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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Welcome Pat and about time too:D For anyone who has not visited Pat's site it is well worth doing so. http://www.warwheels.net/index.html Whether one is a modeller or not there are lot of good photos on there & info categorised by vehicle type, so searching is easy & a delight. The interesting thing is that many vehicles are represented not just by a front shot, but there are many views from differing angles. When I am at a show I can usually spot a modeller as they will take many shots, ask questions & write the answer down in a note book. If that sounds flippant it is not meant to be, I have reason to be grateful to a modeller who did just that in 1969 when my Pig was in service. A modellers keen sense of detail has been of enormous help to me. Speaking as non-modeller its strike me the military modelling world is obsessed with tanks, what a breath of fresh air to find a site where people are interested in modelling trucks & wheeled AFVs (Pat I would have spotted you earlier, but as I have now mended the boiler I'm working on some mini articles for TSS.)
  2. On site is the card I have sent out this year. Symbolising my MV interests challenging the equestrian interests of my wife;) http://www.shorlandsite.com/
  3. fv1609

    Slow running

    All seemed to have speeded up in the last 10 minutes. So no problems here
  4. I see from my EMER catalogue that Clansman conversion instructions started to be issued from October 1977. I notice you have asked the question on EMLRA but no PM come yet.
  5. No idea Mike, I expect a Land Rover expert will come along soon. I just recognised the connectors, my first Lightweight had these dummy stowage sockets mounted like that.
  6. Mike those coaxial plugs were often known as "Pye plugs" & are used in Larkspur. Whereas the TUAAM RF is fed via BNC connectors. I believe both types are 75 ohm impedance.
  7. Coaxial socket used for stowing the cable plugs if not connected to the aerial tuning unit.
  8. Yes I know what you mean. The trouble can be that sometimes people (I don't mean you) don't always realise just how long it can take scanning or copying documents on a home scanner. Sometimes I travel significant distances or fork out quite a bit to get certain documents when they appear on the market. Sometimes my scans are sold on as photocopies, although that is not too common. Anyway I have a backlog of things people want me to scan that goes back to October & indeed there are Rover Ambulance documents I have been meaning to scan & post here for over a year. So it'll just take a bit of time
  9. fv1609

    Slow running

    Lee you jammy so & so that is so unfair on us who struggle to get above 1.9 down with an upload about the same as dial up! It did squeeze up to nearly 3.0 mbs then after 2 weeks of connection there was a short drop in connection & I am put at the bottom of the class again & my S/N ratio back up to 12 db or more & my line configured to 2.0 mbs max. So unfair! Anyway engineer calls tomorrow so we'll see. It'll be decades before fibre optic get round here. As it was the main fibre optic trunk route was severed some months ago as thieves stole what they thought was a long run on copper cables but was actually mainly glass :nut:
  10. I don't think this is RAC related as such as I have seen other colour combinations, but can't find the photos at the moment. These go back to NI for unit identification. I hadn't realised there were any on the roof, I have seen them at the rear sides & at the back. You could take it back to NI role or paint it dayglow orange for the European monitoring teams or KFOR. I have quite a few pics in KFOR role with bits of orange peeking through. In fact that would add to the interest of a display to have a KFOR restoration with a little bit of orange at the edges to help illustrate the varied history as the public are probably only aware of their Afghan role.
  11. I afraid I don't have a VAOS CM as such, what I have quoted comes from Clothing Regs 1955 which is more concerned with scales of issue than being a Vocabulary as such. However I do have COSA CM 1986 & 1992, as it happens I don't have any CG. So perhaps we could do something then. I am after Clothing Regulations 1953 Pamphlet No.5 covering women's clothing then I would have the complete set 1-9. Although I recently got COSA CK Service Uniforms, Handware, Headwear, Hosiery (Women) 1972 & 1987. I notice that in 1972 Stockings, womans was available in brown 20 denier, eventide 20 denier & fawn 60 denier (fully fashioned) but by 1987 eventide had become obsolete so CK/8445-99-975-9442 would be quite a collectors item. Curiously eventide was only available in size 8 1/2 leg 30 in
  12. Oh dear so on that basis perhaps I am already in the after life:shake: I hope I wasn't the QM in the Zulu film I saw this afternoon when our chaps were getting thrashed & running out of ammo who had to queue up in an orderly fashion to be issued with ammo only to those whom the QM felt had an entitlement. I mean the Regulations is the Regulations, it all has to be accounted for, oh dear I think I'm giving myself away
  13. I assume that would be Jerseys, wool, heavy CM 01211-24 They are listed in Clothing Regulations 1953 under cold climate clothing together with: Coat, kapok CM/CE 0031-34 Helmet, woollen CM 0074 Gloves, 3 compartment CM 0314 Socks, woollen, heavy CM0221-4
  14. Nige yes I get the same. I have to try & guess where the correct button is. With some ads you can see the outline of the neighbouring button so you can get an idea of where to aim.
  15. I have a Chilwell catalogue of 1946 & defines LV1 as Cruiser & Infantry Tanks. At that time LV1/LD referred to Centaur & Comet. The next catalogue I have of 1967 now allocates LV1/LD to Centurion. I don't have any clues on the BC element I'm afraid. Cromwell was LV1/BRC There are quite a few other examples of the VAOS Section where the role is the same but the actual vehicles change eg: LV1/ARV Churchill, Cavalier, Sherman ARVs(1946) LV1/ARV Centurion ARV (1967)
  16. Richard yes that is annoying. I've learnt to write any reply longer than a few sentences first in Word then paste it in when I'm ready to post. This is not just to circumvent a forum problem but a precaution against stroppy PC or connection drop out. I did find many times yesterday the forum wouldn't load or if it did it appeared without the "skin" & just text albeit in reluctant display.
  17. Chris I remember I had a brand new Power Unit it was Canadian with vibrator & dynamotor, so must have been the No.2. I could never afford a complete 19 set, I had to rely on scrap chassis for 7/6 from Arthur Sallis, North Road, Brighton. Those were the days, used to run a PA with a pair of 807s. My main interest was 17, 18 & 38 sets. Why ever did I get rid of them? Worth a fortune now
  18. The Canadians worked that quite well then. This is the Australian approach to the 19 set in the Ferret.
  19. Its not quite as bad as that as the 12v for 19 set heaters are drawn off from "low" battery. The 12v for the dynamotor is drawn off from the "top" battery. The negative of the dynamotor being taken from the link between the two 12v batteries. I hope the -ve feed for the 19 set is floating from earth? My recollections of running the 19 set power supply was that the dynamotor drew considerably more current than the heaters! So there would have been quite an imbalance.
  20. It's not very nice Chris, you can guess how they get the 12v :shocked:
  21. This is from a 1962 Ferret EMEI showing 19 & B47.
  22. Chris looking at your photos, I see that some rear body tops are quite clean & green bearing the NI Freephone 0800 666 999. Do you think those are tops that have been recently fitted from other vehicles or are they where the temporary camouflage coating has been peeled off? If the latter I never realised how cleanly it could be removed.
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