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The HMVF festive trivia quiz - are you tough enough...?


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    So here it is,
    A chance to shine like never before :? This is a chance to show your knowledge and impress us all - I haven't researched any the answer to the below as I already know them all :whistle: doesn't matter if you only know the answers to one or two just have a crack at some of them.
    I have all the answers here so please fire away and the person who gets the most correct answers WILL be crowned HMVF anorak master historian of the year!
    • 1. What was the date of the British shots of World War?
      a. What company/regiment fired those first shots?




    • 2. Lord Kitchener
      a. When he won his commissionm, what regiment was in placed in?
      b. What year did he die?
      c. How did he die




    • 3. What other name is that the Japanese Kwantung Army is know by?




    • 4. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
      What University did he attend?
      What year did he marry his wife?




    • 5. The Dunkirk armada sailed from 6 British ports, name them.




    • 6. Spitfires of 303 (Polish) Sqd R.A.F fought in the Battle of Britain, where were the based.




    • 7. How many German divisions were poised on the Russina frontier in 1941 and name the Directive No.21




    • 8. Between 1939 and 1945 how many tonnes of bombs did the Allies dropped?





    • 9. During the Japanese attack on Hong Kong, British officers objected to Canadian infantrymen taking up positions in the officer’s mess. No enlisted men allowed - True of False?





    • 10. What day, month and year did the Korean war begin?





    • 11. When did the Korean War end?




    • 12. Falkland Islands
      a. Name the first Englishman to 'sight' the Falkland Islands
      b. What was the date of the sighting?
      c. What was the population of the Islands in 1885?
      d. What date did the UK declare war?
      e. Who was the Foreign Secretary up to this point?
      f. Who was President of Peru at this time?
      g. What date did Britain formally declare an end to hostilities?





    • 13. In dollars - how much was there in gold in the bank in kellys Heros?
      a. What tank did Oddball spend some of his money on?
      b. What mechanically problem did the tank have??





    Answer on a postcode...........!


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.............everyone scared then :dunno: :dunno: :argh:



It's far too complicated for us thickos. Just a few questions, or one real humdinger like:


In preperation for the invasion of Normandy, how many cardboard boxes were supplied by this country?

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I thought this was a military vehicle forum


Nnooh, this now a cardboard box forum. For the winner of my quiz the prize is a genuine box with a choice of a 1953 Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores label or one with a 1956 RAF Stores Vocabulary label. Buyer to collect. To avoid any controversy, I apologise these are post war boxes, the D-Day ones got wet.

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Nnooh, this now a cardboard box forum.


Ahh. Now this is right up your street........a little while ago I came across some surplus WD stores, although some was Admiralty and others RAF, but wartime. I unwrapped and opened a small box, that was labelled as 2BA screws, an aircraft part. The card box had been made from Ryvita packaging, with the printing on the inside of the box. Unfolded, it revealed handy hints if your Ryvita had gone a bit soft and how to put it in the oven to crisp it again. All good stuff :-D



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Yes well obviously the Ryvita would go soft if they kept bolts in the boxes instead. Have you found the advice useful in keeping your Ryvita firm? I assume this part of your calorie controlled diet, which is why you manage to retain your figure?


Do you remember Bengal Matches? Those red or green burning matches, inside they were wrapped up in pink paper - bits of the Financial Times.


Whilst talking nonsense I have now got Min of Ag & Fish (before they became Dept for Elimination of Farming & Rural Affairs) Bulletin No.127 Dec 1643 "Home Curing of Bacon & Hams" covers dehairing (of the the pig that is), eviseration, checking abnormal odours etc. Going back to matches I can remember as a small boy just managing to read on a matchbox hat "A pig is a paradox in that it has to be killed to cured" I was completely perplexed by that as I had no idea what a big word like paradox meant.

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Whilst talking nonsense I have now got Min of Ag & Fish (before they became Dept for Elimination of Farming & Rural Affairs) Bulletin No.127 Dec 1643 "Home Curing of Bacon & Hams" covers dehairing (of the the pig that is), eviseration, checking abnormal odours etc.



Damn it........nearly spilled my Horlicks when I read that :-D


By the way, don't eat Ryvita, it tastes like cardboard boxes (to ease back on to the original subject).


Sorry Jack, rather hijacked your competition :evil: none of us know the answers :dunno:



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So, I try and stretch and view brain cells and all I get is talk of cardboard flipping boxes :computerterror: hours of work and research down the drain :cry:


That said Neil has got everything bang on except one answer (restores my faith in humanity).


So.....everyone still terrified at having a go then :whistle: :dunno:

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So, I try and stretch and view brain cells and all I get is talk of cardboard flipping boxes :computerterror: hours of work and research down the drain :cry:


That said Neil has got everything bang on except one answer (restores my faith in humanity).


So.....everyone still terrified at having a go then :whistle: :dunno:



????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :what:

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Sorry Clive - I'm allergic to Ryvita!!! Me too. It can play hell with your intestinal tract.



You don't actually have to claim the prize Colin, like Neil I think it's just an excuse for not knowing how many boxes & cartons were made for D-Day?

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OK so before I have a stab at this cardboard flipping box thing, and risk the chance of winning a lifetime supply of Ryvita and lower intestinal tract complaints, what do we mean by D-Day, JUST 6th June, or the whole shebang, up and till when?


Don't want to get my wild guess hopelessly wrong.

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what do we mean by D-Day, JUST 6th June, or the whole shebang, up and till when?


I mean the number of articles that had to be cartoned by UK workers in preparation for the invasion of Normandy and as a seperate sub-question the additional articles that had to be cartoned to continue up to the end of 1944.

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