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An idea for history!


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Bazz had brought up an interesting point in his post ( http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/newreply.php?p=229024&noquote=1 ) and is timely as we have had folks in the past asking where to visit whilst they are in such and such county but no one to ask.


This got me thinking about how best to solve this issue and several weeks ago I came up with an idea that would fix the problem. I quickly scribbled the idea down then when I got home I worked it up a bit and I ping'd the idea off to someone I know for their feedback and the content/concept is below:


"I don't need to tell you that the public appetite for this era of our history grows by the day. I am thinking about buying the domain www.ww2dorset.com so that it could become the focal point and the onestop shop for Dorsets WW2 history - places to visit, events, pictures, blogs, interviews, videos, tour guides downloads, museums, hotels, B+B's and god knows what else - this has never been done before in the country and it should spread country wide so each county has one - http://www.ww2wiltshire.com for another example. Perfect for tourism, for each county to pull in extra tourists and put our WW1 and WW2 history on the map.........."



I am not saying I am going to do this as I have enough to do with TPM, HMVF and A&E but I think this could/should be work from a County Council level..........


Do you think this would work?

Edited by Jack
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not sure all those seperate county websites would get the hits to make them viable but what if it were www.ww2britain.com with a county map on the home page to click on the county of your choice to find out about that specific region. the down side is some poor buggar would have to run it all but the upside is the rest of us would know where to go.

i've always been good at thinking big, it's the doing part that i struggle with :D



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not sure all those seperate county websites would get the hits to make them viable but what if it were www.ww2britain.com with a county map on the home page to click on the county of your choice to find out about that specific region. the down side is some poor buggar would have to run it all but the upside is the rest of us would know where to go.

i've always been good at thinking big, it's the doing part that i struggle with :D





Got to say eddy that is a cracking idea! The reason I was thinking county by county as then the counties could fund each site. But you idea is better than mine......

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Its a good idea, we have a similar one, maybe worth checking other areas, which not only does WW2 , but covers all history of your local area. Worth a look.

General link



Village specific link, with more details on WW2.




I think it would be great if every place had a similar historical website, but you may want to check that somebody hasnt already done it first!

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