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Moving to a new server....stand easy.


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Due to public demand we are moving to a new host for HMVF.


We are moving because we aren't happy with the speed of the site. It is super quick for some but seems to be slow for most - we don't want that so we are moving.


In fact it is in the process of moving as we speak. You will also be pleased to know that I have nothing to do with this so HMVF is safe :whistle: Joris has this in his safe hands.


So if the site 'flips' out for you or you can't logon for a while then this is why....in theory it should all go smoothly..........if not, shout at Joris


We should then be able to have our gallery back and such like and may be a video section.............


Any problems then please post them up here :-D




Jack & Joris.

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Would this be why I have been unable to get on here for a couple of days? :dunno:



It was probably because you were trying to connect using http://www.hmvf.co.uk'>http://www.hmvf.co.uk'>http://www.hmvf.co.uk which was down for a few days instead of http://www.historicmilitaryvehicles.com/ but I think we are back on http://www.hmvf.co.uk now.. rihgt/wrong Joris :dunno:

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One small question - since the move some of the text in the varying threads has been replaced with/gained an extra � - for example in the "Forum RULES & GUIDELINES" thread under "Forum rules and VCR Bill." I see this:


"This site is for all of us to enjoy, so let’s do it with a smile and lets have some fun."


Seems to be worse when bld or larger than usual fonts are used..


Any ideas why this should be???

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  • 1 month later...

Did our beloved leader forget to pay the rent again ?

I was having a quiet wander around the pages last night ,went to move on an suddenly I was locked outside the back door . :shake:


Tried to get back in a few times but just kept getting the server's page with a message telling me the site was temporarily unavailable .


I mean....I can take a hint .......if it was something I said you only have to say guys........ :cry:

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Did our beloved leader forget to pay the rent again ?

I was having a quiet wander around the pages last night ,went to move on an suddenly I was locked outside the back door . :shake:


Tried to get back in a few times but just kept getting the server's page with a message telling me the site was temporarily unavailable .


I mean....I can take a hint .......if it was something I said you only have to say guys........ :cry:



Oh so it was you Dave who screwed up the site :evil:

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