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height of seat..serious question!


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What is the thickness of your GMC seats, the bit with the springs in?


The reason that I ask is because if I don't use some extra 'soft furnishings' then I can now see my headlamps, let alone anything else! :shock: I am 6' in height and I find it hard to believe how the men/boys of 60+ years ago would of been able to have good vision as they were a lot smaller than me!





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I posted this on the CCKW site, but thought I ought to post here aswell. :D




I think it depends on which GMC you are talking about.


It seems to me that the closed cabs seats are quite a bit thicker and springier than the Open Cabs. For instance, I bounce around like anything in the Closed Cabs, and don't find it too bad in the open ones.


I will ask Mick and Jem to check their seats as they are different. Not sure whether they are supposed to be, but the Closed Cab view/window seems smaller than the open cab one aswell.




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  • 5 weeks later...
I think you must have some thing wrong Jack, being 6ft you shouldn't have a problem.







Looking through some books Degsy, I have noticed that must GMC's have two cushions per seat, have you seen that before?

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Thats what I do Jack, however in Normandy I was talking to a 91 year old American. he was tiny, less than 5FT in height but he had somehow got in to the Engineers and done 3 landings driving a 353 and had managed with the normal seats, how he did it defeats me.

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