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Differences Between Ford and Willys Jeep Chassis / Bodywork??


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Hi guys,


In order to correctly identify a chassis and bodywork………………...

What is the difference between wartime Ford and Willys jeep chassis ?

Also same question regarding the Ford and Willys bodywork (standard jeep configuration)



Edited by Scoot65
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Hi guys,


In order to correctly identify a chassis and bodywork………………...

What is the difference between wartime Ford and Willys jeep chassis ?

Also same question regarding the Ford and Willys bodywork (standard jeep configuration)




The Ford built chassis had a lot of differences to the chassis from the Willys, it was much stronger, the most obvious identification is the box section front cross member on the Ford, and a tubular front cross member on the Willys and subsequent post war French Hotchkiss and CJ Jeeps, also the Ford frame had boxed in side members whilst the Willys was an open channel section, the shock absorber mounts were much heavier too on the Ford which stamped almost all components with the letter "F"

The body tub had numerous differences early on in production, the main easily visible identification for an early Ford built body is the indentations for the rear locker box release buttons were oblong on the Ford and circular on the Willys, after late 1943 early '44 body production was standardised using elements of both Ford and Willys bodies keeping the circular indents and built by American Central manufacturing co, and known as the composite body which supplied both manufacturers this type continued through war production this is the most common type Jeep body found as the Ford built body was only in production for a relativley short time. it was also used on the post war Hotchkiss with minor differences

Edited by Nick Johns
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worth mentioning that early scripted fords used chassis from midland who built chassis for willys. so you may find that a ford tub is on a willys chassis. someone will know the chassis numbers that this happened between i havent got the imfo to hand. these chassis carried the number stamped in the standard ford position not on a plate between bumper mount like willys.

hope this makes sense.enjoy the mine field that is jeeps;)

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