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TA 100 Celebrations 21st June 2008

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June the 21st 2008 is The Southampton TA 100 parade through the centre of Southampton. The event will be a parade with TA soldiers from the area marching through the centre of the high street on the Saturday afternoon. They will be dressed in uniforms from the start of the TA to the present day and will hopefully be accompanied by vehicles from the various eras. This is where we come in. If you have a military vehicle or piece of kit that was used by the British Army from 1908 onwards then please get in touch. The parade will go all the way to Mayflower Park where there will be static displays. The local units will have the current regular kit there and if you have tracks there should be some hard standing for the vehicles. There are very few events that i am aware of where you can drive right through the town centre at the busiest shopping time. Hopefully there will be more than one Military band and the PWRR skydiving team will be dropping in to the arena.


Please let me know if you are interested.


My work email is below as they don't like me spending time on HMVF during the day.


Kind regards,





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Here Lee,

read start of post :-D





June the 21st 2008 is The Southampton TA 100 parade through the centre of Southampton. The event will be a parade with TA soldiers from the area marching through the centre of the high street on the Saturday afternoon.

My work email is below as they don't like me spending time on HMVF during the day.


Kind regards,






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