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Spanners in the works......!

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Folks - need to tell you that we will not have the showers on site as we discussed. This is mainly down to the cost £1000+ and I just don't have the money for that :(


I am really sorry if this is going to inconvenience you all but I just couldn't do it. I am aware that part of the £15 was towards the showers but with the price of everything we will only (hopefully) cover the cost of the food. But I hope you have a cracking weekend, free entry into Maiden Newton at War over the weekend and free entry into the Saturday evenings 40's dance and the off road course will stop you from beating me.........:blush:


If folks need a shower than you are more than welcome to use mine at home in Dorchester - I will just give you the key :)



Any problems then please let me know and again sorry for any disappointment.


Kind regards,



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