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Greetings from Tyneside


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Hi everyone. My name is Chris and I live in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK.


I'm one of the 'Airfix' generation and spent my childhood in the Sixties building models of planes and tanks. Come the Seventies and the acquisition of a driving license, I discovered the passion that would stay with me to this day - American automobiles. Starting with hot rods, I went on to 70's muscle cars, then 60's, then 50's, culminating in the purchase of a 1948 Pontiac 16 years ago (which I still have - I can't bear to part with anything, a trait that I'm sure I share with a lot of you).


Round about this time I took my son to the Flying Legends Air Show at Duxford. Wowwww! I couldn't believe all the machinery there - doing what it was built to do (well almost). In the following years my other son took an interest and we've been nearly every year since.


In 2004 we all went to Normandy and to War and Peace later in the year. I think it was about this time that I started to think "I'd like to get more involved in this" and started, subconsciously, looking at what was for sale.


Finally nearly six years later I have found the time, money and storage space to make my dream a reality. I started looking seriously about three months ago and have just bought a 1943 Dodge WC51. My criteria in looking for a vehicle was simple - had to be US built (of course), not too small, not too large, had to be able to travel at over 30mph, good spares availability and a good following and the Dodge has all of those - I love it ! My wife says she's been replaced as the love of my life, I'm always outside tinkering at any opportunity :-)


I'm going to post a wanted ad in the classifieds as there are a few bits and pieces I need, so if any of you Dodge owners out there can help me I'd love to hear from you.



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Hi Chris


I live in Washington, so chances are well bump into each other quite a bit at NE events. Get yourself booked in to this new event at Croft Racing Circuit ( www.croftmilitary.co.uk ) and you'll get to meet Bodge Deep and myself. If you are looking for us, our display is quite subtle!




There's also quite a few events held at the NE Aircraft Museum across the year, plus a big one at the DLI Museum in Durham. Drop me a PM for events on in the area that you may want to attend. I belong to the Durham Tees Valley MVT, but get around to events all over the North East, plus a few further afield.



Edited by Jessie The Jeep
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Hi Steve,

Nice to hear from someone local. I love what you and Bodge have done with your vehicles - It's good to see the Army Air Force get a look in. I'll drop you a PM (as soon as I find out how) and look forward to meeting you at one of the local events. To everyone else thanks for the welcome - it really is a friendly forum.


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