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Scimitar CVRT, Progress on scratchbuild 60%scale model.


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G'day every one, Well Lee I'm here.


My name Is Damian, I live in Brisbane Australia. I am currently in the middle of a 60% scale model build of Scimitar CVRT.


The Tank is Based on a Scimitar but may not be 100% accurate, because of size issues and drivability. Its powered by a Fiat 126 engine.

I would appreciate any pictures and help you guys who own them can offer.

Ill post progress of the Scimitar as I go If it interest you. I am also after exploded views of the transmission if any one has them?


Cheers Digger





















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I think you might struggle to replicate the transmission in scale, it's bad enough repairing them when they are full size!





Gday Chris, I wasnt planning on replicating the transmssion for the tank, We allready have a transmission designed specificaly for scaled tanks. I was more interested in seeing the workings, more a curiosity thing.

Lee, there is already a scaled Shermen on our Site, http://www.scaledtanks.com/news.php



width=640 height=480http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p296/muddydigger/Upper_hull_moulded_shell.jpg[/img]width=125 height=100http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p296/muddydigger/default.jpg[/img]


This site is dedicated to building Scaled Tanks, so if any one would like to own a tank but dosent have the room, nor the cash to buy a real on have a look, join up and start building. Ps we are not restricted to whats available to buy either, We haev M1s, Shermans, M60s even a WW1 Renult tank.

cheers Digger

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Welcome aboard for a great time . I had watched the series of videos posted on you-tube about the sherman tank project Great Bit of Engineering and looks like a lot of fun .......

Should you finish up your very interesting scale CVRT make sure you stay out of the way of the likes of the Antars , Scammels and such that prowl the Parking lot of the club house as they tend not to see things as they manover about looking for parking places ...... :-D

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No idea why I called you David before! Anyway, here's something that might help!


I can explain basically how it works, but it is not simple....




Chris this is great stuff,Do you have any more? I would love to see more, I can see some of the workings there, but the picture isnt that good to see it. If you can them please do so.

If its easier to email then do so damian.sonia@bigpond.com



Cheers Digger

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Hi Damian, now that looks fun. Are you goung to publish blueprints?



There are some plans available on scaledtanks.com site yes, but mostly its fairly simple stuff, Get 1/35 scale model kit and measure and multiply by a factor of 20.

The Gearbox and suspension will be shown in plan format on the site, as well.


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  • 4 months later...

G day every one, sorry I havent been on for some time. I recentely had a heart attack and so that has well and truley set me behind. But I will keep working on the Scimitar. I any one can re PM me with Transmission pics That would be great.

I would also like to talk to peopel who have real ones as well as restoreded ones cheers for now

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G day every one, sorry I havent been on for some time. I recentely had a heart attack and so that has well and truley set me behind. But I will keep working on the Scimitar. I any one can re PM me with Transmission pics That would be great.

I would also like to talk to peopel who have real ones as well as restoreded ones cheers for now


Ha ha, fancy finding you here Muddy! Great minds think alike I guess.

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