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Bovington Remembrance 2008


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Yesterday Kev and I went down to Bovington Tank Museum for the remembrance service.


The hall was full. I always feel sad at these events. There didn't seem to be many veterans there but as Kev pointed out - all of those young men sitting on the tanks where veterans in their own rights.


I looked around during the two minutes silence and wondered how many of those young men will be here with us next year. We all tend to think that we are thinking of our men from WW1 and WW2 when I expect these guys were thinking of their friends.


I am not a religious man and I find it ironic that the vicar was telling stories of 90 years of remembrance - as if it is normal and and excepted. He talked of the war to end all wars. I do wonder why we continue to create war.







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Glad you could get there Jack, Remembrance events are a very moving time and not something the modern world with it's culture of lack of responsibility likes to acknowledge.


Why do Sky Pilots take part - is anyones guess. The Book they are all supposed to preach from teaches love of neighbour yet I can recall the Regimental one exhorting us to do our utmost in the opposite direction!


Why do we still have wars - without wishing to stray into the dreaded "P" realms - as long as we have greed, fear, stupidity, arrogance and evil in the world we will have wars.

As long as these conditions exist on earth then the Latin phrase "Si Vis Pacem Para bellum" (If you want peace, prepare for war) holds true and is ignored at a nations peril.

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