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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Jamie what did you do with the drain plugs? Did you ignore them & just ensure total coverage with the coating? I imagine trying to maintain access to the drain plug would run the risk of disturbing the coating's integrity when you unscrew the plug?
  2. I think that will probably be Army Code No. 60128 Supplement No.3 it was superceded by JSP 361/3 in 1981. The JSP was a rehash of the earlier document with badly copied photos. The original publication would have better quality pictures. No doubt what is on offer is a good copy, for that it is what it is. It is presented as A4 with a plastic cover, the original handbooks in the AC No. 60128 series were A5 which is much more handy as they were pocket-sized.
  3. Salisbury now (2145) snow turned to rain.
  4. Started snowing in Salisbury at 1900, still snowing 2040. Less than an inch so far, flakes look wet as if it could easily become rain.
  5. I have a B60 in my Pig & just use unleaded neat. I posted this up some years ago that I found in my collection of RR Service Bulletins.................. Although I did have an issue with an exhaust valve seat getting displaced:cry: Whether that was a associated with unleaded I don't know. The other valve seats were ok & I've not met anyone who had similar problems. PS Sorry for the repetition I see Lee has posted my RR sheet whilst I was typing!
  6. To me that seems perfectly reasonable & I always took it to mean something like that. But it is one of those abbreviations that seems to lack an official definition & seems to mean different things in different circumstances. I have looked for a meaning in the following official publications: MOD Acronyms & Abbreviations Joint Services Glossary Field Service Regulations Field Service Pocket Books Staff Duties in the Field Staff Officers Handbook Administration within the Corps Administration within the Division Administration in the Field Administration in War Training for War Airborne Directives Armour - RAC Compendium Land Operations Manual of Joint Warfare Military Organization & Administration RCT Officers Pocket Book Notes on the British Army Although there is no definition of the abbreviation there are references in: Administration in the Field refers to Forward HQ Notes on the British Army refers to Force HQ The post before me refers to Fighting HQ so it clearly lacks official definition & means different things to different units in varying circumstances!
  7. Tony thank you as it is a slight but defined leak that might be the way to go. Although I don't need to patch it, but I see there is a putty version. Although I was tempted to buy the Frost kit for a motorcycle tank & treat all of the edges in case another defect was brewing. The kit I had in mind had the deep cleaner & de-rusting preparation mixture with a modest quantity of sealant. Can anyone tell me if the Frost sealer could be used in this way, ie just painted on around the inner edges. Is there a problem with having an edge where the sealant finishes or must one cover everything to create a total inner lining?
  8. Wayne the No.10 is waterproofed as the slip ring end is in a waterproof enclosure. All the heat sink & diodes etc are allowed to get wet & the paint serves as insulation not just for preservation. But if you are going to use strong chemicals best to remove it but brush cleaner then water you should be ok provided nobody has poked around inside the slip ring enclosure & failed to follow the re-sealing procedures on re-assembling.
  9. Drew here you are. This is short term preservation, if you want long term it is covered in EMER WORKSHOPS: N111 Chapters 0-9 which covers engines, vehicle & electrical assemblies etc. N112 Vehicle assemblies N113 Vehicle final drives N114 Repairable engines returned from the field N119 Was issued to redesignate: EMER VEHICLES GENERAL A112 to EMER WORKSHOPS N112 EMER VEHICLES GENERAL A113 to EMER WORKSHOPS N113
  10. If I may hi-jack in. Chris as luck would have it, this evening I have had to remove the tank from the Shorland that has a weeping leak around one edge & I was looking for something like this. The base was pretty rotten & I had a new base brazed or silver soldered in 25 years ago. So there is no grot just a weep through a seam. Is it necessary to have this sealer flow entirely around the whole of the tank ? Or can I just flow it around the edges to protect the seems, or is it important that there is no edge to it? If that is important, I'm not sure how to cope with protecting the central drain hole which I might need to use in the future. I was just hoping to swirl the cheap kit which I think is under £10 around the deges, or is there a risk of creepage underneath the sealer? Many thanks
  11. Wayne just for removing oil & muck, I find paint brush cleaner is pretty good & just rinse off with water.
  12. Oh dear what have I started now.
  13. I wasn't sure if it was actually a bug or marketing arrangement, but now that's gone much better, thank you.
  14. BTW Don't try adjusting the gap on a RSN13P as there is a very real risk of snapping off the side contact or worse still weakening it & then it fails in the engine! What type are the new plugs you are going to fit?
  15. I think you will find that the wider gap is for an unscreened system, the narrower gap is for plugs in a screened system. The reason being that there is less HT available in a screened system as it introduces significant capacitance. This means that in effect some of the HT is lost as it has to charge up this capacitance, so less HT means you need a narrower gap.
  16. Wouldn't have thought so. Below are the major changes in RUC helmets from 1950s-90s
  17. Tony I thought you had been starring at coax cable when you replied as that commonly is 75 ohms impedance & somehow the figure transposed itself. Easily done at our age
  18. First of all make sure the pencil doesn't break off. 12v bulb rated at 21 watts, so current carried is 1.75 amps Resistance of bulb = 12 divided by 1.75 = 6.8 ohms appx
  19. I always try & work it out with a pencil.
  20. How did you work that out Tony?
  21. Paul there seem to be very few around nowadays. Mine is the only survivor of the first 10 supplied for use in NI in 1966, the rest were cut up in NI. I've had it for 25 years & bought it at a time when you could not buy ex MOD armour. Luckily the end user of mine was not the MOD. For instance the Ferrets you saw around then were the imports of Mike Hoffman who bought them from Hong Kong Police. Other armour was not direct MOD release they were imports from various countries, it is amazing how free & easy it is to get armour these days.
  22. Paul yes you already have built up a very successful show that rolls on bigger each year. It doesn't clash this year, but in previous years I think it has clashed with Bovington Tankfest & although that is not too far from me I have felt it worthwhile travelling three times the distance to Evesham & I have not been disappointed. Now that it has National status & hopefully attract even more people I think I will make the effort to bring the Shorland, although some of those hills on the way I have to travel on 95 mile journey do worry me a bit :-)
  23. Adrian I have done it to two Humber 1-Tons & a Shorland. I would thoroughly recommend it. No problem that the Humbers were 24v & the Shorland 12v. But they are -ve earth you might have difficulties arranging a ready-made system if you are +ve earth. I would contact Jolly Engineering as he has wide experience of developing kits for various MVs in particular.
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