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Normandy or Bust

rampant rivet

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Well after the problems with the rough running jeep we are now back on track the Jeep is ok so now we can get back to sorting tents / gear etc, the two wreaths I have to lay on behalf of family members have arrived from the RBL even the gubbins needed to charge the mob phone has turned up :-D

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Well after the problems with the rough running jeep we are now back on track the Jeep is ok so now we can get back to sorting tents / gear etc, the two wreaths I have to lay on behalf of family members have arrived from the RBL even the gubbins needed to charge the mob phone has turned up :-D


Vive La France!!!

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Tell them sooner rather than later, it's always best to get it over with.


As for your wife having difficulty getting in and out of the back, many of the people in our club carry small step ladders in their vehicles for the ANZAC day parades to help the old soldiers in and out. Seems to work quite well.





I have a ladder for both the Dodge AND the Chevy but my wife is really poorly right now and climbing up is difficult even with the ladder. The Dodge is easier for her though.

Well I have told the others of the problems and it went down like a lead balloon :-( I have taken the radiator in to be re-cored and the guy said it was virtually completely blocked so at least there appears a cause of the truck running warm. I have serviced my jeep and trailer but have not got lifts organised for the other three once over in Normandy. They are travelling by car to Portsmouth anyway, it will be difficult with 5 in a jeep and I don't think the French police will like it :shocked: If I get the rad back and the Dodge road tested over a good few miles I may just get it there but I doubt it.

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I have a ladder for both the Dodge AND the Chevy but my wife is really poorly right now and climbing up is difficult even with the ladder. The Dodge is easier for her though.

Well I have told the others of the problems and it went down like a lead balloon :-( I have taken the radiator in to be re-cored and the guy said it was virtually completely blocked so at least there appears a cause of the truck running warm. I have serviced my jeep and trailer but have not got lifts organised for the other three once over in Normandy. They are travelling by car to Portsmouth anyway, it will be difficult with 5 in a jeep and I don't think the French police will like it :shocked: If I get the rad back and the Dodge road tested over a good few miles I may just get it there but I doubt it.


Good luck mate, either way, it should be a grand adventure :)


If they're really miffed, you could suggest taking one of their military vehicles...




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Got radiator back two day turn round so highly recommended (CPA Radiators Grantham 01476 571404), spent all afternoon refitting it. Took the Dodge for a run got about 9 miles and ran out of fuel :banghead: The gauge doesn't work either :D Promising news is the temperature stayed at just below 140 f whereas before it was easily 180 f and rising, too early to say it's fixed but I will keep everything crossed and try again with fuel in this time :) Now if I can just keep the bloody thing running maybe we may get to Normandy after all. My wife reckons it must have had a bad D Day in '44 and doesn't want to go back ! I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room. :laugh:

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Got radiator back two day turn round so highly recommended (CPA Radiators Grantham 01476 571404), spent all afternoon refitting it. Took the Dodge for a run got about 9 miles and ran out of fuel :banghead: The gauge doesn't work either :D Promising news is the temperature stayed at just below 140 f whereas before it was easily 180 f and rising, too early to say it's fixed but I will keep everything crossed and try again with fuel in this time :) Now if I can just keep the bloody thing running maybe we may get to Normandy after all. My wife reckons it must have had a bad D Day in '44 and doesn't want to go back ! I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room. :laugh:


Fanbloodytastic news. Right non stop now, just over a week to go!!!! Let's get everyone's fingers crossed and get this dodge on the road to France!!!!! 😃

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Got radiator back two day turn round so highly recommended (CPA Radiators Grantham 01476 571404), spent all afternoon refitting it. Took the Dodge for a run got about 9 miles and ran out of fuel :banghead: The gauge doesn't work either :D Promising news is the temperature stayed at just below 140 f whereas before it was easily 180 f and rising, too early to say it's fixed but I will keep everything crossed and try again with fuel in this time :) Now if I can just keep the bloody thing running maybe we may get to Normandy after all. My wife reckons it must have had a bad D Day in '44 and doesn't want to go back ! I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room. :laugh:


Get the dodge there if you can :D If you have any probs there's loads of people who'll help you out :nut:

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Got radiator back two day turn round so highly recommended (CPA Radiators Grantham 01476 571404), spent all afternoon refitting it. Took the Dodge for a run got about 9 miles and ran out of fuel :banghead: The gauge doesn't work either :D Promising news is the temperature stayed at just below 140 f whereas before it was easily 180 f and rising, too early to say it's fixed but I will keep everything crossed and try again with fuel in this time :) Now if I can just keep the bloody thing running maybe we may get to Normandy after all. My wife reckons it must have had a bad D Day in '44 and doesn't want to go back ! I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room. :laugh:


Just a thought, if you did run out of fuel it would be worth checking and cleaning the fuel filter just in case you have sucked up some rubbish in the fuel tank. The filter is on the bulkhead unless you have a inline one fitted.

don't give up now and enjoy the Dodge in France

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Got radiator back two day turn round so highly recommended (CPA Radiators Grantham 01476 571404), spent all afternoon refitting it. Took the Dodge for a run got about 9 miles and ran out of fuel :banghead: The gauge doesn't work either :D Promising news is the temperature stayed at just below 140 f whereas before it was easily 180 f and rising, too early to say it's fixed but I will keep everything crossed and try again with fuel in this time :) Now if I can just keep the bloody thing running maybe we may get to Normandy after all. My wife reckons it must have had a bad D Day in '44 and doesn't want to go back ! I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room. :laugh:


Eh, should have mentioned that! :blush: All the gauges seem to overead by a bit. Scared the S88t out of the first time it happned. All you need now is a lap full of water from the canvas, and you are a real Dodge owner. See you at Ver Sur Mer! Temp sound right.

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Thanks for all your words of encouragement it's why I love this site :D I will add " Check fuel filter " to the list and start again tomorrow. I hope it makes Normandy but its track record isn't great at the moment. I appreciate it's 72 years old so expect the not entirely unexpected, it will be nice when instead of adding jobs to the list I am ticking them off :) Tomorrow I will try and take it 20 -30 miles and if it makes that then we MAY go to the ball !

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Thanks for all your words of encouragement it's why I love this site :D I will add " Check fuel filter " to the list and start again tomorrow. I hope it makes Normandy but its track record isn't great at the moment. I appreciate it's 72 years old so expect the not entirely unexpected, it will be nice when instead of adding jobs to the list I am ticking them off :) Tomorrow I will try and take it 20 -30 miles and if it makes that then we MAY go to the ball !


That's the spirit. See you on the beaches 😘

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Thanks for all your words of encouragement it's why I love this site :D I will add " Check fuel filter " to the list and start again tomorrow. I hope it makes Normandy but its track record isn't great at the moment. I appreciate it's 72 years old so expect the not entirely unexpected, it will be nice when instead of adding jobs to the list I am ticking them off :) Tomorrow I will try and take it 20 -30 miles and if it makes that then we MAY go to the ball !


Quick update, It made it ! I took it 25 miles today and it didn't breakdown :wow: Temperature stayed just below 140f and even on a long hill didn't rise. I still don't trust it but it did manage to get me back home without it involving a tow rope. Next step is to chase up the canvas as it went for repair a month ago and is due back tomorrow, then I will keep taking it for decent runs and with everything crossed make a final decision whether to risk Normandy with it or to resort to plan B and take my ever reliable GPW. I blame myself for buying the Dodge via a dealers website based on emailed photos and description, something I will never do again. My nerves wouldn't stand it :-D I know underneath the problems there is a VERY original truck but it hides it well. One day I may bond with it but if not I am sure someone out there will. Thanks everyone see you in Normandy fingers crossed :thanx:

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Quick update, It made it ! I took it 25 miles today and it didn't breakdown :wow: Temperature stayed just below 140f and even on a long hill didn't rise. I still don't trust it but it did manage to get me back home without it involving a tow rope. Next step is to chase up the canvas as it went for repair a month ago and is due back tomorrow, then I will keep taking it for decent runs and with everything crossed make a final decision whether to risk Normandy with it or to resort to plan B and take my ever reliable GPW. I blame myself for buying the Dodge via a dealers website based on emailed photos and description, something I will never do again. My nerves wouldn't stand it :-D I know underneath the problems there is a VERY original truck but it hides it well. One day I may bond with it but if not I am sure someone out there will. Thanks everyone see you in Normandy fingers crossed :thanx:


Brilliant news! As was said earlier on here, there's plenty of us going over so I'm sure if you did break down (and you won't) someone will give you a tow. Go for it!

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Brilliant news! As was said earlier on here, there's plenty of us going over so I'm sure if you did break down (and you won't) someone will give you a tow. Go for it!


I will remember that Rosie, if you see someone pushing a broken down Dodge off the end of the dock at Portsmouth, please contact my next of kin because I may just jump in after it :D

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If by any chance your dodge fails to proceed as I said before there will be plenty of people willing to help out and fix it, that way you should go home with a better truck than you set out with, I remember taking my GPW over to France in 1994 after spending a year rebuilding it and I was lucky in that all I lost was the syncro on the gearbox :nut: if you get there and back with little trouble then you will have your trust restored in the old thing,.


Ps if you don't want I'd have it, I've owned a 51 and a 62 and like them though god knows where I'd put it but I'm sure my wife would suggest somewhere sure enough :wow:

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If by any chance your dodge fails to proceed as I said before there will be plenty of people willing to help out and fix it, that way you should go home with a better truck than you set out with, I remember taking my GPW over to France in 1994 after spending a year rebuilding it and I was lucky in that all I lost was the syncro on the gearbox :nut: if you get there and back with little trouble then you will have your trust restored in the old thing,.


Ps if you don't want I'd have it, I've owned a 51 and a 62 and like them though god knows where I'd put it but I'm sure my wife would suggest somewhere sure enough :wow:[/



Makes my eyes water thinking about it, I have visions of breaking down at the front of a very very long queue of traffic or in the cargo bay of the ferry causing chaos and a mention on the evening news !

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Joys of owning any 70 year old vehicle! We took Phil's Wolsoley for a 'Shakedown' on Saturday before Normandy. Took a day to bolt the bits back on! After the trip 'Na! Never a worry about the old girl!' (Frantcally punching wood)

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If by any chance your dodge fails to proceed as I said before there will be plenty of people willing to help out and fix it, that way you should go home with a better truck than you set out with, I remember taking my GPW over to France in 1994 after spending a year rebuilding it and I was lucky in that all I lost was the syncro on the gearbox :nut: if you get there and back with little trouble then you will have your trust restored in the old thing,.


Ps if you don't want I'd have it, I've owned a 51 and a 62 and like them though god knows where I'd put it but I'm sure my wife would suggest somewhere sure enough :wow:[/



Makes my eyes water thinking about it, I have visions of breaking down at the front of a very very long queue of traffic or in the cargo bay of the ferry causing chaos and a mention on the evening news !



That's all part of the fun of owning old trucks :-D I broke down coming back from Normandy when my old van wouldn't start when I tried to get off the ferry, luckily a sensible lorry driver gave me bump start and off I went :-D

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At the 60th anniversary we had an Morris C8 being awkward. We were at the head banging stage when two old French guys, in thier 80's came over and shouldered us out of the way. They took off jackets and got stuck in, ten minutes later the truck was running sweeter than ever before. :-D I was talking to one of the old guys son, the other was his uncle. He told that following D-Day the pair of them had gone round with a pair of horses and dragged a dozen or so wrecked trucks in. They managed to get a couple running and persuaded the authorities to give them fuel to go round the local farms and collect produce to take to market. The result is now one of the biggest haulage companies in the area.


The sight of a bonnet up attracts like a maganet.

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Fantastic story Tony our WC54 has refused both attempts to get her to Normandy in the last ten years and sadly funds and work schedules have ruled out the attempt this year so good luck and safe journey to everyone completing the trip and please take lots of pictures of your pride and joys for those of us stuck back home.



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