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Replica Schwimvagen...

mark m uk

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Thanks Guys, some great comments - really appreciate the interest.


That really does look a very scruffy job, so I figured I'd tidy it up with a coat of primer, so wire wheeled it back to metal and got the spray gun out. it looks much better for some paint, now I can work my way around the tub and massage all the dents out.


A couple of pictures I took today - I used up all the odds and ends of primer . :D



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Is this going to be a swimmer or is that for a later project? Also Wanted to know how close this will be on exact measurments or is it more a close match. Either way its still impressive piece . Beats the Faecal matter out of the Recce Land Rover replicas out there!. Keep up the good work.

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Hi Grippa,


Thanks for the kind words.


Yes, it will swim, but it will not have front wheel drive - that is for the MKII, maybe. lots of work required for that particular specification to be realised.


The replica is not 'exact'. It was never intended to be. It is my intention to make a close, but not absolutely 100% representation of a VW type166.


Back to basics. I have a really nice original Ford GPA, and have been involved in building a replica of that. I also (many years ago) supplied replica GPA parts. Many of the GPAs out there have my replica parts on them. I challenge anyone to tell which parts on which Amphibs they are, and it for the owners to divulge - not me.


Those are my 'credentials', and without wishing to sound immodest, if I wanted to make an exact replica, accurate to the finest detail - I would!


In any event, very good replicas are already available from CZ, and there is no point or desire to tread on toes.


The reason behind this project is to see if a fair representation of a 166 can be made from a stock, and readily available VW beetle, for a price that is affordable - and thus make it once again possible for the 'ordinary' man in the street to at least have something. To even hope to acheive that some comprimises have to be made - not least of all so as Beetle parts will fit.


It would seem that collecting military vehicles, a hobby that I remember as a 'poor mans classic car', has to some extent been hijacked by the wealthy.


Certainly, Armour and German vehicles have become out of financial reach.


The 166, will never again be available for anything like the price that anyone on an average salary could afford.


Anyway, those are my thoughts, and that is my reasoning.


Regards Mark.

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I agree with you compleatly.Like the idea of having a car that is inspired by rather than an exact copy. that way you can tell the rivet counters which way to go. It still stands out from the rest. Hows does the Schwimvagen compare to the GPA? Always prefered the duck to the GPA, but the GPA has to be easier to park!!

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Thank you W/lancs, and Grippa,


Not sure how the SW will compare to the GPA, not sure I ever will know as I have never swum my GPA.


I understand that the GPAs are OK in the water,


Problem with the GPA is they are fully loaded with 4 men and their kit, so apart from recon they had very limited value as a tactical vehicle.


The greatest single contribution the GPA made to the war effort was that it established a principle of development. In that a stock production vehicle could be taken, fitted with a hull and would perform as an amphibian.


Having established that design principle, all they had to do was scale it up. Pick another mass produced vehicle - the CCKW, and hey presto ...............The most successful amphibian of all time !


I guess I am preaching old information to those that already know - sorry!


Regards Mark.

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Thank you Enigma,


I cant see any reason why this needs to be be re-registered as a road vehicle.


It is a 1969 VW Beetle - end of.


Yes, I have taken it apart and rebuilt it.


The bodywork is mostly unaltered because the four wheel arches and front crossmembers are the same, the rear end is actually the same but 'reshaped' the engine cover likewise. Additional steel tubeing around the front. In principle, no different to a heavily repaired car, and in practice much, much better.

The chassis, brakes, steering, suspension, engine, gearbox, drive shafts, are the very same original equipment.


Apart from the shape, this is 85% the same car, and those parts that are 'missing' are things like the headlining, door handles, instruments and glass etc.


Regards Mark.

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Someone remarked that the lil' truck I am building reminded them of a Frankenstein creation :(....

.............I hadn't considered it befor, but I can see the reason they would say that - all these odd pieces roughly stitched together.

Got to thinking that I had created an ugly monster - so to cheer the project along I figured it would be a good investment of time to perform a little 'Nip - tuck' type cosmetic surgery.

Having chose the ugliest piece of the truck, the engine cover that was made by butchering a stock ventless Beetle cover and welding a section of roof into the middle. (the lifting handles are made from the metal legs from my computer stool :D)

I beat out the dents, dressed off the welds. and put the tiniest skim of u-pol over the welds, sanded and hit it with polymer 2 pak. wet an dry - then top coat with some matt light stone.

waddaya think ?


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Only joking, very smart. I hate bodywork with a passion so anyone who can make a good job of it gets my vote.


:rofl:..................Thanks mate, I prefer Bodywork to mechanical stuff.


maybe we should start Garage business together ?


OK, guess what is in the box that arrived from Germany today ?


You all know how exiteing this is, :-D


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:rofl:..................Thanks mate, I prefer Bodywork to mechanical stuff.


maybe we should start Garage business together ?


OK, guess what is in the box that arrived from Germany today ?


You all know how exiteing this is, :-D




Dropdown prop Gearbox?


looks the mutts

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:-D..............I know what you mean Mr Deep, some bits are just cool.


I really like the bonnets on Dodges, the way they are hinged and all the vents just look so good -


I also like front wings on Jimmies,


Radiator grill on an MB/GPW


Split screen on a Diamond T


I cant bear the front wings on White half tracks - yuk !


Most British built lorries look like they have already had an accident.


Guy ant - ugliest truck ever invented.


Kubel - looks like the designer couldn't draw freehand so just used a ruler.


Ketten krad - most over-engineered motorcycle, and totally fantastic.


The list of Random likes and dislikes is endless.

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Sounds like a challenge to me..........I'll get me welder fired up !


P.S. Nice Avatar '17 has to be the best looking aircraft to ever grace the sky. And I broke your code too ........Thorpe Abbott, I'd guess - home of the 'bloody hundreth', as for me - I am at the home of the 'sly birds'

I guess you know that one ,they fly stuff here too.

Edited by mark m uk
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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a long while since an update on this thread, but I have been busy,

imaginary cyber coconut to the first to figure where this picture was taken



Now, back to Schwimm-progress,


Filling, sanding, filler primering and primering - mostly done.

Used a polyester 2pak, at £23 a litre, I didn't use much, and just the thinest skim of u-pol over the welds after they were ground to about +1mm.


I had a "right royal result" (as my cockney barrow boy mate would say) with the top coat, a light stone matt, ex British army camauflage paint - surplus from the gulf war, a last minute snipe off e-bay for..............99p


Anyway, I couldn't do it to the guy, so I arranged the shipping and sent him a £20 note.

The finish is not so great, TBH, I got the arse with it and didn't bother much with the inside.

Some shots, it is still a long way off perfect, there are plenty of flaws, but, well, life is too short, and it ain't a real 166 anyway.







Useing a homemade wooden sanding block, is not without frustrations :mad:



Regards Mark M

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