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Band of Brothers 2?

Rick W

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I was just perusing the wilderness that is ebay and looking at the BoB merchandise, (funny how its always the same stuff!), and there was a comment that they were starting to film Band of Brothers 2. Anyone any info on this, and how is that going to work then?? 8-)

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So it won't be filmed in Hertfordshire, then.



Don't forget that Stanley Kubrick (who wouldn't get on a plane) filmed the Vietnam finale of hmmm, ummm, erm Full Metal Jacket (?) at Galeon's Reach near what is now London City Airport.

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And am I correct in saying that the "Paris Island" part of FMJ were in fact filmed at Bassingbourne?





Thats right, although the assault course was gone by the late eighties you can still make out alot of the main buildings and the ICFT route at the back of the camp when Private pile was being dragged along on his platoon run.

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When we were at Firepower in January, Mike and i were talking to a guy who had worked on that film (props department), and spent a lot of time towing dead tanks and MUTTs around with the WLF wrecker. Apparently the palm trees were sourced from spain, and were planted in skips so that if needed elsewhere, they could be easily transferred around the set. Being a film set, the holes left by the palm trees were not filled in, and many peolple fell into them. Apparently digging the holes was not fun, and the soil contained many nasties which required a couple of showers to remove.... :help: He also told us of a trip to Belgium in a ford escort, to get a new final drive for one of the Walker Bulldog tanks. The Belgian Army storeman spoke no English, and they spoke no Flemish, so much gesturing and drawing on scraps of paper was the order of the day.

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the soil contained many nasties which required a couple of showers to remove.... :help:


It was filmed on the site of the old gasworks, extracting town gas (superceded by North Sea Gas in the 60s) from coal. It was still securely fenced off in the mid-90s with signage warning about the heavy metal content in the soil, visible as you walk from Galeon's Reach DLR station to the Karting track at the end of the runway at London City Airport.

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