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That flamin cats back!!!!


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I pulled the tarp off my jeep at the weekend only to find one seat covered in cat hair (im allergic to the evil things) and the other one scratched to shreds!!!! :argh:

I may be able to patch the seat and use it upside down until I can get a new one but does anyone have any ideas how I can keep the furry little demons away from my pride and joy? I tried the spray stuff last year when one neighbourhood pest thought my garden was a feline wc but that didn't work for long.

Any ideas appreciated, I'm thinking mousetraps at the moment as I can easily mop up a bit of blood :cool2: but don't fancy spraying my jeep with a repellent that's going to stink.

could buy a house with a garage but it's a bit ott. Anyone know of something that works?




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Keeping Cats away is fairly easy. There are 4 ways of doing it :-


1. Cats do not like citrus smells, so leaving Orange or Lemon peel around keeps them away, and it does smell OK.


2. Cats respect larger Cats, so visit a local Zoo and get some Lion or Tiger poo and spread this around. The cats will think a larger animal lives there and will keep away. However, the smell might keep you away aswell.


3. Spray Pepper around, as it irritates their noses and makes them sneeze. Cats can get a fatal disease called 'Cat Flu' so sneezing to a cat makes them think they are very ill and will keep away.


4. Cats and Dogs can hear sounds that humans cannot, so if you play a CD of those noises, the cats will not stay. The final track on the Beatles 'Sergeant Peppers' LP includes those sounds as John Lennon didn't like Cats or Dogs.


Hopes this helps.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
A 12 bore:-D

You beat me to it you bugger(say it with a norfolk accent) if they dont like citrus fruits rig up a hundred weight sack over its favourite spot in the sun ,you know the rest.i prefer the song birds the local cats keep clear of me,come to think of it havnt seen any lately,wonder where they have all gone,:whistle:

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You beat me to it you bugger(say it with a norfolk accent) if they dont like citrus fruits rig up a hundred weight sack over its favourite spot in the sun ,you know the rest.i prefer the song birds the local cats keep clear of me,come to think of it havnt seen any lately,wonder where they have all gone,:whistle:


Well I'm old, non PC and a great believer in direct action otherwise known as 'Do unto others as they would do unto you, only make sure you do it first.':-D

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The noise repellants can be heard by (some) people, a friend of ours has one and we can hear it, and it's very annoying! (Despite me being a drummer and working on big diesels...)

Sounds like my dad, he is quite deaf and has the thing set at far too low frequency. It drives me crazy whenever I sit outside in his garden.

No need to have it set so low for cats.


Reminds me of the bumper sticker seen in New York - "SO MANY MICE, SO FEW CATS"

and the one next to it - "SO MANY CATS, SO FEW RECIPES" :-D

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Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try a few and let you know what happens. I keep thinking of some kind of remote electric shock set up so I can see how high the thing can jump. :-D



It's not so much height, it's distance and noise emiitted, I saw one touch an electric fence years ago and the vision of it still makes me laugh.

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It's not so much height, it's distance and noise emiitted, I saw one touch an electric fence years ago and the vision of it still makes me laugh.




I did the same a few nights ago, whilst lambing,.......OUCH.....:nut:


Know what you mean about cats, though; :argh:

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A young lady of my aquaintance disapeard round a bush, followed by the most tremendous shriek and a standing leap, legs akimbo in full glory, jeans at half mast over said bush, She did know the feild had electric fencing. She then kicked the C888 out of me, mind you wasn't difficult I was rolling on the floor laughing. :yay: I find cats in the back yard useful for zeroing the airsoft BB. Well if they will serande at 2 am their lucky it 'aint the 12 bore. Mind you with the railway nearby the bl**dy foxes can be just as bad.

Edited by Tony B
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A young lady of my aquaintance disapeard round a bush, followed by the most tremendous shriek and a standing leap, legs akimbo in full glory, jeans at half mast over said bush, She did know the feild had electric fencing. She then kicked the C888 out of me, mind you wasn't difficult I was rolling on the floor laughing. :yay: I find cats in the back yard useful for zeroing the airsoft BB. Well if they will serande at 2 am their lucky it 'aint the 12 bore. Mind you with the railway nearby the bl**dy foxes can be just as bad.





Yup,......from a male perspective, know the feeling,..........its a real decision, when halfway over one thats 'pinged back upright', do you step over or back...................:sweat:

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