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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Nope, very rigid & large. They are all separate items demonstrating various configurations. (Yes I remember what happened to Rod Hull & Emu, although I think Emu survived him. Hmm the book is the same age as me, well the last time I looked at my imprint
  2. 1946 from a British Army publication
  3. I was wondering where you were Wally! They look very much that sort of thing, but nope. (Been on the roof trying to get the antenna optimised better, but it is very cold & windy & connection still dropping in & out)
  4. Mike they do look like they might be that sort of thing, but not I'm afraid.
  5. Excellent line of thought Richard. The other ones have things like cross, arrow, open A.
  6. If it was that I think there should be a box kite in there, could never get one of those things off the ground.
  7. Andy as you might suspect the answers are no & yes. I am having terrible with internet drop outs, so replies may be especially slow. So don't assume a slow response means someone has got it & I am avoiding declaring a winner
  8. They certainly look as if they might, but not that sort of thing.
  9. Sorry Richard, haven't got the foggiest.
  10. PS In fact I have unsubscribed, if enough people do that they might catch on to the fact that repetitive & relentless emails is not good marketing, in fact has entirely the opposite effect.
  11. Yes its getting up my nose as well. People will decide to go or not depending on their own prejudices or experiences. Spamming will not encourage those who might be wavering by being treated like a gormless moron who can only be persuaded to go by constant "marketing", it will pea them off. So now all WPR stuff goes straight to my junk file & I don't have to see it any more.
  12. Bracket for side marker https://www.thexmod.com/item_detail.asp?id=28132 NSC 6220 = Electric, vehicle lights & fittings
  13. Looks like the receiver he is fiddling with is an AR-88
  14. I'm afraid I'm a bit lost on all the intricacies of unit names & titles. The nearest to what you ask is HQ 52 (Lowland ) Divisional Regiment became HQ 154 (Lowland) Regiment (Volunteers) on 1/4/67 Then under a list of TAVR - Category IIA Infantry is listed 52nd Lowland Volunteers Incidentally Joris has activated the link I posted earlier. They are not in the correct sequence yet but I think you should find 66 in there somewhere.
  15. Indeed the Army Emergency Reserve Abolition Order 1967. This was detailed in AO 2/1967 & has nearly 60 pages including details of old units & their successor units. Many of these seem quite obvious & logical others less so, for instance at the top of the list: HQ 53 (Welsh) Division/District TA Increment was replaced by 104 Light Air Defence Regiment RA (Volunteers) If anyone wants any translations of what became what or replaced by whom, I'll look it up.
  16. Joris thanks for doing that so promptly. But is it possible to arrange them as they were before, chronologically with Preface at the top please? Some file titles are a bit confusing now e.g. 19521 is really 1952(1) & 19771 is really 1977(1) etc this is because there was more than one publication in those years. Many thanks
  17. Joris before you go off for your well deserved festivities could you have a look at this please: All the individual links say they don't exist any more. Is it possible to resurrect them please? I've only just noticed this but there is a vehicles markings thread where these would be useful. Many thanks & have a good Christmas.
  18. Looking in SDITF looks like 66 red over blue was CS Regt BAOR
  19. I was going to suggest this: But none of the links work I'm afraid since the improvements were made to the site.
  20. Andy are you some sort of sailor then?
  21. Yes Pete over here we're really looking forward to the Dried Onions, Pea Soup Powder & Semolina on Christmas Day. I mean you have to spoil yourself at least once a year
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