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emlra forum



I may be a bit cheeky asking this on here, but how long does it usually take to get permission to use the emlra forum from when you register?


I registered on tuesday, still waiting for confirmation.


Also, I emailed c&s tat enquiring about a arial mast, still waiting for a reply to that aswell.


All the best



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I may be a bit cheeky asking this on here, but how long does it usually take to get permission to use the emlra forum from when you register?


I registered on tuesday, still waiting for confirmation.


Also, I emailed c&s tat enquiring about a arial mast, still waiting for a reply to that aswell.


All the best




Hi Mark


EMLRA Forum admin usually waits for someone to get in touch by email when they originally register, kind of a crude spam filter :)


All the best

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I know this is an old post but hopefully someone see`s this post. What happened to the EMLRA forum? I was a member in 2013 and it was full of information but now it is dead with no posts?

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Dave you've asked for it now! Sorry but this is a long reply. The point you raise has been raised by former & current EMLRA club members & former registered users of that forum, who have posted their comments on the S2 Club forum.

These are the posts I have made to that thread.

22/5/24 I wondered what had happened as for several weeks it was returning “can't find that site”. It seemed strange that a few days ago I received an email with a new user name (my membership number) and a password, but no explanation as to what was going on.

Also noted a change in site to https://emlra.org/ this then took me to new tarted up but seriously slimmed down home page.

It is shame that a casual visitor to the site cannot peruse what questions & answers have cropped up that may encourage them to think that this is a helpful place I want to join EMLRA, it was our shop window.

It is a shame if all the previous exchanges & answers have been wiped out, as so many issues regularly crop up & can still be of value years later. I have made many thousands of posts mainly offering advice and it will be quite tedious starting to answer all these problems with vehicles as they crop up with time.

This weekend I will be at a show with several members of the committee and will raise these points.


22/5/24 The forum traffic has been pretty low in the last couple of years anyway and I have no idea what goes on in facebook.

For any group it seems, if not arrogant, then very short-sighted to exclude non-members. As I like to think of the site as being a shop window to draw people into membership if they like what they see. The arrogant bit is the assumption that non-members have nothing to offer, sometimes people with some knowledge or experience that if shared on the forum may actually help members as well as other users.

26/5/24 Over the last couple of days I have made several representations to the committee members present here. The overriding concern seems to establish control over the new forum whereas I understand the facebook there is no firm control of content by the club itself.

I have no idea whether there have been problems or the feeling that there could be because of lack of control over the content. I have pointed out that in recent years there have been no problems of spam or untoward/irrelevant postings on the forum.

I moderate 4 forums, 3 of which require a new member of the forum to be moderated for the first 5 posts. This usually shows up bad or irrelevant behaviour, so they are either booted out or if in doubt moderated for longer until their true colours are obvious. I have offered to help moderating these new posts, I do not find it onerous.

There seemed to be some acceptance of having a more open forum as a means of helping newcomers to the forum who may subsequently feel welcomed or helped sufficiently to make them want to join the club. It was put to me that the establishment of the new forum was the big first step and modifications to the way that it works may follow.

As I was told I was the longest joined member, I particularly hope that club moves forward to a more open approach to those who want to contribute & get help, that was the mainstay of its existence. If it doesn't I will let my membership lapse & the large content that I regularly supply to the Newsletter will cease.

The other point I made that is that it not be assumed all non-club members are takers, there will be many people who may not have sufficient enthusiasm to join the club but may wish to contribute memories or advice that we might all benefit from.

Sadly although all the old posts are stored I think, but they are not compatible with the new site technology so are in fact gone for good.

The responses I have received suggest that some mellowing of the structure of the access eligibility may well come once everything is up & running. I hope my optimism is well founded but if I prove to be wrong, I will disentangle myself & leave them to it. 

11/6/24 Despite my representations to several committee members a few weeks ago, these have fallen on deaf ears & nothing has changed.

I feel this new exclusivity of the EMLRA forum that prevents non-club members from joining in is not only bad PR & bad manners but will have a detrimental effect of the numbers of potential new members joining. Those who do join who will then have access to the exclusive members only forum will be likely to be disappointed by the lack of content.

Much of the content over the years has come from me & just a few others. In the present climate I feel disinclined to contribute to a set-up of which I disapprove. It no longer reflects the friendly helpfulness that was offered to all owners of ex-military Land Rovers.

Similarly since the inception of our Newsletter I have supplied a high level of content. I feel disinclined to provide any more, the next edition due out soon contains the conclusion of a particular series that I have run for two years. There will be no more from me, but the club is no longer the helpful go to place that it was when I first joined as a founding member. 

17/6/24 Although there seems to be no great urgency, I have been informed that the points I raised will be discussed at the next committee meeting on 18th July. My representations will be discussed and I am grateful for this thread as I have linked it to my communications.

I'm not optimistic as human nature being what it is, organisations be they small or national, are generally reluctant to backtrack on flagship policies that were deemed to be a new way forward regardless of consequences.

Whether there is any life yet on the new forum I know not as a few weeks ago I deleted it from my bookmarks.

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I was a member of EMLRA. I haven't visited for several years because it had gone down hill so badly.  Very little activity, the site was difficult to navigate and every query seemed to be answered by only one or two people.  So I lost interest and, when I tried to log in recently, was unable to do so. I shan't bother now.

Sadly, too much has moved across to Facebook.  By and large, Facebook communities are vibrant with loads of active members, but trying to track themes and threads is hopeless and, I think, the casual nature of Facebook makes for a lack of politeness from posters and, it must be said, the organisers while it is obvious that they are full of people who really know nothing about the subject under discussion - and probably learn little because of the thread continuity difficulty.  I have been astounded by the rudeness I have seen on one or two MV-related Facebook sites - I wouldn't dream of joining. 

But, things aren't perfect on the website-based communities, either.  Photobucket, in particular, did a lot of damage.  I have toyed with the idea of joining one or two others - but they are so frustrating - really interesting threads start then simply wither away - few members bother to take things forward.  MLU, for example - loads of really interesting threads, most have lost all their photos and they just die, sometimes without the last question even being answered.  They leave a lot to be desired.

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Thanks Clive and 10FM68 - I think I remember both of you when I was a member. I only paid the £ so I could access the forum information on my last Lightweight build and try and chat to some members who I knew in 2013. Shocked that the forum is now dead.

*I did get a reply but it means no historical data is available.

Ah well.

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From what I remember - there was no drastic extinction of ExMLRA  Forum membership  (members and registered) , because of the traffic 'hits' daily (if anybody bothered to peruse).  IMHO  -  a case of sleepers/lurkers who used the facilities  (educated themselves for their own project(s) from the vast Library reference search facility) - but in return gave back  s.f.a. .  Most of these people were obviously non-member but registered for Forum.  The committee it seems were not interested in the important issue of HITS  -  publicity   , courteously provided for all.  My understanding is that the Fourum was never owned by the club or committe  - it was owned by Matt Green of Yeovil (I forget his name just now) , originally set up for C&S TaT sales.  So - it seems a power 'coup d etat'   ,  one of the reasons I ceased my club membership was , a couple (husband / wife team) arrived ,  IIRC soon both were leading light (committee members  ?)   and decreed that there was to be a FACEBOOK  'club group' ,  of course they set it up with their then smart-phones and made it a CLOSED GROUP  that they controlled and not the committee ,  ISTR there was no membership vote on if there should be a FACEBOOK GROUP and if it should be open / closed.    It is a pity - most LR Forums (they were mainly Club Forums that permitted registered Forum membership) are now effectively dead.  It seems Forum pages don't cross to phones very well and yes , I too have looked at FACEBOOK  and to me , finding my way around is not easy but I am not of the right generation.  HMVF is now quieter , many people left because they did not like finding their way around the present site software, the strong point is the hold of many / any makes, ages & types of vehicle - if you want your dedicated and small dinosaur  'group' - then you have FACEBOOK.

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The military lwt forum is still fairly active, but the elmra forum has been dead for a long time. I last bumped into them at the last w&p and thought no thanks (it might have been the couple that you were alluding to)

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Well  -  I have only stood once as a  member visitor & have never been part of the executive of the ExMLRA  , that was the first time they were at the B'ham Exhibition centre , so that must be 30 + years ago  ?    What you must remember is that the ExMLRA is displaying to the public Rovers as they existed in military service.  I have met one member of the executive who I suppose attends all the shows displaying a rare vehicle.    I recall this person telling me about when the Founder of the military lwt forum  (Gordon - somebody)  , turned up at a show stand as a non-member of ExMLRA and requested that his LWT be included on the display  - he was turned down , not for membership/insurance reasons (immediate membership as AA & RAC)   - it was due to the fact that his LWT  was fitted with a 200 tdi turbo engine complete with snorkel  -  enough said.    Actually  -  I may start paying subs. to ExMLRA for the reason of show display and that the club does have some Q.C. standards

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On 8/1/2024 at 3:17 PM, Trickyh said:

The military lwt forum is still fairly active, but the elmra forum has been dead for a long time. I last bumped into them at the last w&p and thought no thanks (it might have been the couple that you were alluding to)

I tried to rejoin the military lightweight forum but never received a new login

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On 7/11/2024 at 9:38 PM, simpleearth said:

I know this is an old post but hopefully someone see`s this post. What happened to the EMLRA forum? I was a member in 2013 and it was full of information but now it is dead with no posts?

it is a fact of life that forums are no longer the source of info that they once were.

FB has undoubtedly taken over as the primary go to place. You only have to look here on HMVF for the very obvious drop in activity level compared to almost daily activity across groups for Ferrets, Foxes and Morrises on FB 
The 101 Land Rover club forum is now extinct because we found that people migrated to FB and the cost of maintaining the forum in the face of declining membership anyway meant something had to give. I personally still prefer the format of a forum, with individual topics and continuity of comments on each, but most it appears do not.
FB offers the "one stop shop" that people with their short attention spans can only cope with these days, one log in to check friends, family and interests. 

Edited by john fox
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On 8/21/2024 at 7:45 PM, john fox said:

it is a fact of life that forums are no longer the source of info that they once were.

FB has undoubtedly taken over as the primary go to place. You only have to look here on HMVF for the very obvious drop in activity level compared to almost daily activity across groups for Ferrets, Foxes and Morrises on FB 
The 101 Land Rover club forum is now extinct because we found that people migrated to FB and the cost of maintaining the forum in the face of declining membership anyway meant something had to give. I personally still prefer the format of a forum, with individual topics and continuity of comments on each, but most it appears do not.
FB offers the "one stop shop" that people with their short attention spans can only cope with these days, one log in to check friends, family and interests. 

FB is useless if you are not prepared to give then personal identity information not being sure how they might use it or who they might share it with never mind if their systems get hacked into.

Further is how their system can, or at least could, read into your PC. The first time I signed up they suggested FB members I might know. At the same time I had my email open in another window of the same browser. The only way they could have made the link was by reading my email addresses.

The next time I tried with a different email I had that open in a different browser ....

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2 hours ago, david1212 said:

FB is useless if you are not prepared to give then personal identity information not being sure how they might use it or who they might share it with never mind if their systems get hacked into.

Further is how their system can, or at least could, read into your PC. The first time I signed up they suggested FB members I might know. At the same time I had my email open in another window of the same browser. The only way they could have made the link was by reading my email addresses.

The next time I tried with a different email I had that open in a different browser ....

AND  -  I understand that if you post one of your photographs on Facebook - then afterwards it is copyrite property of Facebook.  Obviously I have never read the small print terms of membership.  Yes  , I have had 'friends' suggested  , some from remote African countries , two - obviously call-girls , two - that I have corresponded with via. other Forums - so linked , but never mixed with on Facebook - so it seems some dark surveillance  ?

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17 hours ago, david1212 said:

FB is useless if you are not prepared to give then personal identity information not being sure how they might use it or who they might share it with never mind if their systems get hacked into.

so you mean my fake ID on FB then?

15 hours ago, ruxy said:

AND  -  I understand that if you post one of your photographs on Facebook - then afterwards it is copyrite property of Facebook.  Obviously I have never read the small print terms of membership.  

the fact you admit you have not read it explains why your statement is wrong 

Edited by john fox
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8 hours ago, john fox said:

so you mean my fake ID on FB then?

the fact you admit you have not read it explains why your statement is wrong 

My statement is in fact correct under certain circumstances , I presented the dangers to the unwary.. It seems that you now have to add a copyrite tag to every such post to protect your own legal copyrite , I don't recall Facebook having any great publicity on this issue change.  This Forbes article dated 13/3/24  -  gives some indication.

Possibly it means any registered user of Facebook is entitled as free issue to use wording that is  effectively plagiarized , likewise with your own private photographs that you attach without a copyrite tag.  Or does it mean that Facebook alone can grab photographs without a security copyrite tag  ?   however - as stated , I have not as yet bothered to read all the small print.


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2 hours ago, john fox said:

precisely, the circumstances are set out in the FB's T&C, but no one ever reads T&C before commenting on the internet 

I have yet to see any comment / photograph posted on Facebok with a own security copyrite tag fixed.  Of late -  ' it's  Keep Calm & Carry-on'  .  ISTR the FB notification of change(s) was very small on screen -  I'm certain I just ticked  X  ,  I took notice when it was mentioned in the press.

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What the Forbes article actually says:

A new warning circulating online suggests that Facebook has just changed its rules which see the social media giant take ownership of all photos and videos unless users quickly add a copyright notice to their accounts...

These online warnings are always false.

As Facebook confirmed back in 2012, “there is a rumour circulating that Facebook is making a change related to ownership of users' information or the content they post to the site. This is false. Anyone who uses Facebook owns and controls the content and information they post, as stated in our terms. They control how that content and information is shared. That is our policy, and it always has been.”

The switch from Facebook to Meta hasn’t changed the rules—despite this latest meme:

You retain ownership of the intellectual property rights (things such as copyright or trademarks) in any such content that you create and share on Facebook and other Meta Company Products that you use. Nothing in these Terms takes away the rights you have to your own content. You are free to share your content with anyone else, wherever you want. However, to provide our services we need you to give us some legal permissions (known as a "License") to use this content. This is solely for the purposes of providing and improving our Products and services as described.”

This also doesn't change the irony that the clearly false warning about Facebook is doing the rounds... on Facebook. If only there was an AI-based algorithm of some sort that could detect and erase such nonsense and avoid the regular repetitions as these hoaxes constantly rinse and repeat.

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On 8/26/2024 at 2:28 PM, john fox said:

so you mean my fake ID on FB then?

Well I suppose that is one way if consistent & convincing enough to satisfy their cross-checking e.g. birth certificate & driving licence or passport.

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