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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Mark

    Jimmy Nuts

    Mike I do not envisage ever having to put double wheels up front (I only have one spare) so as it is now it might be wise to put the extra nuts on and be doubly sure that they are safe :dunno: It's a thought
  2. Mark

    Jimmy Nuts

    I will get them off at the weekend and get them balanced then re-fit with ALL nuts back on then see what happens next time it goes out. save up for petrol first
  3. What this one http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/GermanySurrender1lg.jpg[/img] http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/GermanySurrender2lg.jpg[/img]
  4. Mark

    Jimmy Nuts

    Thanks for the offer matey but I have a load in the locker, I thought they were for the extra wheel on the fronts but obviously they are not, and to think I have been driving it around like that, makes you wonder if that is a cause of the wobble in a previuos thread I posted :dunno:
  5. Mark

    Jimmy Nuts

    That was my thoughts exactly, that there should be nuts on the outside as well, reading thru the manual last night it describes taking the front wheel off by undoing the nuts first, but there isn't any. Does anyone have outer nuts on their jimmy front wheels??
  6. Mark

    Myth Busting.....

    America entering the war was a forgone conclusion. The U.S., Britain, and the Netherlands had already agreed that all three nations would go to war against Japan if the Japanese entered Thailand — which they did a week before Pearl Harbor. So the U.S. was already committed to war (without the knowledge of Congress or the American people) a week before Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt then told his cabinet that they had to get the Japanese to fire the first shot. Pearl Harbour.
  7. Done it Rick any bigger then you start losing a lot of quality. ;-)
  8. Mark

    Jimmy Nuts

    Cheek!! That is camouflage :whistle:
  9. Send it in here and get it published on the forum Chris :dunno:
  10. Mark

    Jimmy Nuts

    Ok thank you, had me worried there for a mo'
  11. Hi All This may sound and look silly, but should I have wheel nuts on the front wheels of my jimmy :oops: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/CIMG0475.jpg[/img] http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/CIMG0474.jpg[/img]
  12. Well I for one am not changing my handle, it is what I was christened with. :coffee2: On this point if someone does post with a weird name just PM them and ask fro the real one and if they want to give it out then they will, as Ian2B says lots of forums have run for years without peoples names on there so why change just because we are getting a bit of flack from some quarters, do you really think that this will stop because I post under Bert or Sid, dont think so. Whatever we post on here will be/can be criticised because the outsiders want to, not because we have "handles" Carry on.
  13. What just a normal battery charger, that is what I would like to do, or is there another type of charger around?
  14. ABN when I have done the inside and finished I will post some pics up here
  15. Thank you Neil that is great :-D
  16. Looks good Lee, I assume you can wire the top plug to whatever you want? i.e. a battery charger etc.
  17. You are supposed to be at work Mark, so stop playing snooker or whatever and wash the trucks :coffee2:
  18. The battery is located on the right hand side and I am intending to install in the back close to that point, I will use 2.5 cable which should be ample for a charger and a "plug/socket" within, also this plug/socket will supply low voltage lighting in the event of no genny supply, but primarily it will be for using it to charge the battery. Why not ?? the plug/sockets should be ablr to take the supply, yes!!
  19. Can you still not get permission to look though
  20. OK I have this http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/CIMG0462.jpg[/img] and I have a power supply socket at the back for all my needs from a genny or house, this supplies all my needs as in lights etc. to charge my battery I have to remove a cover and then run a lead (may be raining) to charge it, if I install the plug and socket as above I can then charge from inside the back end, the power cable to the truck is waterproof when on site/shows, whilst on this supply or at home I can plug in the charger and sort the battery out. Does THIS make sense. :-D
  21. Cheers Tony, my thought is to put them in the back of the truck (living quarters) and charge the battery from there, and then if I want an extra light I can plug into that, does that make sense.
  22. Its been advertised on TV, have you not seen them :schocked:
  23. Richard I have not fitted or got them yet, the wire would be my choice probably 2.5 which should be enough for a cgarger, would the sockets be man enough though.
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