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Prometheus - Short Film Review


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Last night a small posse of us saddled up and dropped-shipped into the latest of the Alien film franchise 'Prometheus'. Myself I have deliberately not watched any of the trailers or read any of the reviews, so that I could see the movie unencumbered by pre-conceptions.


The first thing to say is that, if you are a fan of the Aliens movies, this IMHO is a MUST see film. :thumbsup:


On the up-side it is real visual treat; the sets are gorgeous and the way the script answers some outstanding questions from previous films is very well done. Camera work is good, and so are the special effects. The lead actress provides quite a gritty (Ripley like) performance.


This is the point I now say, don't read any further further if you think my criticism might spoil your enjoyment if you haven't yet seen it.. Plus there is some plot spoilers...



















On the down-side the script is such a disappointment :cry: :-(.... Character development is poor, in fact really really poor in some areas, plus some of the characters are rubbish as are big chunks of the story. For instance one of the guys starts feeling unwell and spots a tiny creature in his eye. Does he mention to anyone, his partner for example ? NO, he just presses on. Why the Android decides to experiment with contaminating the crew is simply not explained. And so it goes on, and on... :banghead:


I have seen many of Ridley Scott's films, and consider this to be the worst scripted one I have seen.


Overall ratings out of 5:


Value For Money (for sheer entertainment): 4.5

Linkage Into Existing Alien Movies: 4.9

Overall Quality Of Script: 2.5

Edited by Vulture
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I joined the membership scheme of our local theatre about six months ago just in time for there to be nothing on that was worth seeing for six months - so imagine my excitement when I found out that Prometheus was on in 3D (I have never seen a 3D at our local before).


Pushing the boat out, we even had dinner out before the film...


It was Ridley, in 3D and my first outing to the flicks for six months....


I was a bit let down to be honest.


If it had have been anyone else directing I probably would have thought it was "OK" but I think I am justified in expecting more from the master! It just lacked that special "je ne sais quoi" - but I don't know what was missing :D


Plot and character development quite poor AND (check for spoilers).....








Charleze Theron wears a slinky number but there were so many opportunities to do better...


Anyway it has it's place but I wasn't impressed I agree with everything Vulture said - 100%


What a waste of a cinema membership that was !



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I joined the membership scheme of our local theatre about six months ago just in time for there to be nothing on that was worth seeing for six months - so imagine my excitement when I found out that Prometheus was on in 3D (I have never seen a 3D at our local before).


Pushing the boat out, we even had dinner out before the film...


It was Ridley, in 3D and my first outing to the flicks for six months....


I was a bit let down to be honest.


If it had have been anyone else directing I probably would have thought it was "OK" but I think I am justified in expecting more from the master! It just lacked that special "je ne sais quoi" - but I don't know what was missing :D


Plot and character development quite poor AND (check for spoilers).....








Charleze Theron wears a slinky number but there were so many opportunities to do better...


Anyway it has it's place but I wasn't impressed I agree with everything Vulture said - 100%


What a waste of a cinema membership that was !




Best hope he gets it better with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Forever_War#Film

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