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Where was this picture taken?


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So is this a peculiar Dorset tradition then?...................................taking photo's of toilets :dunno:



Absolute smut......what is wrong with the membership on here - it used to be so classy :dunno:


Mrs Ferret - post your guess :whistle:

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What is it about St Mere Eglise? I was last there in 2005. my mob had rented a house in Remilly sur Lozon near St Lo and we had a great October half term week trundling around, drinking cider and eating Confit de Canard. My son James, who shall remain nameless, drove us nuts wanting to spend his hard cadged euros in the Static Line shop. We went into SME three flipping times and the shop was always shut. Finally, on our last day just before closing time we finally got him in there..and what did he buy??? a mag clip for a Garand. I have never managed to get into the museum or have a serious walk beyond the square. But when I am next in Normandy, I will get there. As for the nameless one - James - yes you....James, he still has the Garand clip - so it wasn't an entire waste of time; but it wasn't funny at the time. Now he's in to bass guitars and wants to fly attack helicopters....I sometimes wish I was 14 again - in fact I sometimes wish I was 41 again.....tough luck.

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Yes you are all right Folks......


Sorry but I couldn't help it, I just had to take that picture. I was overwhelmed by the fact that the French allow this - just couldn't see this being done here. We all fell in love with St Mere Eglise and this was our first time to Normandy and of course we all thought that we were the only ones to of ever visited St Mere Eglise since the war :whistle:


.........we of course visited Static Line more than once but it was slightly over priced for my liking :evil: and we of course visited the Estate Agents as well :whistle:


Can't wait to get back there!

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Guest shane taylor

Yes everytime we went there it was closed too but I think the owners have opened another shop in SME as well but then Deadmans Corner is a good visit too.

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Jack - somewhat Off Topic I know but .......our wonderful council here in Colchester have just spent lord knows how much on a high tech equivalent which rises out of the pavement , late evenings ( I am assuming here that a few weeks on it is still functioning & not yet been kicked to death ) near to a couple of town centre nightclubs . This isn't one of the much publicised Superloos , it is more of a stainless steel wall with urinal attached - Just somewhere to stand really - They hope this will encourage the oiks to abandon their use of shop doorways . I doubt they are possessed of that much intelligence really but who knows !

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