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Fireworks and gravity...


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You take 1 piece of fireworks, 1 plastic table, 1 plastic thingy with water and 1 plastic helmet liner.....


(OK, I forgot to put a plank beneath it.OOPS).

width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/Kerstnieuwjaar20062007018Medium.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a264/T214/Kerstnieuwjaar20062007023Medium.jpg[/img]

Video will follow...

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This is the firework, quite lightweight.

We made several clips.

The liner landed 2 houses away on the roof an fell into the yard, no-one lives there. Its being rebuilt.

Later some neighbourhoodkids put a Nitrate firecracker under it, see the result...


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I must confess.....

in my day it was thunder flashes under tin a hat (a borrowed one) or one day when we were bored puncture a hole in a .22 round place on window ledge with smallfuse protruding and add lighted match BANG

tried this with a .303 round but a mates blackened, burnt, bleeding thumb persuaded us not too try it twice :schocked:




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about the same as a Mk9.. Hey guys these ain't toys, even 5's ain't toys. Lets keep it responsible.



Would just like to echo Karoshi's words here, these are NOT toys.


Standard training in awareness for All thunderflashes was to place an empty ammo can over one and stand well back. It DEFINATELY made all aware of the very REAL danger of having one of them land close to you and go off.


Speaking of certification, Lee can back me up on this, we saw some very interesting pictures of people who were treating these things as toys. Suffice to say that those who can still see are having a hard job holding things.


Pyro's are effective for displays and effect, but dont forget they are still explosives and as such should be treated with the utmost respect.

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Would just like to echo Karoshi's words here, these are NOT toys.


Standard training in awareness for All thunderflashes was to place an empty ammo can over one and stand well back. It DEFINATELY made all aware of the very REAL danger of having one of them land close to you and go off.


Speaking of certification, Lee can back me up on this, we saw some very interesting pictures of people who were treating these things as toys. Suffice to say that those who can still see are having a hard job holding things.


Pyro's are effective for displays and effect, but dont forget they are still explosives and as such should be treated with the utmost respect.



I agree caution is paramount.

In the 80's we got what we called "strijkers".

They didn't have a fuse but a matchlike head. They were very powerful, I never wanted them because I couldn't see when they would go off.

And if they exploded in your hands you had a BIG problem.

the normal firecrackers then numbed your fingers/hurt like hell but you kept them...


The ones I used I don't throw or keep in my hands. Furthermore I wear earplugs.


But it is FUN to launch a liner!!!!

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I would like to thank all the do-gooders on here that have warned us that these exploding thing's are dangerous, Cos the rest of us are obviously too bloody stupid to realise that >:(

You're not health and safety/state the bleedin obvious officers are you? :police:


It's that type of attitude that's completely ruined this country, let people learn from their own mistakes-sure the stupid might get hurt, but believe it or not, there's been thousand's if not millions of people with the minimum amount of common sense required to set of firework's, use chemicals and hundred's of other thing's that have now been banned or restricted because some bloody liberal think's we can't handle!

It's attitudes like this that mean I can't fire target pistol, buy any decent pyrotechnics and a 101 other thing's that are perfectly safe, if you apply a bit of common sense (something that more of us have got than you seem to think).

Rant over







(for now)

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We prefer a slightly bigger bang, this is me firing the Bofors at a dedication, if look at the video you will see us looking to the rear of the Bofors after the first shot, this is because about 5pounds of metal just went flying through the air, that was the top & bottom breach covers we just blew off.. this was the first time we had fired this gun & it turns out that someone had tried before with a fair amount black powder which had dried in the breach, if you look at the still frame you will see what I mean considering the charge was only six inches from the muzzle.. wasn't a very good start to the minute silence with metal clanging across the roof..


Was asked to fire it again a couple of weeks ago for a minute silence, the radios weren't working so we had someone to give a hand signal which was when the vicar bowed his head to pray, well the vicar bowed his head, the signal was given & we fired.. it turned out he wasn't praying he had just bowed his head the read the next verse of the prayer.. scared the shift out of the poor old Vic as he wasn't expecting it then..


BTW that Bofors is off the Ark Royal... put on the Forts roof with a Chinook..


width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/bofors1.jpg[/img]


width=320 height=240http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/th_boforsmov2.jpg[/img]

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I would like to thank all the do-gooders on here that have warned us that these exploding thing's are dangerous, Cos the rest of us are obviously too bloody stupid to realise that >:(

You're not health and safety/state the bleedin obvious officers are you? :police:





(for now)



Just like all the stupid b******ds who thought they knew it all & know have only serious injuries if they are lucky.. believe it or not there is people out there that need pointing out the obvious..




how many people know the difference between a Quickmatch & a Saftey Fuse? the guy in the first link didn't, he was leaning over a 5" mortar when he lit the "Quickmatch" the long paper fuse that's instantaneous, the lifting charge lifts the mortar to 500' but this mortar went of in his face..




The others are what happen when you hold fireworks/pyros..







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I would like to thank all the do-gooders on here that have warned us that these exploding thing's are dangerous, Cos the rest of us are obviously too bloody stupid to realise that >:(

You're not health and safety/state the bleedin obvious officers are you? :police:


It's that type of attitude that's completely ruined this country, let people learn from their own mistakes-sure the stupid might get hurt, but believe it or not, there's been thousand's if not millions of people with the minimum amount of common sense required to set of firework's, use chemicals and hundred's of other thing's that have now been banned or restricted because some bloody liberal think's we can't handle!

It's attitudes like this that mean I can't fire target pistol, buy any decent pyrotechnics and a 101 other thing's that are perfectly safe, if you apply a bit of common sense (something that more of us have got than you seem to think).

Rant over







(for now)



I also happen to be a person who can no longer fire the weapons I used to own due to the crass stupidity of others who thought it was a bright idea to go around blowing people away. And FYI I do happen to be a health and safety officer for construction so I DO happen to know what I am talking about.


Do I agree with all the unneccessary BS that accompanies anything these days? Not in a million years but whilst we happen to have certain elements of our society not acting with a modicum of common sense that BS will remain.


I'm as p issed as you about a lot of things and agree that the Old fashioned way of gaining common sense is a good thing but until things change we have this "nanny society" with us.


Rant over

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You're not health and safety/state the bleedin obvious officers are you?


I hadnt appreciated that you were untill I read this;


4 Off topic / Other Chatter / Re: Warning Order on: 14 December 2006, 14:49:52


I'm afraid I'll have to stop this for health and safety reason's, If Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen donner and blizen are going on, and comet and cupid are going up, there could be a serious accident!


Your friendly neighbourhood health and safety officer


Mr B'stard




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Great photo's!


Show them to as many idiot's with no common sense as you can!


But don't automatically assume all of us are idiot's. For example, in the case of the mortar, the fact it was a quick or slow fuse is irrelevant. The first and most obvious rule is that you never put yourself in the line of fire. Even is the fuse isn't lit, or if you think the gun isn't loaded. It's common sense, that even a slow fuse can malfunction and burn too fast. So harsh as it might sound, anybody leaning over the barrel of a mortar (particularly while their trying to light it) get all they deserve in my book!


Just out of interest, were the lost hand's down to genuine accident's, or due to some moron holding a powerfull banger to prove how hard they were?

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Great photo's!


Just out of interest, were the lost hand's down to genuine accident's, or due to some moron holding a powerfull banger to prove how hard they were?



Both, during our training we were shown much more graphic photos than these caused either by ignorance, stupidity or malfunction.. plus the video of the guy who nearly killed/injured the film crew..He pulled the pin out of a grenade with his teeth then stood there holding it while the spoon flew off.. it just so happens this video is now on Youtube.. enjoy :evil:




or you just have this Prick..



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