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New Sign Near Our MVT Meeting Place!!!!!!!!!

Jessie The Jeep

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On the way to the MVT meeting in Hartlepool on Tuesday night, myself and Jason noticed the 'Welcome to Seaton Carew' sign by the railway bridge had been altered ( obviously prompted by recent headline news ). I went back after the meeting to take a picture, but someone ( the police perhaps ) had removed the change! Shame!!!!!!!


It was too funny to leave the opportunity, so I took a picture anyway and altered the sign to make it look like it did when first seen - see attached





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Don't want to scare anyone but that looks like a cloud of ectoplasm to the right of the sign post..........another story for the Bolero mess tent :naughty: :naughty:




:shake: TOLD you,....................its that BL**DY MONKEY...................... :sweat: :sweat:

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At least your signs have a sense of humour :cry: there are London low emissions area entry , starts Feb 2008 signs appearing in every b*****Y lane around here. And we are supposed to be in KENT!!!




I understand BAKED BEANS have been Banned, from 1st Feb................


as for BRUSSEL SPROUTS,....................... :whistle:

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:dunno: What's this all about???




If your refering to the Monkey refferences, Its a piece of hartlepool folklaw,...could well be true, or not. :whistle:

During the napolionic wars, its said that a monkey was washed ashore, in that town.

It was supposidly dressed in french seamans kit, and was assumed, because it didn't understand laungage, when spoken to, to be a french spy.

On this basis, it was tried, found guilty and hung.


It was reported in the papers of the time, so the probability of some truth, is great.

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I spent a bit of time in Hartlepool as a lad and have great affection for the place. My dad sort of kidnapped me and left me with family friends there - I used to get a freshly dug raw carrot as a treat every day - which was brilliant to me because I'd never seen them except in tins or on a greengrocer shelf. It's a long story, but it was there I discovered model kits. Honesty was also alive and well in those days because I left my watch in a restaurant and the owners found my address in London and sent it back.


Didn't a recent mayoral candidate win because he dressed as the famous monkey - which is a true story.


If I'm :offtopic: I don't care. Nostalgia is what it used to be.....

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