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Upottery Airfiled


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  • 4 months later...
Most Haunted did a program on ghosts at a local place called Maes Artro which was a living site for RAF Llanbedr during WW2.it's now a craft village/museum.they claim it's haunted by German POW's (amoung others).the problem with this is there were no German POW's at Llanbedr! the living site is also claimed to have been for "the fighter pilots",it was actually the WAAF site! they thought they saw orbs there.


I have lived in a haunted house,never saw any orbs though!




hi all


in fact there were german POWs at llanbedr there is written documentation for this, i think they were there at the end and after the war, also maes artro wasnt the waaf,s section this was opposite (now sterling exhaust) maes (at least in 1943-44) was the naffi's, cinema, shower block, kitchens and no's 1 and 2 dinning hall as well as a decontamination block, this info came from an ex-servicemen of llanbedr 1943-44


as for the picture on this thread, the "orbs" are most probably airborne particles looks like moisture which is too close to the lens and is relfecting light from the flash into the lens



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Hi Jack

Have just showed this thread to the wife who by the way is a white witch (proper) and she says that some of them could be orbs but not all as they could be dust particles, she is not sure about the flying fortress but I did explain that one, I think.

So I believe you Jack and I think (and the wife) that you might have got something here 8)

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if you look at my site (shameless plug)




If you look at most of the underground shots, i get "orbs" they are nothing special, its a combination of dust and water in the air. You will only see them with the flash. Other causes is having a longer exposure rate on the camera will blur and pull in light sources that are not apparent.



like the FF! great pic!

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Ok chaps here is the skinny;


These pictures were taken when it was so cold, wet and windy. I think that the day being so dull brings a certain atmosphere to the whole site, very special.


I am so pleased that you spotted the 'objects' so many people miss them. We had no idea that we had captured anything until we downloaded them on the PC, then it was a case of 'what the hell is that'. I have that control tower picture up on the wall in my office.


After some investigation, we discovered that they are actually spirit orbs, if you look at the control tower image you will see the big one and there is one shooting out of the door of the control tower and it also has a tail. We were of course most fascinated by what we had captured and really have done some great research on this phenomenon (type spirit orb into google) and we have now taken many more pictures with orbs in and with practice, you can bring them into your pictures. We took the pictures that you have got to a spiritualist, to see if we could find out more about them and this was the report that we got back.




"The big orb in the sky above the control tower is a German bomber that was shot down over the airfield - it had a crew of four. Three were killed and one survived, this is the spirit of one of the crewmen who is lost in the spirit world. He has never been able to rest."






She said that she has now sent him on his way and he won't be back. This is such a wonderful report that I did some more digging around and some research, with regards to the German bomber. We knew that a bomber had been shot down over the airfield as we saw a piece of it, what I didn't know was that there were four crew members of which the 3 were killed and were buried in Upottery church, they were later interned into a German cemetery.


When we went down on June 6th we also learnt that the surviving crew member managed to walk to the nearest farmhouse and knocked on the door, that farmer came out in his pajamas with his shotgun and marched him down to the police house in Upottery! What a wonderful piece of history.


The orb coming out of the door, she had no information on, but the orb dancing around Eliza's feet is a WW2 airman and he was attracted to Eliza because she reminded him of his little sister, very touching.


We captured some more orbs at the memorial opening on June 6.


All in all, the whole was rather profound and very special; there is something strange about this place, something that keeps pulling us back.


Here is a picture of the piece of German bomber.







With regards to the spiritualist, I didn't have a clue about the orbs. She lives in Bere Regis in Dorset and is an old lady. She wasn't told anything as we didn't know anything ourselves. We just asked 'what is this in these pictures'? I didn't even call them orbs as we didn't know there was such a thing until she pointed them out.


When she told us about them we were speechless as one can imagine.


We have some more orbs in our pictures when we took some pictures on June 6th, again down at Upottery! Just as strange.



....people do tend to poo poo these things and I have pretty much heard them all but when I talk and show people who 'move' within that sort of world are amazed at the orbs when they compare them to there's.....even though first of all the say it is 'dust' but again once they put them next theirs then the are amazed which is confusing as first of all they say oh no no that will be dust etc etc and then they say 'this is what an orb should look like'......I show them mine and say 'no, this is what you call orbs!'



Have a look through you images and see what you can see.

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im stil not a huge believer, i think my pictures might give an overload to the spirit lady..



i have pictures of most mental asylums and there morgues and service tunnels and padded cells(yes there still out there! pm me for locations)

Also bunkers and WW2 positions where i know fatalities happened. And a frequent, if not 2 in 5 has orbs in, but again only when a flash is used.


Im not knocking the "most haunted" style, as i have seen Derek acora live and he was, amusing...


But i personally believe that Orbs only really appear in digital photography.

We all believe different things and thats fine... but if the orbs are real spirits

F**K me i have been in some haunted situations!!! ill get some pics up of morgues! see what you think!!

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