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Jack and Snapper off to the Wheatcrofts to see.....


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At the end of the week - Snapper and I are off to the Wheatcrofts to witness the start up of the Panther engine :wow:


HOWEVER - last month, Joris flew over as we were invited to guys from After the Battle, Winston and Gail Ramsey - which was a mindblowing weekend. BUT, Joris booked the hotel and no word of a lie, this was my bed...........




Needless to say, I have booked the hotel this time, and Snapper, as we are sharing the room, whatever happens - I am getting the bed. OK?!

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Any pics / vids of the panthers engine jack?




Hi Richard!


Sorry for the late reply - just finished moving house and office :computerrage:


We do and just awaiting the nod to use them in the public domain. Took some video of the engine firing up..........now that was pretty amazing. The Panther itself is pretty mindblowing - you can not believer the quality of it. They were telling me that in WWII each tank was pretty much hand finished. This was part of their downfall as you just couldn't interchange bits without a lot of work - unlike the Sherman.



We had an amazing time and Snapper has wriiten a peice for War History Online along with 26 images.


Couple of brilliant quotes/moments with Snapper - one of my favourites was whilst we were stood in a yard full of V1 parts and Tiger 1 and 2 tracks.....and the thing that caught Snappers eyes was parked right at the back - a Rover SD1!!!


Snapper says to Kevin - "so, whats that Rover SD1 about, or don't you want to talk about it"?


Kevin says, with a big smile "damn, I didn't expect anyone to notice that"

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