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Hello from Pakenham Ontario

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Hi All, My name is Andrew, and have just registered on HMVF after several weeks, or is it months of "encouragement" / harrassment from my best mate Robin Craig. Like him I am an ex-pat Brit living the good life in Canada. My toy box currently includes a 1956 Land Rover SI, 1959 LR SII 109 Stn Wgn - ex Canadian Dept of Mines and Tech Surveys, 1964 LR SIIA 109 p/u, and a 1976 LR 101GS - ex Luxembourg and ex - Robin Craig...As is to be expected only one of the 4 currently runs, but bringing the 101 back to life is my project for this Winter. I'm also interested in post war British MVs and having spent some part of my childhood in Ulster at the height of the troubles, have a particular interest in FV600 and 700 vehicles, plus most things Bedford. My letter to Santa this year included a request for an Alvis Saracen and a Green Goddess - I'll let you know how that works out...

I'm looking forward to getting to know like-minded, or is that similarly afflicted folks through HMVF in the coming weeks and months

best regards


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welcome to the forum, finally, glad that you overcame the challenges and stuck with it!


Dont mention your rare 87" Land Rover, they wont understand.


Your 101FC is an FFR not a GS by the way!


Oh, yes, FYI, I just spoke to the elves at the North Pole about that drippey letter you sent about a Saracen and a Green Godess. . . . They say it doesnt look good but wanted let you know the glue pots also requested from the same address as your letter are on the way!


As a public service I have attached a picture of Mr Jones so others might recognise his cheesey grin and, well, run!


Your sad southern mate



various 048.jpg

Edited by robin craig
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