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HMV Meeting in Western Norway 2008

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The annual meeting in western Norway, "Western Front Meeting" is to take place on June 27th to June 29th.

It is very easy to come to this meeting with the ferry from Newcastle. And if anyone would like to have a nice holliday in Norway, PM or e-mail me, and I can help you put up a plan so you can see both the nature and military sights.

A roundtrip in western Norway for abouth a week will get you to many interesting places.

Photo below is part of the meeting in 2003




width=640 height=483http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/320/im000154ww6.jpg[/img]


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hmm what a funny gang ... >:(

it is ok to be funny as long as it is not me who is getting it.. ;-)

Well its not my laundry hanging there, I live just 200 Yards from the site, so I go home and change my "crackers"...

So it is time you guys starts thinking of a holliday in Norway, so you can see for your selves.


It is not the bigges meeting in the world, but we usually have 50+ vehicles at the meeting.

And if someone is comming ower, I will help out so you can see as much as possible when here. Have many ideas for you.

And you can stay longer at the meeting if you want to, no problems. But the "best" thing to do, is to come asore in Stavanger, see the sites there for a couple of days, then drive up north to the meeting, stay there in the week-end, and then on to the deep fjords of Hardanger, and ending in Bergen where you can get on the ferry back home.




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