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Weymouth Veterans weekend!

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This year I didn't go for the whole weekend as 1) didn't have time 2) the GMC has no brake lights.


So Jim said would Jess and I like to ride on the Sherman.....doesn't really take a lot of thinking about does it??!!!


Jim has strict dress code when riding on his tank - long hair doesn't go so was handed a elastic band and told to put my hair in a bun and then handed me a helmet and then a pair of HBT's...it felt like when my mum used to dress me!:sweat:


Now I have never seen Martin and Jim stuck for words but Mrs Beckett managed to do it. Whilst they were trying to dress me, Mrs Beckett asked if Jess was dressed OK and they said yes. Mrs Beckett was wearing her normal attire -slightly wacko stuff. She looked Martin and Jim in the eye and said ' I am dressed OK to go on the tank aren't I...' complete silence from them both - if they were drinking tea then you can imagine them spitting it out at high speed:rofl:



Jim and Martin always seem to do some eccentric and off the wall stuff and if you want to get some strange looks then buy a tank and then drive into a fuel station and fill it up - it may be me but they is something surreal about that! We then blasted down to Weymouth with Jess siting in the turret.


The turnout of vehicles seemed to be half of what is normally there. Good to see Rob again this year. Rob do you think it was quieter? Bovington Museum didn't have anything there? The parade worked well this year and it is always a wonderful experience driving down through the high street and the thousands of people.


In the afternoon the BBMF Spitfire and Hurrican did a flypast - it really doesn't get any better than that does it?



Riding on the back of a Sherman is such an adrenaline rush that it is addictive. I am sure that the men that used these for real thought differently. You do feel invinceable when you are one and hanging on to a 50 cal but you have to remember that you are sat onto of 160 gallons of fuel and good knows how much ammunition.


Thanks for the experience Jim, it was fantastic.















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Good to have you and Jess on board Jack, what a cracking weekend it was good weather and good company but all over too soon though.


I would just like to point out that the baby chair next to me in one of the pictures is nothing to do with me,its not mine, I didnt do it, I wasnt there ok anyway like my Sherman Ive been deactivated so there.


Martin would like to thank all those who helped him when his gearstick came off in his hand(perhaps I should rephrase that). On the road run on Sarurday Martins gearstick snapped of right next to the gearbox.Jason went back with his Diamond T 981 and towed him to the carpark where the top of the gearbox was removed. While this was going on Ron Pier and John Illot organised a welder( Mike Manning) to rejoin the bits, Poppy Butcher then took the parts to the welders workshop in her car. The GMC was then towed to the campsite ,Poppy returned later with the repaired gearstick it was then fitted by Pete Blackman and Martin. So Martin was able to use the GMC in the Sunday parade and return home safely.



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I had a fantastic time at Weymouth Veterans last weekend. Only one thing upset the event was when the Charity collecting tin was stolen from Simon Weston on the Star & Garter stall on Saturday. Happily the locals heard about it and more than made up the loss, and the Police are questioning someone.

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The video is gone.



It's still there. I found the video on YouTube by searching for 'Weymouth Veterans' and sorting by 'Newest'. If you watch it at 6.24 you see me drive past the camera.

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I had a fantastic time at Weymouth Veterans last weekend. Only one thing upset the event was when the Charity collecting tin was stolen from Simon Weston on the Star & Garter stall on Saturday. Happily the locals heard about it and more than made up the loss, and the Police are questioning someone.




Hope (if their found to be the culprit) they are tied to the end of a breakwater at low tide and left............would certainly save tax payers money.

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