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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Said in the wrong place/company you could be VERY wrong.... :-D
  2. Will that day come Joris.....will it come. :whistle:
  3. Definition of bike: bicycle: a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
  4. Definitions of vehicle on the Web: a conveyance that transports people or objects
  5. Mark


    Welcome to the forum Pete, whereabouts are you from you sound like anss aussie. Mark H NO!
  6. Mnay happy returns to Richard Grosvenor (33), marko laukkanen (34) hope you both have a nice day and many green gifts. :-D
  7. Hi Brizio and welcome to the forum, whereabouts are you from and can you post some pictures of your jeeps and the models as well. Enjoy.
  8. Nice one joris, there goes the quiet times. All the best.
  9. Thanks Dylan there are some nice ones there that could do with a bit of TLC.
  10. Jack if that hole is where I think it is on the back by the tailgate, isn't that box section so would the bullet still be inside there. :whistle:
  11. Mark

    Axle Leak

    I am on nights this weekend Jack and it is blooming cold out there, but now I have the TM's I will be looking into it soonest. :coffee2:
  12. Mark


    In Kent we had a flurry, more like dandruff :coffee2:
  13. It's just going to get worse from now on. :angry:
  14. Mark

    Axle Leak

    Thanks lads all helpful information.
  15. Mark

    Myth Busting.....

    The title is 44,000lb bomb Then goes on to say "Twice the size of the 22,000-pound M110," I like it. :whistle:
  16. Mark

    Myth Busting.....

    Did'nt the Russians rename it a YAK ?
  17. Mark

    Axle Leak

    Tony I got them through the post today, so as I am on nights this weekend guess what I am doing :whistle:
  18. Always been into green, it's just that work got in the way of getting anything and it was not until I stopped travelling that I was able to participate in the hobby. A very boring life before that. :coffee2:
  19. I split this topic as suggested as it is turning into an interesting one.
  20. That is interesting I shall be following this all the way, I hope it's not sad at the end though.
  21. WOW!! brave man, one time only
  22. Do they light them one by one then :dunno:
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