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So, come on then - what have I missed?


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Ok, some one get me up to spead - what is the gossip? Who is pregnant? Who has a new job? Who has bought what.......?? Has Hardy Ferret bought anything else - is it true that he is starting his own PW museum :? :dunno:


Come on - spill the beans :-D

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Morning folks!


Good to be back, now trying to get back into the swing of it.......well going to go and pick up a battery today for the Jimmy - got to get your priorities right!


Good trip was had and started and finished The Road To Arnhem buy Don Burget whilst 35,000ft up - had a shed load of business to whilst on the flight but I couldn't put the book down :computerterror2:


Salt Lake City has to be one of the most boring places on the earth, it is a 'dry' city where the class wine as 'hard liquor' :computerterror2: that just isn't far, have the company credit card and I can't buy a decent drink :computerterror2:


Didn't have time for any shooting ranges this time which was bit of a bummer but may be next time :-D


The flight home was eventful as I had to fly into Cincinnati to pick up my flight to London but when arrived there our plane was 'broke' so I had to jump on another plane and fly up to New York and then jump on another plane to fly home :computerterror2:


On the flight to New York we were all treated like royalty as the airline had screwed up so it was as much food as you could eat and wait for it - as much alcohol as you could drink :schocked: so I did say to myself that it would be awfully rude of me not to sample some of the Whisky :whistle: so there I was, in a near empty plane, at 35,000ft, doing some work on my Laptop, drinking double Whisky's, thanking my lucky stars that I wasn't a crew member of a Lancaster bomber .......sometimes life can be just right.

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The rumours about all members coming to the Netherlands getting drunk and smoking Hash, enjoying ourselves driving MV through various places hollaring at 05:00 am are not true.... :flower:


Also the storys off me getting Monkeylovin with 3, 18-21 year old girls aren't true.... :whistle:

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One thing you didn't miss jack - but wish you had - And that was the 4am phone call from me on Monday morning this week just ringing to chew the fat.............. :-D


You could have told me you were away for a few days - think of my phone bill :-o



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One thing you didn't miss jack - but wish you had - And that was the 4am phone call from me on Monday morning this week just ringing to chew the fat.............. :-D



Oh bl**dy hell - Mr Stevens :BANNED!:


After a hard day at it and really knowing the benefits of getting a good nights sleep so you don't get the jet lag, so you are fresh the next day, so you can concentrate on the job in hand, so you can earn your many, so you can grow your company so you can feed your children......


Time - 04:14

Situation - Jack sound a sleep after having an intensive 16 hour day

Time - 04:15

Situation - ring ring

Situation - Jack jumps out of his bed to grab the phone as it could be his wife with an emergency - who else on earth was going to call me at that time of day?

Action - pick up the phone, look at the screen to not see my wife calling but a Mr C Stevens is flashing on the screen.

Time - 04:15:19

Situation - phone has stopped ringing as Clive has hung up

Time - 04:15:22

Situation - Jack thinking that all is well as Clive doesn't realise that I am in the States - Jack goes back to bed to try and get back to that all important sleep so I don't get the jet lag, so you are fresh the next day, so you can concentrate on the job in hand, so you can earn your many, so you can grow your company so you can feed your children......

Time - 04:20:57

Situation - Jack drifting back into that all important sleep so I don't get the jet lag, so you are fresh the next day, so you can concentrate on the job in hand, so you can earn your many, so you can grow your company so you can feed your children......

Time - 04:27:41

Situation - Buzz buzz, text arrives on my phone - best open it just in case it is my wife - Jack reads text out aloud to himself " Hi Jack - Clive here - by the sounds of the ring tone you are in the USA - hope I didn't wake you - let me know when you are back"



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There there Jack.

Sit down :-), take a cupper :cofee:, relax :wave:


OK now get up, take a shovel and beat the crap out of a molehill or something....




See, it helps!!!!


No need to thanke me, just call me Dr. Feelgood :flower:

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