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Chris Hall

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Everything posted by Chris Hall

  1. I don’t have the answer but the new MOT rules may give you an answer. HID will be an MOT fail unless they are specific HID headlamps which pretty much means factory OE fit or retro fit. A simple bulb change isn’t enough.
  2. On the surface of the shoe where the cam operating lever contacts, there is a steel insert (Unless there was a production change at some point and the very early shoes were completely alloy). I assumed all the ally shoes had the insert as I can see the soft aluminium wearing away very quickly under the pressure exerted.
  3. I may have misidentified the Italian Aircraft, it could be a Macchi MC202 Folgore, reason being the markings indicate it as a96.Squadriglia, 9.Gruppo, 4.Stormo aircraft. Interestingly I've just found out that there is a 90.Squadriglia, 9 Gruppo, 4. Stormo aircraft in the Smithsonian. http://www.eaf51.org/Photo_29_RA_C202.htm
  4. Looks like a German ME109 and Italian FIAT G55 Centauro
  5. The rear shoes and springs look like a later type, Fronts look correct ally with the steal plate surface.
  6. I have a guyson, got it from ebay for £200 complete with an extractor. I just had to swop the 3 phase extractor motor for a 240 lump and it works a treat. I use crushed glass or walnut shell but I always degrease components and mask off the areas I don't want the media to go. The media will find grease where ever it is and it sticks like glue, you really do have to check and clean every nook and cranny or else you'll paint away and find you blast dust out all over your paint.
  7. What’s the protest about? Hunger??
  8. Also join the g503 forum hosted by RFJP (Ron Fitzpatrick Jeep Parts). A wealth of knowledge if you can get passed the old boys bickering about stuff.
  9. Do you need a nova if the vehicle isn’t an import?
  10. When I worked in the armoury at RAF Leeming, there was a large circular track in the roof that I was told was for testing the turrets for the Lancaster during the war. Does that sound genuine?
  11. Is it just me or is there a problem with posted photos on the forum. Today on both my phone and laptop, all the photos recently posted are dead? Just the photo name is displayed.
  12. Under the laws of salvage, does a lost/sunk government owned ship and its cargo not remain the property of that government regardless of age?
  13. possibly a Dodge crew bus www.oldclassiccar.co.uk/dodgehistory.htm
  14. The Forks are standard Enfield WD/C forks that have been modified to right side brakes. The wheel looks like a post war model G/J or possibly pre war bike with rear speedo. The brake plate is not for that wheel and could be pre war Enfield model H etc. Is it an 8”? oh and the gearbox is post war.
  15. That is a WD/CO rear frame if bothe sides have tool box brackets pointing out but would be a Model G post war if the left tool brackets point in. The rear stand castings are the late open or simpler castings. The earlier type castings supported the stand bolts on both sides of each eye of the stand. This type of rear frame was used on the type 2 frame but I have seen them fitted to Type 1 1/2 frames And I don’t see any seat/mudguard bracket castings. They may have been ground off. That would be unfortunate.
  16. I don’t know whey they changed the stand height but I suspect it may have been when the pannier frame was introduced at the factory. My WDC in the 13000 range (can’t remember off the top of my head) has the high stand and wouldn’t have had the panniers from the factory. I did find a number of NOS low stands with labels some years ago and that’s when I found the different heights. I started to take notice but could never come to a firm conclusion. Possibly because they did crack and were replaced.... and maybe due to the increased weight of laiden panniers! i also found these early frames cracked around the head stock through the Webb’s. Enfield must have learnt this quickly and later frames were solid in these areas.
  17. Ron, have you noticed the early WD/C had a tall centre stand and the later a lower? I think they had the same part number so it’s hard to know when the change occurred.
  18. Wow, 30 yds is a small range for MG practice. 25M is what we use for pistols!
  19. Seeing as the rifles have been stolen can you add details to this post (Serial Numbers, proof house and dates). if they try and sell them on they should stand out as non EU deacs.
  20. The thin lines are taxi ways, the dots are hold points and the bars on the end of the runways are similar to the hold points.
  21. I can see these replicas filling the gaps left by the EU deac laws. They are that good that It took me a while to sus that they weren't real and I have worked with the live guns for years!
  22. I suspect the repro DandB have is either made by Manroy or one of the Ex employees. Many of the parts look to be original and the cost reflects that.
  23. Deac GPMGs were in the £2-3000 range until the law changed and now they have to be welded solid before they can be sold. I dare say that unless there is a massive surplus of GPMGs turn up, we won’t see any current EU deacs. There are also a lot of FN MAGs out there from India with crude L7 markings so something to watch out for. Also some of the replica/paintball GPMGs are actually M240 replicas which are similar. im also not sure if there was ever a wood butt for the British built (Enfield) L7, but I’d imagine the original FN built L7s probably did before being rebuilt by Enfield.
  24. I don’t know why they bother with these alerts when they don’t actually deliver the goods when they state they will.
  25. I took my last pair in about 2 months back expecting a pair of browns and got yet another pair of DMS. They told me they had to Exhaust the current supply.
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