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A mere hundred grand :shake:

mind you we do live on the sea front................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how much did you say the bank would lend us hunny? :-o


You might have just a tiny problem getting it in the show gateway Rosemary; I might have a tiny problem shunting people and traders about to make space too seeing as how the numbers are steadily swelling and its not even April yet, let alone May when the floodgates of last-minuters typically open.


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A mere hundred grand :shake:

mind you we do live on the sea front................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how much did you say the bank would lend us hunny? :-o



A hundred grand - for an LST in need of restoration??? :schocked: :schocked:

Oh god - am I ever in the wrong job!!!!

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Yea but £100,000 for a house boat well some house boat, might have trouble getting into a river, it could be the groups verhicle storage place and also transport to france !!!! seem to think it is about 350 Ft long will try to find some pics and spec .


R Cubed

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  • 2 weeks later...

You might have just a tiny problem getting it in the show gateway Rosemary; I might have a tiny problem shunting people and traders about to make space too seeing as how the numbers are steadily swelling and its not even April yet, let alone May when the floodgates of last-minuters typically open.



yeah but no but yeah but I'd have fun trying!!!! :-D

see ya tomorrow :-)

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  • 1 month later...

yeah but no but yeah but I'd have fun trying!!!! :-D

see ya tomorrow :-)


Hmmmmmm, I think I'll have to have a word with R³ about you. . . . . .

:-o :-o


Anyway, little interwebnet tippety-tappedy on the key board for me now with the final planning, doing stuff, King's Stone drive-past and living on-site from Tuesday next week.


To say nothing of the deluge of trader entries at the 11th hour and 59mins.


As they do.


And Windows© XP crashing this week needing a complete re-install + updates, and a memory fault too. :computerterror2:


First job today then, go and get 1,000,000,000 digital grey cells, I do hope they'll all go in the car and I don't need to borrow a trailer.

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I'm hoping to come along with Private P.Connor of the hmvf underground division, if you know of any bunkers/tunnels or any underground structures, please do come and find us and have a chat, a good place to find us might be the beer tent in the evenings!! :whistle:

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I'm hoping to come along with Private P.Connor of the hmvf underground division, if you know of any bunkers/tunnels or any underground structures, please do come and find us and have a chat, a good place to find us might be the beer tent in the evenings!! :whistle:


Well, you'll find me on an undersized quad which helps my poor old legs, but not doing a youngster at Beltring impression. . . . . . . . .or booking-in will find me by UHF wireless communication.


As for tunnels, perhaps look here, hours of fun:


It seems that Portsdown Hill under Fort Southwick, which is part Naval Radar Research and part Admiralty, somewhat resembles a bar of Aero, miles of tunnels and subterranean goings on. Only some 8 miles away.

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Grasshopper and I will be down with 3 vehicles arriving Saturday lunchtime. We may have a couple of extra people on board. Will we be ok for passes? - should be a total of 4 people.


- Mike


Presuming the "vehicles" are MVs, have you booked in? It helps us and the insurance to have completed entry forms which you can get at:


You'll need one for each vehicle.


We've never turned anyone away yet and it wont happen in my tenure at least; probably best now to grab the form and fill it out and bring it with you rather than doing one on-site.


We're pretty laid back about people in MVs and the owners are a reasonable bunch; I guess a Leyland Hippo or Albion CX23N stuffed full of people might be taking the P but it doesn't happen.


Anyway 4 people across 3 mil vehicles is hardly a lot of extra bodies!


However, if you come in private cars then you are just MOPs! That'll be hand in the pocket time too but only a fiver unless you have a current membership card of another organisation I can't mention, and then its free; I don't believe this works the other way round though. . . . . . . :dunno: :-D

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Richard, those 3 MVs are booked in, however as of today it looks like we'll also be bringing a halftrack for the day on Saturday. I'l point him in the direction of an entry form to bring with :-).


Looking forward to meeting everyone who's going to be there.

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Richard, those 3 MVs are booked in, however as of today it looks like we'll also be bringing a halftrack for the day on Saturday. I'l point him in the direction of an entry form to bring with :-).


Looking forward to meeting everyone who's going to be there.

Excellent, no problem we can handle it at check-in.


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Even at the bar in the evening??, gotta see this! haha

Errrrr, not if I see it first!

Absolutely no weapons in the bar, that's one area I will jump on; obviously.


Anyhow, peace and quiet from me now as I'm off for a week tomorrow with home in tow to make it all happen. :-D


With trepidation and tempting providence, even the weather forecast is encouraging too; the Princess of Wales Royal Regiment should have no trouble jumping out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft therefore and missing the two super grid lines.


If not we are in for more spectacle than we can handle but I think they know what they're doing.



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I shall not be armed at the bar! well depends what the prices are like!!! hehe


No serious, Deacts back in the car at night :police:


look forward to it all, Jack! remind me i have a gift for Jerry in the Car! :)


I hope my online applicattion for the show is ok! as i cant get near a post office until thursday! and thats a bit late!



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look forward to it all, Jack! remind me i have a gift for Jerry in the Car! :)






Hi Paul - Jerry is currently the other side of the world at the moment sunny himself - supposedly.

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