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Poppy Day, how do.............


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Poppy Day, how do I go about organising for me to take my GMC into Dorchester town centre on a Saturday? Call the RBL? And what is the code of conduct?


Last year, my wife and the girls done 2 villages and we are going to step it up this year to other villages but I would also like to stand in town with my truck.


Any advice or experiences very much welcomed.





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Poppy Day, how do I go about organising for me to take my GMC into Dorchester town centre on a Saturday? Call the RBL? And what is the code of conduct?





As I believe you are in the MVT, contact their Dorset Area, they will already be in touch with the local RBL branches without a doubt. Some years ago, MVT and RBL got together and accepted our assistance in collecting. Myself and a few others were often assigned to out of town superstores, Saturday Market, etc. in my home town of Ashford. Initially I seem to remember making contact with a RBL county co-ordinator. After the first year, they then will contact you to check if available. If you look back through Windscreen mags you will often see a feature of photos from the various Areas, of Poppy Day collecting.


Code of Conduct? Well I always dress in something smart and casual without looking like an extra from a war film, green trousers, army jumper, that sort of thing and the other thing is not to entice people to donate, they will come to you. It is amazing how the very small children are eager to put money in the box.



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Hi Jack

I've always done my bit through the local British Legion ,they normally have a list of roads that need collecting from and a list of who's doing what and where. Contact your local branch and they'll assist you. It's great to take your truck as the kids love to climb in and have a look around, gives you somthing to talk to the passing shoppers about.

You could also ask the local cadet forces to assist you who are normally only to glad to help


As for dress code,I normally go in 42 trousers and a 41 Jacket with roughout boots.

Smart and casual :-) :-)


Nice one Jack at least your willing to do your bit for the Poppy appeal :-) :-) :-)

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we have helped for a few years now & a rep from the RBL comes to our meeting in sep/oct with a list of when & where & we chose what is best for us & the vehicles.

this year we are covering Matalans on sat 4th & 11th. WE help out our local branch instead of the main city as it seems more personal.

I agree that the local MVT should have details from the RBL, otherwise there is normally an appeal in local papers for help & of course contact the legion direct.

I also collect during the week as it is not just a weekend event.

i always have a huge sense of fulfilment after helping, most of the Legion members are getting older & can't stand out all day so it needs us younger types to step in & help out

you could always do what i did & join the Legion yourself in your own right. You don't have to be ex forces to join either.



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Jack make sure you post how you get on, I for one would like to get some people together with their vehicles and do a collection, it is something I have never done before :oops: and something I am ashamed to say have never even thought of doing before, so this year life permitting I would like to say "I done that" and hope to have helped some people in my own little way

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Will do Mark and that is pretty much why I posted the question as I can't be the one that would/is like to do this.


I understand Richards point but if I wasn't an MVT member then what would I do? I do not intend to go under the MVT banner with this at all but would like to do it independently. I like the idea of the supermarkets and asking the Cadets, and Berni, you are a good person to have in the movement.


I will make some calls tomorrow and feedback........





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I understand Richards point but if I wasn't an MVT member then what would I do? I do not intend to go under the MVT banner with this at all but would like to do it independently. I like the idea of the supermarkets .........





Fair comment if not attached to a group or club, but it if your are a member it does show the club up in good light with the general public. Whatever, you have to liase with RBL local branch, you are issued with an authorised collectors card and all the necessary items, even posters if required. They tell you where they would like you to go, it is not the thing to just rock up outside the supermarket with your vehicle, it has to be arranged with the management. Usually, the shops, if you are outside a particular one, will be helpful and provide hot drinks. Often a RBL member will be there as well, which is good because some of them are interested in the old vehicles and may not have seen some of them for years if they have not been to shows.



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I have done a display for Poppy Day for the last ten years independant of my local MVT area ( they couldn't be bothered to get involved) . Just contact your local RBL secretary for advice. We have a number of car park spaces kindly allocated by the local council( parking fees waived) to enable the display, consisting of vehicles, equipment, artillery, photo displays etc,even WW2 era music but be careful of copywright ! usually something different each year. Due to Health & Safety regulations the council have always asked to see some public liability insurance and/or a risk assesment but normally this is no problem with vehicles.

We have had a group of local ATS or Army Cadets at the display for the collection so we actually haven't had to get involved with that side of it. WW2 uniform is the usuall dress, it attracts attention hopefully with sale of a Poppy. Its so easy, our local branch usually raises about £10,000 so its worth while. You also get to meet lots of locals who served and can tell you stories of their exploits, you will always find ex-servicemen who drove your type of vehicle !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jerry and Oddball.


Have spoken to the RBLL and the guy is going to pass my details onto the gentleman who organiser's our area -he will get back to me...............


Personally, I wasn't overwhelmed with the response from the RBL as I was told that MV's can be a real pain in the backside for them. I went onto explain that it helps to attract attention and draws in the younger 'viewers' and that is what it is all about as volunteers for the Poppy Appeal is dropping year on year. I was told that they would need to get a liesense for an MV and that could take time and effort, I offered to call all of the relevant authorities to organise all of the relevant liesense's........the reply was - oh, well, umm, err, yeah but no but.....


............sorry for offering our enthusiasm, I thought to myself.

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Hi Jack,


It's a shame the guy you spoke to wasn't that enthusiastic,but to be honest I'm not that surprised as in the past I've found the RBL can be a bit slow off the mark over some things :-(



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Hi Jack Don't be too disheartened, just try one or two of your other local branches, when I first started to organise our group for Poppy Day collections two of our local branches were delighted to have our help and vehicles but a third one was positively hostile. Incidentally it has led to us holding our meetings at the RBL and we have a choice of different rooms at no charge.

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Ok, had a call from the RBL yesterday and they said 'thanks by no thanks, haven't got the time to organise it this year' :cry: even though I offered to do all of the organisation :evil:


Not to sure how the Poppy Appeal can ask for help and then turn their nose up at my GMC :evil: and Jerry's Ferret :x

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