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Saints & Soldiers

Great War truck

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Anybody come across this film? I bought the DVD from Smiths bargian shelf and quite enjoyed it. The cover of the DVD indicates that it has won 7 awards, but when you study it closely they are all a bit off the beaten track "Best Picture, Winslow Film Festival" and things like that.


The film is about 5 GI's who survive the Malmedy massacre and try to get away, picking up a shot down RAF pilot on the way. What i thought was quite good was that they used mostly re-enactors, so all their uniforms and kit were totally non-uniform (which would be right for this period of the war) and privately owned MV's (although these did look a bit too well cared for). What i also liked was the cinematography of the fighting, very similar to the start of Private Ryan if you know what i mean.


What i thought very odd was a US Medic picking up a Garand and shooting away at the Germans. I thought that they were prohibited from doing this, but then again if he was fighting the SS, and they had just had a bash at executing him a few days earlier at Malmedy then perhaps you could forgive him.


Anybody seen it? Worth the £5 i paid for it i think


Tim (too)

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I thought the start was quite good, the masacre didn't appear to be premeditated, but the result of a single act of panic by one prisoner. Does anyone know if that's more honest to the facts than the machine gunning scene in 'Battle of the Bulge'?


It goes down hill rapidly for me after that though, especially the bit at the end when the atheist medic finds god through the sacrific of his friends, pleeaassee... :eek2:

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Picked it up in our local MVC type shop but couldn't decide if it'd be any good or not


I was a bit put off by the 'Brand of Brothers' artwork (similar style etc)

It looked like a cash in attemp... it was only £3 so I'll give it a bash

If its crap it'll make a good coffee coaster. :whistle:

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I thought the start was quite good, the masacre didn't appear to be premeditated, but the result of a single act of panic by one prisoner. Does anyone know if that's more honest to the facts than the machine gunning scene in 'Battle of the Bulge'?


It goes down hill rapidly for me after that though, especially the bit at the end when the atheist medic finds god through the sacrific of his friends, pleeaassee... :eek2:



The massacre probably happened as depicted.

As far as I know 1 soldier started shooting (at a escaping GI?) and the rest just reacted.

HOWEVER they Did shoot the wounded afterwards.


I liked the film better 2nd time I saw it.

I agree with the RAF guys accent, nice try but not convincing enough.


Medics were assigned their function, just a civilian who is suddenly a doctor.They were non combattants.

I guess after such massacre you think about survival and not about ethics or the Geneva Convention.


For a small budget I think its well made.

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the film was made on a 1 million pound budget which in this day & age is a pittance.

the script side of it is made up of numerous true events, so they all happened but just not in the same order as the film portrays.

i was sad enough to watch the 'extra' bits from the main menu.

i did enjoy the film though as it followed the more personal side with mates & strangers looking out for each other as oppossed to the 'main battle' theme.

not as bad as some movies & at least they did use re enacters who were wearing the right kit.


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Looks like it will be worth a look for curiosity value if nothing else. As for accents - if you think of all the non septic tanks who appeared in BoB and Blackhawk Down maybe revenge was due.


Wait to see what happens with the remake of the Dambusters, hopefully the only yanks will be in the roles of real yanks and no jiggerypokery will have taken place to get bums on seats.



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Looks like it will be worth a look for curiosity value if nothing else. As for accents - if you think of all the non septic tanks who appeared in BoB and Blackhawk Down maybe revenge was due.


Wait to see what happens with the remake of the Dambusters, hopefully the only yanks will be in the roles of real yanks and no jiggerypokery will have taken place to get bums on seats.



Unlike the new version of "The Battle of Britain" then - where Hollywood seems to think the entire fighter pilot strength of the RAF was American volunteers.... >:( >:(

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Unlike the new version of "The Battle of Britain" then - where Hollywood seems to think the entire fighter pilot strength of the RAF was American volunteers.... >:( >:(



You must mean this new proposed Tom Cruise movie about Billy Fiske. Not seen anything new, but haven't really been looking. Will check out IMDB. Billy Fiske "only" had two probables to his credit before he was killed. All credit to him nonetheless.

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You must mean this new proposed Tom Cruise movie about Billy Fiske. Not seen anything new, but haven't really been looking. Will check out IMDB. Billy Fiske "only" had two probables to his credit before he was killed. All credit to him nonetheless.



That - I believe - is the basic starting point. However Hollywood has taken it beyond that; the plot revue I saw from a friend over in the US said something like "when the RAF was incapable of standing up to the might of the luftwaffe a band of American volunteers was all that stood between tyranny and freedom". I've also been told the various RAF associations also saw something similar and went up in arms over it.

Can't think why?????

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