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New guy on the board


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My name is Jason. I found your site thru goggle and I think I will get some good information from the site and I hope so new friends.

To tell you about me well I have not got Military Vehicle however that is why I am here! You should all know that I am a 30 year old airsoft play and I work for two magazines in this fields aswell as being a brand manager for a skateboard footwear company


Well thats me!!!!




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Hi Jason, always useful having somone without a vehicle,. how are you at making bacon butties and brewing tea? there are always empty seats, till you decide to buy a Dodge.




Or Better still,.................Something BRITISH. :whistle: ;-)


Hi Jason,

Welcome to the forum,...........or is that 'welcome to the house of Fun',......... :-D


All the best,



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