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Everything posted by Redcap

  1. Ouch, sorry to hear that, mate :-(
  2. OK, thanks. Unable to arrive today (work), but will be there tomorrow
  3. While I think about it, what time is everyone turning up?
  4. Spent the day giving Dave a hand getting the MJ ready for the installation of a cell... :evil: Although he did draw the line at fitting chicken wire inside the cell space hooked up to the jenny :banghead::rofl: So many evil ideas.. so few acolytes
  5. Michael - Apologies for the necropost - I only just noticed this thread. The FN Fal was introduced to British Military Service on or about 1954 as the "Rifle, 7.62 x 54mm, L1A1", and was more commonly known as the SLR, or Self Loading Rifle. Its' replacement, the Rifle, L85 (SA-80) began replacing the SLR and other weapons of the time (SLR, SMG, LMG) from around 1985 (hence the L85 designation). Full changeover from the SLR to the L85 was achieved by around 1994, once all TA units had finally been re-equipped. My old unit was re-equipped in around 1993, if I recall correctly - I oversaw the process, as I was the Company Armoury Storesman at the time.
  6. OK, just found the nearest candidate by a long chalk... Basic Character set: Mock-up plates The font is called "Liberation Sans Bold", it's freeware (GNU), and can be found here: http://www.dafont.com/Liberation-Sans.Font Good for printing up mock-ups while you wait for the actual plates to arrive
  7. Speaking of repro plates, it occurred to me a while back that the actual print-face (font) used in British plates for period vehicles is more often than not just wrong - they're using the modern font, not the old 1940s and 1950s font - in the two plates of the three you've shown above, the first uses the modern font, the second the correct font (probably as it's an original). And no, I haven't a clue where to find the font - I've been looking on and off for a year on this, so any ideas would be welcome!
  8. I'll try to get there for the Sunday, and I'll be GPS mapping the site for use in a royalty-free map which should, if it comes off as I hope it to, benefit everyone OK, OK, it's primarily for the "118-118" Provost Information Post at the top of the approach track , but it'll help everyone if it works
  9. Which is why I'm planning on staying up the top of the hill :evil::nut::-D
  10. You do that, old son :-D The Motto's "Exemplo Ducemus", which means "By Example We lead"
  11. Don't suppose anyone's got a British Military map to 1:50,000 (or even better, a 1:25,000 map) of West Berlin in the Cold War that they can let me get copied, for Cold War Provost's event display, have they? Mucho thanks and stuff, in advance, for anyone that can help
  12. LOL - Jon obviously misheard me the other day - I said I was awaiting my leave booking to be confirmed, but that it was taking ages - which normally is a sign that it'd be denied - but there y'go Good things happen to those who wear red caps :rofl:
  13. Leave booked and approved, will be there for the whole shindig this time
  14. Cool - MUCH nearer my home Still a bit confused as to the exact location - anyone got an OS grid reference?
  15. The reason for the retraction? Chances are it was a "uncommanded accidental activation of the undercarriage lever" or some such baloney
  16. Redcap


    Info re the geographical area in which the theft took place would probably help, mate A ten-mile radius would probably be best, to start with
  17. It's supposed to be vented in organised sports and games, such as inter-unit Boxing, Rugby (Union, of course), and so on. There's actualy a pamphlet ("Pamphlet he says, it's contained in a ******* four-inch-thick binder!) called "Sport And Games In The Army" devoted to all this stuff, too. Naturally though, on a Friday and Saturday night, invariably, when two somewhat over-ego-equipped bunches of lads wander down the town for a sherbet or ten, it tends to end in tears before bed-time
  18. PMSL! By the way, we had one of your old mob come over to the Dark Side ™, when his ecilop natiloportem duties interfered with his deployment duties! Saw him not so long ago, he's now a SSgt RMP(v) Set a thief to catch a thief, and all that, I guess :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  19. And strangely, they ALL hated my old mob... can't imagine why :angel::evil:
  20. Last minute balls-up here - unable to make it Sorry folks
  21. Or possibly it was the Gorilla & Beret badge next to it that did the trick? :evil::rofl:
  22. Hells bells, mate, I was wearing the damn things as part of "Working Dress" up until 1997 when I left the T.A.! Ain't that the truth!:rofl:
  23. pzluchs - Kazakhstan is either a boom town economy or a problem waiting to happen - it also has a chequered recent history of military violence. I cannot make heads or tails of the official material from the FCO (Foreign And Commonwealth office) on this. Add to this, any matériel with a genuine Military use must be the subject of an EUL (End User Licence), and you begin to see the quagmire you're asking members of this forum to enter into. With the above in mind, I would therefore strongly suggest that any member looking to assist pzluchs check with HMCS and the FCO before finalising any agreements.
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