contributors” doesn't necessarily mean they are popular but perhaps prolific & it perpetuates the belief that a high level of posts is something to aspire to & the more posts you make the more superior you are in some way. Yes, I know I am a high poster, so it means nothing & as yet not achieved “Popular” status. But I realise I can ignore these “features” but they just contribute to front page clutter. If they are really considered desirable bury then in a tab or could we turn them off in the user's control panel? The only other thing is the fish-eye distortion of our avatars. Can there be an option for a non-fish-eye distorted view? I know it works well for some, but my avatar looks rather un-aerodynamic. Thank you for quickly unlocking the threads in Clive's Corner & hosting the articles that can't be read elsewhere! PS Something I can't master is having previewed a post then spotting an error I can't correct it. If I go back I loose the whole text, luckily I put this on my clip-board & redid it.
  2. fv1609

    Welcome back!

    What I miss is the listing of posts of the last 24 hours, it seems to be replaced with Recently Updated Topics, which is fine if you are popping in several times a day. But if you are checking perhaps just once a day I imagine quite a few posts would fall from being flagged up. Is there perhaps a way to extend Recently Updated to cover a rolling 24 hour period?
  3. fv1609

    Welcome back!

    I'm sure I'll get used to the new open plan, you have certainly been very busy. Looking at my articles, although the threads are there, the links are dead & say the page does not exist. There are a couple that link direct to my Dropbox which are ok. But maybe these are things on the yet to do list that you know about.
  4. I imagine what you need to look for is the EMER COMMUNICATIONS INSTALLATIONS E100-E109 which is the general FV100 series section (& includes E102 - FV102 Striker) Sabre is not specified but the series is further detailed in: E040 - FV107 Scimitar E150 - FV103 Spartan E200 - FV104 Samaritan E250 - FV105 Sultan E300 - FV106 Samson
  5. Peter but is the meter set at zero correctly when you did that check? That large screwdriver slot on the front is to zero set it, or maybe the zero point various if you have the meter vertical or horizontal?
  6. The thing to watch though is that with coax feed coming in, the port hole obviously has to be open to a degree, but if it rains, water gets blown into the orifice & also tracks along the coax to make it wet inside. Not a massive ingress but when I sleep in the back the end of my sleeping bag would soon get soaked. I have been told that in service the sock is everted when coax is used with a slight dip in the coax externally minimises wetness.
  7. I don't know, there is no mention of the 1863 conference in RAMC Training 1911 from where I took those extracts. Strangely the 1908 & 1899 editions make no references the Convention, nor do the forerunners for RAMSC 1885 & 1894. All of them refer to use of the red cross on white to identify hospitals & ambulances (in the original meaning not just ambulance wagons)
  8. Going back to the entitlement to display a red cross on a white background, armies have had a far longer entitlement to use the symbol than have Red Cross Societies. I know things have changed but historically it was conceived for the use of the medical services of armies as laid down in the Geneva Convention 1864 with no recognition of any Red Cross Societies let alone their entitlement to adopt the symbol. The military use of the symbol was emphasised further in the Geneva Convention 1906 with the State authorising the use of the symbol by Red Cross Societies only to render assistance to army medical services. The relevant 1906 Articles emphasising the military purpose of the symbol. So going back to green first aid box on the Challenger, has Article 19 been revoked?
  9. I know its only a 6x6 but it reminds me of this I saw at BAEE 1998
  10. Niels as you know you can easily test the Generator No.1 either running it as a motor or energising the field winding then spinning it & observing the voltage output. Of course neither option exists on the Generator No.2 because of the gear box. With the pulley it weighs in at just over 25kg so is not a lot of fun changing it especially getting that blasted lower oil pipe connected! It would be possible to energise the field winding & rotate the pulley to test for an output. Fitting up some sort of jig with a drive source of sufficient torque to rotate the pulley would be a pain & it would rule out an in the field test. You cannot spin the pulley, the best I can manage is to sharply turn the pulley through 180 degrees. But I thought this should be sufficient to give some sort of output to assess if it was a useable generator or not. Using a variable voltage bench power supply I energised the field winding to get only a modest current flow. I found that at 7.0 volts it drew 3.14 amps. After a few minutes of warming up it settled down to 3.09 amps, by Ohms Law this gave a warm resistance of 2.26 ohms. This is spot on as the Inspection Standard quotes 2.02 - 2.48 ohms. Although no temperature is quoted, manufacturing standards would probably give a more precise tolerance, it may be that the range quoted also gives a tolerance for extremes of temperature. Measuring low resistances with a multimeter is notoriously difficult to do as the scale is limited & there is the resistance of the leads & integrity of the plugs & the contact you make on the item being tested. So drawing a current & measuring the voltage is a good way to measure low resistance. So to energise the field I connected: Pin C 7v +ve Pin B -ve Pin A to voltmeter +ve Pin B to voltmeter -ve By steadying the generator with one hand & sharply turning the pulley with the other, I was able to produce one volt output. I tried this several times on two generators but one volt was the most I could achieve. This seems to be a satisfactory outcome as both generators provide good 28v or so output. Not the most elegant of tests but I like it because it is a "bloke in the shed" style of test that hopefully can be easily repeated be it in the shed or when going to view a take-off generator.
  11. Terry yes obviously a dark & un-patterned scheme is appropriate for those areas. I was quoting from a copy of letter I have from the then Garrison Commander who devised the scheme stating that he used only three colours & the patterns were to be large irrespective of the size of the vehicle.
  12. Jim if you find one that is a take-out & want to test it before installing, I have devised a simple way of testing that it is delivering output.
  13. I think you are just teasing us to The water cannon idea isn't great, one or two squirts then you'll run dry. Saying you'll remove the B60 is giving us bouts of apoplexy over here while we reach for our smelling salts. You old tease
  14. Richard could you show us yours? I'm always looking to see if I can find any ex-RUC RF vehicles, they had quite a lot of them.
  15. No problem to my mind in answering an old thread, but strangely on some forums it can cause terrible upsets. The only problem is I haven't the foggiest idea who it was who had these documents. If a name comes back to me I'll follow it up.
  16. Don't understand that. I have three vehicles on agreed valuations, none were professionally valued. I explained why I thought they were that value & up it each year in line with vehicular inflation for that type of vehicle & any new work carried out. This is supplemented with 4 external pictures with pictures of the engine bay & cab/dash. This has never been challenged by the underwriters. I don't know what this rare vehicle is, but a starting point is what would you expect to pay to buy another one in similar condition? Although in the case of two of my vehicles there are no age & model equivalent vehicles that I believe still exist, one I have owned for 31 years & its value has increased by about 5 fold. So value the nearest equivalent then up it from there on a rarity & condition basis.
  17. Presumably this rush to electrification will accelerate falling oil revenues, have they thought this one through up there? Ah maybe it will still be used but in oil fired power stations to meet the extra demand to charge up the cars? :wow:
  18. It's just that I thought the Defence Council had the authority to use of the Red Cross emblem under the Geneva Conventions Act 1957. I wondered whether there might have been a recent change of policy as I have never previously seen a white cross/green emblem on an AFV, first aid kit etc in military service.
  19. I notice that it is presumably a First Aid kit marked with a white cross on a green square, more reminiscent of a First Aid kit in an office or factory, than an AFV. Is this the new thing now? Is it a PC attempt get rid of a Red Cross that might cause offence by being wrongly construed as a red cross of the Crusades rather than the symbol IRC? Incidentally the blurb with that link describes black as a fourth colour. I've not seen black on any in-service pictures. Yes I have seen some privately owned Land Rovers intricately painted incorporating black amidst piddly little rectangles of the other colours. The original concept of the instigator stated there were three colours of large blocks irrespective of the size of the vehicle.
  20. I think the point of the original question was not the arena nor the display area but getting the vehicle between the two. I remember some years the HSE stepped in at the GDSF and prohibited the parade of horticultural implements that hitherto been a featured arena display because the parade had to cross areas that the public had access to despite the convoy being well marshalled.
  21. Neil to my eyes & on my particular screen. Right looks like DBG Left looks like OD
  22. Unhelpfully the seller has omitted to tell us the Mk of this Generator No.10 Judging by the arrangement of the heatsinks, it appears to be a Mk 2 or earlier & was not intended to be used with the transistorised Generator No.9 Mk 4.
  23. Ok Chris thanks for the update, I always enjoy following through these problem posts whether I'm involved or not. A bit like detective story & you are waiting to see what's on the last page, although sometimes there is another chapter unexpectedly & it runs on a bit further. Yes best to stick to the Mk6 switchboard, it is much better constructed than the Mk 1 which has rather poor design of contacts on the starter switch that tend to arc away. Intermittent problems are a pain. On my B60 a year ago I had an oil pressure waning light problem that disappeared, then reappeared yesterday on a final test run before a show. The insulation on the OP wire into the shunt/junction box had abraded some years ago I slid a piece of rubber sleeving down over it & it has been fine. Just like the distribution box no longer being waterproof, there was leakage around the old rubber seal on the junction box cover. Water was ingressing down the metal collar housing the end of the sleeve & setting up corrosion that could then be activated by a tiny amount of moisture. When I've rewired it I'll smear silicone sealant over the much squashed rubber seal, might be worth you doing the same on your seal on the distribution box when the new breakers are in.
  24. Richard we were cross-typing, yes very much that sort of thing.
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