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Bedford MJ fuel filler cap


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Does anyone know of an aftermarket fuel filler cap for a Bedford MJ that is lockable?


I picked my truck up this morning and am hoping I still have fuel in it by morning due to the fact you can't lock the filler cap. The only thing you can lock is the fuel shut off leaver, and that's not exactly going to stop the fuel being nicked...


We used to have lockable flaps on the DROPS.





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Does anyone know of an aftermarket fuel filler cap for a Bedford MJ that is lockable?


I picked my truck up this morning and am hoping I still have fuel in it by morning due to the fact you can't lock the filler cap. The only thing you can lock is the fuel shut off leaver, and that's not exactly going to stop the fuel being nicked...


We used to have lockable flaps on the DROPS.







If they cannot open the cap and syphon it out they will axe the bottom of the tank and drain it that way. Best way is just to leave a small amount in the tank that you can afford to lose rather than having to replace the tank. If you are concerned about condensation in the cold weather you can lag the tank with an old eiderdown or similar when it is parked.


A colleague of mine recently caught a pair of pikeys in a field next to a motorway service area in a Transit with a huge tank on the back and an electric pump with a long hose that would reach almost any parked truck.


Many years ago, another friend had the entire tank + contents stolen from his Volvo F89 in Turkey by thieves with a forklift truck while he slept in the cab:shocked:

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Scania do a locking cap which fits a civilian Bedford tank (I fitted a larger tank to my MJ), I imagine it would fit MJ army tank too. £23 odd. Best to take the cap in to your local Scania dealer to make sure.


If I remember I could check on Monday for you with the old tank (assuming I can find it!). Thinking about it, the truck is a civilian model so that would still not answer the question!

Edited by N.O.S.
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Thanks for the replys guys.


Radiomike7, you are right about putting a hole in the tank. They have got a drain plug in, so they could just undo that. I might just have to keep a small amount in the tank, with the rest in jerry cans in the body and just fill when required.


Also what worries me is the batteries. I think I will take them out and leave in the body too, at least until I get secure storage for it.

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My MJ and the MK before both came as standard with a locking (of sorts) cap. The device was on the neck of the filler and prevented the cap being pressed inwards to turn. Not sure what persuasion it would need to overcome (I suspect not a lot) but you locked the sliding bar upwards with a padlock and it seemed to work OK.


Doesn't help with the drain in the bottom of the tank or an axe through the side though.


Mark Preston

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I think the idea of leaving minimal fuel on board is the best ......Is there anything you could stencil on the tank that would put off any of those types of thieves ? Bio-diesel ? industrial solvent ? use only stale fuel ? something that if they were in a hurry would skip rather that check or test ?

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My MJ and the MK before both came as standard with a locking (of sorts) cap. The device was on the neck of the filler and prevented the cap being pressed inwards to turn. Not sure what persuasion it would need to overcome (I suspect not a lot) but you locked the sliding bar upwards with a padlock and it seemed to work OK.

Ours is like this too - you sure you haven't just missed it? There's a bar that slides upwards, with a hole cutout that lines up with two holes in the frame - you can stick a small padlock through it, which as Mark says prevents the cap being pressed inwards.


Bear in mind, all you have to do is make it harder to steal your fuel than your neighbours'...there's precious little you can do against a determined thief who isn't bothered how much damage they cause.



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Ours is like this too - you sure you haven't just missed it? There's a bar that slides upwards, with a hole cutout that lines up with two holes in the frame - you can stick a small padlock through it, which as Mark says prevents the cap being pressed inwards.


Bear in mind, all you have to do is make it harder to steal your fuel than your neighbours'...there's precious little you can do against a determined thief who isn't bothered how much damage they cause.






Yeah come to think of it I think there is a sliding bar of some description on it. Don't think it's up to much though. I always fill tanks to the brim, but 150lts is too much to loose. The best option is secure storage, which I will have to look into once she is on the road.

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