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Everything posted by Redcap

  1. Redcap


    If it helps any, my old RMP(v) Coy were amongst the first non-Infantry TA units in LonDist to re-equip with the L85A1, at which point we back squadded all our SMGs, LMGs, and the few SLRs we had for the attached cap badges, and that was, IIRC, in 1994.
  2. Mark, what calibre is the cat, and does it fire HESH (Highly Expressive Swiping Hiss) Rounds? :evil:
  3. lol - no probs there, you see that corner you're about to tear round? Tiny, all 7'3" of him, our resident PTI, is standing behind it. Enjoy meeting the mountain :evil:
  4. Heh, cool Nice to find a boss with common sense LOL - check sig :rofl:
  5. Don't forget that the squaddies choice of soap tended to be TCP soap (if they had brains, that is); I think you'll aslo find that there were still a few bold lads using safety razors, shaving soap sticks, and shaving brushes as well - depended on individual preferences, but don't forget that battery stores and 3-pin sockets did not ever grow on trees
  6. Meaning of EIIR tags on officer rank insignia: Hope this helps
  7. "OUI! thees ees goooood stuff, mon amie!"
  8. heh... seen on a bumper sticker recently... "I slow down for- ****! NO BRAKES!"
  9. "humph. Snake oil again. You'd think the commissary'd have a little more imagination!"
  10. "AHA!... der Fuhrer's Merc iz speedink, herr Kapitan: I haf it on der vilm. Can ve shoot der driver?"
  11. Hmm. MODF90, eh? Here's a new wrinkle you might like to check up on then: I believe there's a current DCI(Army) regarding the wearing of uniform by serving soldiers (regular and TA) at non-MoD-run/approved military-themed events. You may want to check with your Unit Admin Officer, and if necessary, get the green light off the OC before proceeding.
  12. Living History Groups have a Specific Defence under s.2(1) The Uniforms Act 1894 (c.45), which states: It's actually very rare that the Act is upheld, but when it is, there's normally other damn good reasons why it's invoked. Hope that clears that one up
  13. Back of a landie, on all the bergans, in me green worm, trundling over all manner of tracks and roads on ex Log Leap back in '93 or so. Slept like a log, woke up minty fresh (well, fresh as something, anyhow ) best kip I've had in me life
  14. lol - Wouldn't know - my old man was Int Corps, and practically refused to talk to me for a few years when I opted for the RMP - some of most peaceful years for a while that I remember :evil:
  15. heh... heard over mil radio many years back in the middle of an exercise... can't remember the call sign involved, so stuffing one in...
  16. :rofl:You should've made good on the RSM's comments :evil:
  17. lol - beaten to the punch, yeah, Redcap 70 is an excellent resource. You can also contact the RMP Museum, now located at: The RMP Museum DCPG PP38 Southwick Park Nr Fareham Hampshire PO17 6EJ Tel: 023 9228 4372 I found them incredibly useful in researching the Cold War period for CWP, and while they don't hold soldiers records, they have all the archives of the RMP Journal, and unit / divisional scrap books as well
  18. cancel this - just spotted your other thread on the topic, James
  19. there were after-market belts made with roll-pin fixings, I think Arktis might've made a few back in the early 90s, but afaik, they never were an issue bit of kit.
  20. That's the reason that a lot of car owners use Tracker... while not a solution to preventing a determined tea leaf, Tracker has an astonishing recovery rate... especially when the old bill can't be there the instant it's been nicked http://www.tracker.co.uk/SVR.html
  21. Dave - I remember December :morning::coffee: Gentle reminder - gloves :evil: Tis gonna be bleedin' parky!!! :shake::rofl:
  22. Excellent site, and he's been of great help with contacts for the Cold War Provost Living History Group, regarding a few photos on there, too HIGHLY recommended
  23. Planning to, depends on road and weather conditions, though - I'm limited to a Ford Mondeo
  24. Her: "I thought you said you were bombing down the road?" Him: "I said I was BEING bombed down the road!"
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