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OK - hands up all those who went "what on earth" on reading the thread title?? :):)


For those who did - UBRE stands for Unit Bulk Refuelling Equipment, basically two large (2200 litre) fuel tanks plus a dispensing unit and a stowage rack. These were fitted to Stalwarts and Bedford MK's to allow refuelling in the field where a TTF (Truck, Tank, Fuel) could not reach.


I've been intrigued by this kit/concept ever since we uncovered a brass plate on the exhaust cover of little Maud that said "UBRE Earthing Point" indicating that, at some point in her career she had carried the UBRE installation.

Anyways to fuel the fire - no pun intended -I got hold of the manual at the Bunker Bash (Army Code 61389) so I now know what the installation looked like and I'm sorely tempted to knock up a replica when the girl gets back from the rebuild at RR. Would have to be out of ply or such so that it would be light enough to be lifted off by one or two people as it would block all access to the mechanicals of the Stalwart (would also need removing for Stolly tours at W&P) but as a static display there or at similar shows it might look rather good.


(Also it would have to be a replica as the real thing is horrendously expensive - for example there is a pump/dispensing unit on eBay right now - for £6,000!!!!!

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UBRE-Aviation-Refuelling-System_W0QQitemZ160241195474QQihZ006QQcategoryZ121903QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem )

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This one's a bit cheaper Neil...






Just a wee bit :)


Those tanks weigh in at about 800 lbs each, though, with another 300 lbs for the stowage rack and 1,000 lb's for the stowage rack, 118 lbs for the side rails and 217 lbs for the manifold assemblies. The book contains diagrams and illustrations for offloading the kit when no forklift, crane or Eager Beaver is available - believe me - you DON't want to be the guys at the foot of the ramp made by the side rails. :shocked: :shocked:


Hence the idea of the wooden mock-ups!! :)

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Last time you get a manual off of me suppose it had been for a rapier system!!!!!!!!!


Could have been worse - could have been one for the Polaris system!!! :cool2: :cool2:


(If you've got one on how to fit brain cells to DVLA personnel - I'm in the market!! :evil:)

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